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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Ashley, and to everyone who posts on this thread, and I think everyone should.
  2. canes, welcome to the boards. Trying to control Adderall in college led to an addiction that ruined my life, so youre not going to hear anything from me but RUN from this drug while you can. yesterday I forced myself to spend four hours in the library and I only got through two chapters and I had to force myself to read and I kept looking on my phone and walking up and down the book aisles. I think of each time I sit down to study without Adderall as an opportunity to train myself, and like MFA once mentioned, grow brand new Adderall independent brain synapses and connections. and important skills to get through life. I mean I don't think getting distracted and finding things difficult to understand necessarily means you have to take something as an answer to your problems. you are on these quitting Adderall boards and so im thinking you've already entered the addiction phase and I think its time to pull the plug on this because youre playing with your future and with fire by staying on it despite wanting to quit. because it will only get worse.
  3. neversaynever. I was just curious after so much clean time was it easy to relapse? was it an impulse thing. i know you had something like three years.. I am so glad you're free from the hustle of getting pills. keep it up. congratulations to everyone above for the clean time. every clean day is a good day.
  4. dont forget to do this...its so key. btw,you are sounding so much saner than you were a couple weeks ago. I know its painful, but you are saving your life with each day.
  5. this is such good question and Im curious to here everyone's answers. I agree with avoiding caffeine. The few Xanax pills I took recently were such a good experience, and really felt like a 'solution' for me. (just as the adderall did once upon a time) So dangerous! Another bottle of that stuff and I would have turned into a Xanax addict. Avoid caffeine is what I suggest and what I'm doing. Although I need caffeine right now and going to get some now. But there are times where I dont need any more caffeine but still get it...and then i think my anxiety goes through the roof...
  6. Good job! And youre not going this alone. Each and every one of us is stronger i believe going it together.
  7. Thats such a good point. When were addicted we spend a lot of the day and the month in withdrawal anyway. Waiting for prescription refill dates and delaying pills so we dont run out early.
  8. Good job! Regret or not in the morning that was a great impulse decision. And did you hold onto any? ?
  9. MFA, I can't tell you how many times I have said that. Fucking PAWS. Especially, before you discovered us...I think every one of my posts was some variation of 'fucking PAWS' right oldtimers? Some days you just wake up and you can feel it in your body. And it comes in waves. Use this as motivation not to relapse because you do not want to start over and go through PAWS again right? This is the arrow coming out, and your brain is healing. And just dont put an ounce of pressure on yourself right now and ride it out. Before long PAWS will be better and you will feel better and there will be days when you feel great too! And as Ashley mentioned above, the 90 day mark is really tough. That's when I relapsed the first time, and so many people have attested to this period being a really trying time. Pat yourself on the back for another day of staying clean, and good for you for still going to the gym despite the PAWS. Hang in there.
  10. One day at a time...all I can say is that this period in your recovery I think you have to be actively telling yourself not to relapse and be the most motivated. you can not go over the top when it comes to staying motivated to stay quit. I am praying we don't lose you back to the Adderall like we did this summer. But i know you can do it.
  11. I was just thinking to myself how much adderall strips away your confidence. Because you grow so accustomed to doing things with it. It becomes in the adderall'd persons mind the reason behind successes. As I'm sitting here with all these books, I realize this is going to be a process of rebuilding my confidence, proving to myself I can do reading, complete homework without it. I took my first quiz today, worth like a hundredth of my grade but I got a 100% but that tiny success gave me this feeling that my brain can work without adderall, that i didn't do so much irreperable damage to it. I'm so grateful for this weekend, it gave me sometime to just hideaway and unwind from the first week of overwhelm. I can't believe its only been a week. it honestly feels like ive been here for much longer. edit - Also getting used to being around people all the time, lol. Sooort of..
  12. I don't think so...but I'm sure Kylechaos would know better.
  13. For real...although i dont know how his brother in law tracked tuco's location at the end. the next one is funny.
  14. I can't find the emoticon for happy Aussie day...but happy Aussie day'
  15. I guess this show deserves its own thread here right? Since we all like it. I am about three episodes into season 2...
  16. Dang Kylechaos, you've run another 50 miles since the 400 you posted!! Cool, I see we're friends now on nikeplus. As you can see I'm a serious newbie. The running must be really helping with recovery.
  17. Lol! I'm going to drop the books and go for a run right now...consistency is impossible for me. All hopes riding on Nike plus app.. 1 mile and I collapse on the ground..
  18. Adderall should be banned and pulled off the shelves...there really is not enough information out there on adderall addiction. A small fraction relative to painkiller addiction or other drugs.
  19. I have had the weirdest adderall dreams...too weird to even describe...but last night i had a horrible one where i was in the doctors office and i was craving it so badly in my dream. then i woke up and wasnt sure if i was craving it when i was awake. i dont think so.
  20. I watched the first four episodes of this season and its not nearly as good as the last one. but its still watchable. I wonder why they decided to start over with a completely different show when the last season was so successful.
  21. at first when i watched this i saw it from MFAs point of view, and now Im thinking about the boss's tone and im thinking about it from quit-once's point of view. Im not sure anymore! But he sure did make some good points.
  22. I did 1.1 mile yesterday. I got to build up to at least 2 but im just starting. I will find my user name and get back. whats your user name?
  23. Once the honeymoon is over its over beyond belief never to come back again...
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