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Everything posted by survived

  1. @AlwaysAwesome; I'm getting to know myself all over again too. Its crazy isnt it? I had forgotten what I was like. Also that Amensia you get once you quit adderall is no fun. I wish everything I learned on it, I hadn't forgotten but oh well right? lol. I also ask my family about what I was like too & if I'm similar to the person I was pre-adderall now.
  2. @bev6146; I understand that weight gain is a scary thing when quitting, but let me tell you about me...I still weigh less than I did pre-adderall! Gaining a ton of weight is not neccesarilly true! I put on weight that I needed(30lbs) but now I'm at a normal weight for my height and I still weigh less than before adderall! I'm already at my "set" weight. All I've done is continued to go on low paced walks since quitting 11mths ago & I've been able to manage my weight. ____________________________________________________________________ Nice! I just noticed my ticker said 11mths!! & I'm feeling fantastic today! I ate a good meal, went to the gym, visited family, spent time with my furpets! I am very happy 11mths in! Oh & my energy is improving!
  3. Well tomorrow is a new day & its not too late to attempt quitting again later. I suppose when youre not alone, it would be a better idea to quit incase you have hallucinations again.
  4. I hope you are okay! I had not experienced any of those things after quitting but that may be because everyone reacts differently. But please dont take a pill again! ive heard that voices and stuff will stop with time. I had some of the constricted throat and mucus issues but that was while still taking Adderall. I would consider tapering but then that may backfire...is anyone home with you? I suppose try to read...watch a movie...any way to relax.
  5. I tapered. Feels like so long ago...I did big jumps though. 60mg to 40mg then 20mg and 10mg to nothing all within a month. My quit was planned, I dont know if tapering did much because I quit from a big amount (10mg to cold turkey) but I had no unusual side effects just felt very very tired. I did it this way because I was still in school. Last day of the semester, I took my last 10mg & then I was done!
  6. Great post! I am grateful for my health. My health was seriously declining physically and mentally on Adderall and now in recovery my body is slowly recuperating. I'm so grateful I'm able to reverse some of the damage. I am grateful for my friends and family. They stuck by me when I was not very nice or compassionate towards them. Now, I am showing them all the love I should have never stopped giving them. I'm so grateful to be alive.
  7. Congratulations! & welcome to the forums! Happy Birthday!
  8. @occasional01, I feel like I could have written that myself! Yes! Muscle injuries, heart palpitations, the anxiety...not enjoyable at all! I definately don't miss feeling that way. These are major pro's ++ to quitting!
  9. In all honesty, I would first quit the pills because no matter what someone does...if they are still taking Adderall they are not going to be healthy. Is it worth it? Oh yes not just for your physical health but for your mental health. You would probably be able to work out more at ease if you weren't on it, since Adderall tends to put people in a uncalm state. I actually hurt myself while working out on Adderall because I was overworking myself. Maybe it would be a good idea to quit now since you're so young. Expect to be tired for a while though! I'm still tired at 10 months but getting my personality and happiness back was worth it! I can also work out better now. Think about it.
  10. @occasional01; Too much activity is probably why we begin to become paranoid and delusional on the medication! It is way too stimulated!
  11. "the motivation to click "buy" was easier than actually doing the workout." this gave me a good laugh. Oh, how I can relate!
  12. @alwaysawesome; I think actually making it outside to walk or to the gym is the hardest step. You have to pretty much force yourself there. (As unmotivated & tired as you are) and just walk for 30 minutes everyday. It is a struggle for me to get out there, but like they say....no one ever regrets a workout!
  13. @quit-once; so far excercising has been the most beneficial for me. I am going to do some research on L-Tyrosin. I've seen it mentioned here a few times, and I'm all for trying natural remedies.
  14. @Occasional01; I got off of them on my own almost a decade ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I dealt with brain zaps, and hot flashes for a while through withdrawl and I finally felt real happiness afterward! Perhaps it is time for you to quit them? Stop taking them for a few months and see if you feel happier! You may just feel better afterward, I feel strongly about that!
  15. I'm really happy you were denied because I already believe you have come so far. 1mth and 2 weeks in! you dont need to go back to it. It wont be getting any worse at this point. I can understand why you feel humilated, you asked and were denied...all you can do now is know you tried. (& remind yourself you cant get the prescription anyway)The fact that the doc said no was a huge gain on your end. Feel better Roobiki. im still rooting for you!
  16. @zerokewl "Stop looking for cures and focus on managing your depression." I needed to hear something like this. I hadn't considered looking at it from this perspective, that is helpful, thank you. @cassie, thank you.
  17. Thanks! I appreciate the response. I feel bad for posting such a downer post, I highly dislike when these moods come around. Yes, all that is left to do is hang on and remain positive. Thank you.
  18. I decided to make a post about something that has been bothering me for a while. I went through old posts that touched the topic of Depression after quitting amphetamines. After quitting I knew something didn't feel right but I thought it was just laziness. With time I started to recognize that I was depressed. I didn't want to believe in Depression because it is a term often used by Psychiatrists so they can sell us their pills. I started to doubt that Depression even existed and started thinking it were just a giant ploy to market to us. Same with Adderall. But I have now recognized that Depression is very real. There's days I feel unmotivated. I'm extremely sensitive and I can be crabby. Although, some days my moods are improved and I feel happiness and almost giddy. Some days shine brighter than the rest. I refuse to touch antidepressants because I've taken them in the past(I was a kid and it was not by choice), and they caused me to feel manic and suicidal so the only thing I have left is riding this out naturally. When I think back to the past I was a very happy person before taking Adderall. Nothing was perfect but I felt good about myself and life. I was happy and optimistic. My moods were a lot better. So I suppose my motivator is going back to my old self. What do you do to help cope with depressive feelings?
  19. I've heard about this stuff today too and still need to go look it up. I heard of the energy! I wonder if it will energize without keeping you awake?
  20. @AlwaysAwesome; I can so relate to you! Yes, anything to avoid speaking to people! Feeling jittery and anxious, refusal to make eye contact! Okay so happy to read I wasn't the only one with strange behavior. I remember feeling like I were speaking slow, not sure If I really was.
  21. @AlwaysAwesome; Have you looked into natural alternatives? Maybe something could help calm her down. What about Cannabis oil or something of that sort?
  22. @AlwaysAwesome; I started exercising again this week and my mood has improved. Funny how one habit can change everything. So I have happy chemicals going on in my brain again! How are you doing? Did you go on your walk? Let's do this!
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