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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. I am SO proud of you! You are one of my inspirations on this forum and without you and the others, I doubt I would have had the strength to stay from the false promise of an "easy road". What you are experiencing is what everyone experiences without Adderall. It is just that most have never had the "horrible, but simple" experience of being on it. So, they don't know any different. It really makes you think about how it is cheating to be on it. Others just can't compete when you are a jacked up machine...with no time for the simple things. Don't beat yourself up for the Netflix days, enjoy them... You should take a look at www.wheatbellyblog.com . It is a great lifestyle and the best side effects of this healthy way of eating are weight loss and feeling great! Read some of the articles and see if you want to try it. I feel so much better now that I am on the road to getting back into great shape. I am a force to be reckoned with when I am fit Exercise is still an issue, but I have started walking 20-30 minutes each day and it is getting easier. I have a walking partner at work and she makes me go even when I want to be a slug. Motivation can come from an external source, it is okay. Remember, you are a success story. Even with the ups and downs, you have done it! So proud...
  2. It is officially 20 pounds today!!! Hmmm, I have to be careful not to get addicted to weight loss and become a crazy anorexic...cause it feels GREAT!!
  3. Eleven (as in 11 months clean today!!!)
  4. Cinco de Mayo marks 11 months since I quit the devil drug. I have lost almost 20 of the 40 pounds I gained. I am feeling more motivated, and life is really starting to get brighter! I have days where I just don't feel like doing anything, but my husband assures me that it is normal. To all the newbies, hang in there! It is possible to quit and get your old self back. It just takes time and determination.
  5. My daughter has one of the autism spectrum disorders-PDD-NOS. Until you have lived this hell, you can't really comment. Trust me when I say, I have tried all non med options. At this point, I am praying for her not to end up living under a bridge some day. Thanks for your concern. I certainly understand your feelings.
  6. Yay! Great job! Hang in there, because we are all proud of you.
  7. Excited!! I'm gonna be a movie extra this weekend! SQUEEEE!!!
  8. It doesn't bother her. Unless she doesn't take it. The withdrawal seems uncomfortable.
  9. My daughter is taking Strattera now. I took her off of Concerta when I quit Adderall. It seems to work well. It doesn't change who she is and it doesn't wear off at homework time.
  10. I went semi paleo (I love cheese!) and it has made me feel so much better. It is hard at first, but getting rid of grains has helped me the most. Sugar is harder, but I keep trying. Sugar and wheat are super addictive! My problem is that I can't just have a little bit of sugar. Like Adderall, I have to quit cold turkey. It is easier to quit Adderall though, because I was able to cut off my supply. Sugar is everywhere...
  11. I am not a skier, but my husband and I love to rock crawl in our FJ Cruisers. Yes, we both have one. 4 wheeling and hot spring pools!! I can't wait. Although, 25 hours one way with a 10 and 12 year old fighting in the back seat is not terribly appealing...I have planned a lot of cool stops along the route. Route 66 has some really neat crap to see. My dad lives near Clearwater, FL. We haven't visited him in a while. Unfortunately, any FL trip has to include Disney and we can't afford to drive to Colorado and go to Disney in the same year. First World Problems, right?! LOL.
  12. I was seeing things out of the corner of my eye. Bugs flying, shadows, etc. These went away after a few weeks, but I still see something from time to time. I think that is normal for most people, though. Recovery is different for each person. Don't be too hard on yourself and give your body time to repair the damage it has endured. It should get better gradually. Have a snack and take a walk outside. Tell those voices to STFU and get back in there! Good luck.
  13. Emotionally I felt better after about a month. In the last month or so I started to get back some of my motivation. At almost 11 months clean I am able to work around the house pretty well. Although it is scattered and erratic, like before my Adderall prescription...I can't clean one room without getting distracted, but it is just who I am. It's okay!
  14. I totally didn't quit many times because I didn't want to get fat. It was the main reason I went back to it so many times before finally coming clean. F'd up? Absolutely.
  15. When I quit Adderall, I took my daughter off of her Concerta too. It seemed wrong to medicate her when I knew it was destroying me. Best thing I ever did!
  16. June 5 is my one year. What's your anniversary day, survived?
  17. I bet your mom knew. Mine did. She was so happy when I told her that i had quit. Have fun!
  18. We are going to the FJ Cruiser Summit 9 in Ouray, Colorado for the second year in a row. I had just quit Adderall last year when we went and it was super hard planning and being excited about the trip. This year is the complete opposite. I am super excited and have already started the planning! So, any plans to travel this year? If so, where are you heading?
  19. It comes off once you get your motivation back. But that bullshit they tell you about "it took nine months to gain and it will take that long to come off" doesn't apply to Adderall weight gain, IMHO. Mainly because there is a serious lack of motivation and energy. BUT...it gets better and then you can enjoy life again. For some of us, it had been so long since we were not on Adderall it was like meeting ourselves for the first time! I keep asking my husband if I was like this before Adderall and he keeps reassuring me that I was. I don't even remember... He also keeps telling me that what I am experiencing is what all "normal" (read-not jacked up on addy) people go through every day. Weird, right? JUST QUIT TAKING THEM!!!! Then, deal with it one day at a time. You can do it and you must do it. Only you can quit.
  20. I wish I hadn't indulged in those early days...40 pounds came on quick!
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