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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Occasional1 - Get new SHOES!!!!!!!!! My legs were WEARING DOWN, could barely walk, and i had no idea it was simply because my shoes needed to be replaced. Since i started running with my new shows, my soreness and pain has just been vanishing day by day. Shoes are only supposed to last a few hundred miles, and given how much we run, its important to replace them. Also, i have heard from lots of people, and from reading on the net that it is important to find the right running shoes for you. In terms of how your feet hit the ground etc etc... Check out this link http://www.runnersworld.com/shoeadvisor I inputed all my info, and it told me to get Asics which really has helped me a lot.
  2. hey, glad you're back!!!!!!!!!! you had vanished. in atlanta now? how are things going?
  3. that was also my reaction to quitting. the pressure sensations in the skull, and the tingling sensations in the skull. like the brain is missing something. That is still withdrawal. like someone mentioned earlier PAWS. in my experience, it just very slowly gets better. just like you saw improvement since four months ago. unfortunately, that is part of the recovery process. If you read around on the forums you will see that adderall recovery takes an extremely long time. so prepare yourself for that. but it is so worth it. good for you for four months clean and stay strong.
  4. I just got back from an impromptu 13.1 mile run! I started to feel nausea at mile 11 but i was like 'im almost at 13.1' so i kept going. And then at mile 12 i started wondering if my heart would suddenly stop from overexerting it..then at mile 12.5 the world became really super clear, and runners high kicked in (my dopamine receptors still work, lol) and so i started sprinting to the finish. So i made it to 13.1. But i took water breaks during my run and let the treadmill continue to run so i got mileage that i didn't really earn. so i ran an extra mile after the 13.1 to make up for the mileage i got when i wasn't on the treadmill.
  5. I have also decided to reward myself and get a high end pair of running shoes (Asics Gel Nimbus 15) and also because i feel its a good investment, running all the time. I am developing runners knee and have had to ice my knees and im worried about the protection on my feet with my current shoes. These are really, really, really well reviewed and suppose to offer a lot of protection and stabilization. Cant wait for them to arrive. I wonder how it will impact my running.
  6. Cat, that is great and exciting news!!!!! Congratulations. I just ran 10 miles on the treadmill!!!!!! That is a milestone for me in a single run. So that puts me comfortably ahead of the 12 mile goal...keep running 12 mile-ers!!
  7. Ashley - you are totally excused as you transition with school and everything!!!!! Rich - take a deep breath and just FLUSH them. Summon the willpower and just DO IT. You know that is what you need to do. Just get it over with. Dont even think twice about it.
  8. Good job Ashley! I think most of us are on Saturday to Friday. With check ins on Friday. When did you switch schedules Ashley? I got 18 so far with week but with work kicking in i think i will be fighting to find the time to get to 12 pretty soon. I am up for switching from Monday to Sunday if you guys all are.
  9. this show is so good. I cannot wait for next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to know what is going to happen!!!
  10. Greg

    name change

    It also looks like I can post under this screen name again...so knock on wood.
  11. I definitely don't want to stay on it for the rest of my life. And god NO I do not want another crippling addiction. I am going to stick with this strategy but if I find myself unable to control my intake I will let u all know and it will be important to rethink this on a very serious level. Right now by taking half of what I was taking , that will put me on the lowest prescribed dosage for Xanax which is .5 a day.
  12. Greg

    name change

    I emailed mike about the 'likes' issue. He's looking into it. He thinks it is just a matter of tweaking something in the admin setting. I told him I'd let u all know that he is on it,
  13. Thanks for everyone's responses. Opinions range from one end to another here. There has been mention of dependence vs addiction which is interesting. I am dependent on my headphones and Sirius xm radio in order to run. I can't run without it, but I'm not sure how that compares to being dependent on this. But dependency definitely not a good thing, I've decided my goal I think I'm going to keep MORE of an arms length weary distance from Xanax to not be too dependent on it,. To constantly keep in my mind how addictive it can be. and Take it as sparingly as I can and take half the amount I was taking. I will try not to take it every day but if I do it will only be HALF of what I was taking which would be .5mgs instead of 1 mg. and not allow myself to take more than that. And there will now be more days where I do not take it at all. I won't take it to deal with PAWS insomuch as panic attacks and real stressful situations. It is true that this is a scheduled drug and the addiction is something to be really really really cautious about. I will post updates on how this works out and if I feel like I need more than half maybe this will be something to think about. I will update. And thanks for the support.
  14. great job ashley! Im being an overachiever this week., Sat-6 miles Today - 6 miles
  15. Congratulations zerokewl, great post, thanks for sharing!!
  16. I agree Ashley my gut tells me there is a quitting adderall------>anxiety connection here.
  17. Oh no! You worked so hard for this. If you can survive adderall hell I have no doubt you can survive this. Be strong on all fronts MFA.
  18. That's crazy. Yes that is exactly how I feel. With the Xanax. Still adderall clean.i cant see adderall ever being an option again to me. My second semester is heating up. I'm feeling similar feelings to how I was feeling last semester in the beginning which you all thankfully helped me through!!. How are things with u?
  19. Greg

    name change

    Agreed. Good to hear from u MFA!!
  20. I used to take xanax to deal with the anxiety from overdosing on adderall every day but not in this context. but back then i never got addicted to it. i would usually take it for a couple months and then just stop taking it without any desire to continue taking it. but that was when i was a full fledged adderall addict.
  21. Hey guys, I am reposting a post that i put in the 12 miles a week running club here. Recently (about 1 and a half months)I started taking xanax to help me cope with the anxiety of starting a new semester in school but also because i feel like its helping with PAWS or "withdrawals" that i get. here is the post which was responding to another post from Occasional1.: I feel confused about the Xanax I'm taking. I feel like it is helping me, and I have a lot of anxiety. At the same time I feel like I'm developing a psychological relationship towards it similar to adderall. I got worried at work because I didn't have it on me. I carry it around with me. I think about the pills and this whole thought process is getting Very familiar. Like feeling what i am taking is not enough. But I want to keep taking it. I feel like it is an extreme help. My PAWS is getting worse because of all the anxiety from restarting the semester and work. I would say the main reason I take it is because it helps with my "withdrawals" or "PAWS" that I get, but finding lots of other reasons its helping, like they are offering a lot of relief to me for coping with the stress of the semester. It is just that I know what I am capable of with pills and afraid of that. Perhaps we should start another thread on Xanax. I just wanted to respond directly to your quote though. I am thinking I need to set rules to myself to only take Xanax in certain circumstances . Sorry for this off tangent everyone. I will repost this in the regular forum.
  22. DELETE --- reposted my comment in the discussion forums under the title 'thoughts on Xanax?'
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