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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. ICECREAM!!!!! I must avoid it at all costs. I try to eat healthy, but avoiding wheat means that I crave sweets. I try to avoid them too.
  2. Bummed. Back to work after an awesome vacation...sigh...
  3. LOL! My husband just loves Donald Trump and the idea of a non politician running the country for a change. I am not sold...
  4. Loved it! Saw it twice. I had some concerns going in, but I was not disappointed.
  5. Ooh! ME, ME, ME!! I am not a gamer, but I do love me some DOOM!!!
  6. Dude, nouedis sounds like a drug pusher. Stop it already! LOL, are you a salesman for adrafanil?
  7. I just scrolled to Golem and it freaked me out! Dude...
  8. Did you read your own post?!?! Two jobs, grad school, and a kid? Honey, you are tired because you are overextending yourself. My mom used to tell me that when you burn your candle at both ends, you will wind up just a puddle of wax. When you get to a point where you can let some of the extra stuff go, then you may not be so tired all the time. The right time will present itself. You know you can't stay on this drug for the rest of your life.
  9. All people have down days...except people jacked up on Adderall. Flying high is not normal, remember that. Great job, CreativeGuy and CarpeDiem! Y'all are on the right track!
  10. Tell Your Story Forum..."My Story in a Nutshell" by Carock84.
  11. I think there is a new member here who is now trying to quit vyvanse. After being addicted to Adderall and successfully quitting. You should check out that new post...
  12. Try Strattera if you need something. My daughter is on it and it works for her. It is a non stimulant.
  13. Everything is brighter, and more enjoyable nowadays...
  14. You ROCK! Great job! Btw, I always give food to the homeless folks. I have seen them throw it down once or twice, but most are very grateful... I bought a guy a ham and cheese sub sandwich and a bottle of water once. I didn't think about it until later, but I hoped he wasn't against pork products. Next time, I will buy turkey...just in case. lol
  15. I couldn't have said it any better, Grumpycat!! Anyone who has read my posts and comments knows that I told everyone. I mean...everyone! I posted my quit story on facebook. I made sure that I have no way to go back. Accountability worked for me. Plus, it helped to have an excuse for the weight gain! Good luck, and come back here often. This site has made all the difference. I have tried to quit so many times, but I was only successful after finding this forum and the supportive folks who post here.
  16. My husband got more supportive as the months went by and it really looked like I was going to stick with it. Remember, you are still going to be a little sensitive regarding your addiction and recovery. He can't understand... Great Job! I am super proud of you!
  17. If you quit cold turkey, then this isn't drawn out. What you are doing is experiencing the quit every time you cut back. You should just do it once. It is torture to taper, in my opinion.
  18. Sounds like your friend doesn't like to deal with his girlfriend when she is in withdrawal...
  19. quit-once...It is too hard to make ice cream in the churn. I think I wasted $35 buying the churn. It is easier to buy it already made. I imagine meth addicts who make their own meth have this same issue...LOL!
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