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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Candy Crush is like a drug...be careful!
  2. you are right, grumpycat. It was my biggest reason for returning to the Adderall time after time. I could quit for a week or two, but the weight creep made me freak out and go to the doc, every time...until one year ago!!! Yay for being a quitter!!!
  3. You can do this!!!! Don't give up. Please just give it a month, then see how you feel. It does get better, I promise! You are stronger than you think you are.
  4. Be ready with your coping strategies...weight gain is hard for all of us, but particularly difficult if you have a history of an eating disorder. You will gain weight, but don't beat yourself up. Once you recover a while and get some motivation back, it comes off. You can do this! I am impressed at your ability to taper, and can't wait to see your "I QUIT today" post.
  5. I ate for the first time in years...and I ate a lot. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep and eat. You can do this! Don't quit! You have to get okay with the idea that you are going to gain weight. When you have had the metabolism of a humming bird for so long, it is hard to get used to being a slug. No matter what you do, you can't help but gain the weight. It will happen sooner or later, because the drug doesn't work forever. I had already started to gain while on the meds. I was facing upping my dose or quitting. I chose to quit. Best decision ever!
  6. I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! That is a huge milestone, it really is. I can't get over how awesome this post is...
  7. The day I posted my story on this site, I also posted it on Facebook. I told everyone, all at once. The support was great and it felt good to stop hiding. Now they all understood why I was a wonder woman who could constantly eat pints of icecream and never get fat. I was determined to not go back...so I burned the Adderall bridge. I recently saw my old boss at a funeral service, and I could not bring myself to talk to her. I am still not sure if I was the reason she was so horrible to me. I can't really make sense of how she treated me and the things which were said can't be unsaid. I think that relationship is beyond repair. I agree with Survived...
  8. I know it seems like it is bad news, that it takes so long. The good news is that you can do this! The fact that so many of us can tell you at what point it got better should show you that it is possible to quit successfully. Nothing worth doing is easy...
  9. My job is kind of a cake walk, so...I am fortunate. I tried to get other jobs, because I thought I needed some extra motivation. I am glad none of them worked out, because this job is just what I need at this time in my life.
  10. Squeeee! This is such a huge accomplishment. I think it feels better than when I graduated from college, both times! It sure seems like it was more difficult.
  11. Yes, true story. That is what my husband just said. LOL, he and the kids are more laid back now that I am more laid back. It is nice...
  12. It took me a month or so to stop sleeping every weekend away (and draggin' ass all week). 3 months to stop wanting to call for a new prescription. After a year, I don't even think about it anymore, except to be glad I don't have to be a slave to it anymore...
  13. I saw it twice this weekend. How was the IMAX version? I thought about trying the 3D. Now that my son has contacts, he can wear the 3D glasses. So, we may try it again. He hated 3D with his glasses.
  14. LOL, my husband would not take my prescription in for me. I had just told him that I was quitting, so he wouldn't do it. I think if the script had been in the house, I would have taken it. I was weak that way...
  15. I like this idea. I wonder if it would help my daughter with her anxiety?
  16. Jurassic World!!! I had some concerns going in, but I really enjoyed it.
  17. It feels really good to read this after one year clean! I do not miss that way of life, at all.
  18. L-Tyrosine has helped me, along with fish oil, magnesium, probiotics, and LOTS of caffeine.
  19. I love the clarity! I remember just sitting outside and feeling the sun on my face. How long since I had just relaxed in the sun and enjoyed the day? Better times are ahead of you, guaranteed!
  20. I drank a lot on Adderall, because I could not sleep at night. I rarely drink now, but I have struggled with my carbohydrate addiction since quitting...
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