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Everything posted by Shambo

  1. So so happy for you BB! You did it! MadhAtter, you're doing great. You can do this. Xoooo
  2. @jon Great book! Read Wild yet?
  3. Drugs. And rehab. And church. And digging deep. And questioning if I'm an addict- again. I wish we all lived close and could have our own support group.

  4. Fantastic post and congratulations! I was smiling while reading through it. I could almost start clapping:). It's very cool to hear the optimism and I wish you the best. You're awesome.
  5. Shambo


    My daughter and husband have ocd. This is the best treatment I've found and it seems to have high success rates. AND no meds. This is the wiki page so it just give you the idea. Hope it helps. Xooo http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_and_response_prevention
  6. Day 27- fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. I feel eye rolls and I am a loser. I have got to quit giving my 2 cents to every new post each time I get gung-ho and quit. I sound like a fucking idiot. I have nothing to say. It's a waste of your energy for me to keep running here for affirmation/encouragement and failing every time. I hate it and I'm fucking ashamed. I fucking hate addiction. I hate my weakness. Please don't respond. I guess I need rehab. I hope you all keep plugging away and find peace. 3 days. WhAt a disappointment. Fuck. Thanks for everything, AmyQ
  7. Oh Robin. You encourage me so much more than you know. I'm so proud of you! I had no idea you'd made the leap. I'm cheering you on!
  8. That's hilarious justin. Thanks for the laugh.
  9. Fat. Warning- bitch fit mode engaged- fire!!! So, my husband comes home and suggests I take some "me time" and go to hot yoga if I'd like to. Listen, I know I'm sounding a typical crazy girl here. But what I heard is, "take your fat ass to the gym." Why does he have to suggest "me time" as hot yoga and never coffee or the park or anything else!?!! I'm so flip-pin' pissed!!! (One of my favorite lines from White Chicks:) Rant done. No need to reply. I'm being too sensitive I think. Have a good day guys!
  10. How are you doing? Give us an update when you can. Xoooo
  11. Wellbutrin has been in incredible for me. I've quit so many times. I tried supplements and no supplements. But wellbutrin has worked best by far. The emotional rollercoaster ride wasn't AS dramatic. The biggest help was that I haven't been tired. And I haven't craved cigarettes for the first time in 23 years. I still use magnesium, iron and fish oil but I'm grateful for the wellbutrin. Congratulations on calling your Dr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god that's so fucking hard!!!! You DID IT!!!!!!! You are tha bomb dot com;). I'm rooting for you! Sending love your way.
  12. Good job! Thanks for the update. I was wondering how you were doing. It's good to hear you sounding positive. Have a great week.
  13. Bigbeezy- congrats on day 22! You sound like things are going well for you. I'm so glad you're still here. We are so close to 30! Have a good week!
  14. Days 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26- good. It's so good to see familiar people still posting good days.
  15. One more thing- days 4 & 5 were the worst EVERY single time I've quit. The first 2 weeks it's enough to just make it through the day. 120mg is big. I took huge doses as well. Please be easy on yourself and your expectations of what you "should" be accomplishing right now. I wish you the best.
  16. It sucks you're throwing up and stuff. I wonder if you caught a virus? I came down with the flu during my November quit last year. It was awful. Sleep and treat yourself like you treat your little girl when she's very sick. Stock up on easy meals and cancel bullshit appointments or commitments. Embrace hot baths and television. It's awesome when you have 2 belly laughs in one day- on meds I maybe had belly laughs twice a month. What a great way to celebrate Mother's Day. I'm rooting for you!!! I hope you feel better soon. PS you're still super hot in stretchy pants and your skin is going to be glowing like it used to. Pony tails rock. Bras are overrated. So is brushing your teeth. And icecream is great soul food for that first week or so. Xooooo
  17. Day 21- done. Today I burnt this months refill script. It's another step in the right direction so I feel good. I can relax for 30 more days. I feel certain that the stronger I get the easier it'll be to burn my last script before June 16th. Baby steps, right? Have a good weekend. Xooo
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