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Everything posted by Greg

  1. No game of thrones was also my status update! Was looking forward to tonight,
  2. Check in Sunday guys! 39.5 for the week.
  3. Me too and Spider-Man. I liked spidey better. I'm trying to take as much advantage of my moviepass while I can...moviepass.com.
  4. I like it. U should do more! I think there is a lot of functionality on the backend of this forum software that we haven't used.
  5. CONGRATZ ZK! that was a great post and I am real glad to see you have made it and set goals for yourself in year 2 and I'm confidant you'll achieve whatever you put your mind to, with more fortitude than you ever have, as you distance yourself from that poison. Keep on keeping on man!
  6. Thanks guys! I just ran another 11.5 miles and I feel incredibly, incredibly, incredibly horrible. I think I should let my body recover. Edit - rested for a while, feel much better now
  7. Amy, robin...u guys are still doing great. Keep it up!
  8. Pawsy tensing headaches I think running is triggering paws?
  9. Nice work, Zerokewl! Not selfish at all and spending time pissing away the day in bed is def really important for recovery.
  10. Okay. I knocked out another 8 today. That brings me to 28 for the week. Time to divide it up. 12 goes to last week, when I clocked in zero. 12 goes to this week. Leaving me with 4 miles to spare. Those I will allocate to my first week at my internship which begins June 2. I am pretty sure I will be clocking zero that week. So I will go for another 8 and allocate those miles for that week.. Am i allowed to do this guys??
  11. Silicon Valley good but a little less good - only 2 episodes left. What a short season.
  12. The way the cigarette cravings just disappears is one of the biggest benefits of quitting! Amy take this opportunity to just quit period. Doesn't get easier than now.
  13. Yeah I used nike app all the time for a while. But suddenly it became inaccurate I stopped. I think they fixed it though. It's great app.I ran 11.5 today! I'm also having the dizzy and sweating issue right now where I can't stop sweating after finishing my run. But It happens to me all the time. I really don't think it's any big deal. Edit - I found a list if good post workout foods. I hope they help. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/snacks/low-calorie/after-workout-snacks/
  14. Cat that is amazing. That is such a fast time for a half marathon! I hit the gym tonight and cranked out 9.5. I don't how ambitious I will be but maybe I can try to count these toward last week and do this week and last weeks miles this week? Great job everyone!
  15. FarmVille2 and a waste of an afternoon
  16. Hang in there, you'll get through this Here are some tips 1. Go really easy on yourself 2. Look into supplements like l tyrosine or a lot of people have found success with Wellbutrin. I went on an antidepressant when I quit 3. Read and learn as much as you can about adderall addiction so u understand what's happening to you 4. Watch netflix 5. Write down a list of how adderall hurt your life, everything you can think of write it down. And refer to that list all the time. You may even want to commit It to memory. 6. Sleep lots and just let the withdrawal take its course and be strong.
  17. Ahh I just want to get my Sunday check in over with. Zero miles. No excuses for me this week. Just laziness. Today I almost went running and then was like noo...I can't. I'm too tired. Tomorrow it's back on my feet. How did everyone do?
  18. I am a few years out..Here are some links to get you up to date with PAWS. A good link -- http://www.addictionsandrecovery.org/post-acute-withdrawal.htm
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