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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I can't believe there was a whole thread on breaking bad. I am just getting into it. I didn't know you all were fans too. This is the first time I'm seeing this thread.
  2. Awesome. Have you played temple run? This reminds me if temple run in real life. So I guess if I run tomorrow ill get the three days in a row milestone. How many miles do u do each run? Maybe I'll shoot for run twice in one day.
  3. wait - how does the trophies thing work?? how do i get them?
  4. First Sign In, then - 1. Click on notifications at top right of screen (to left of your screen name) 2. Click on options at the top right 3. Check off the box to the right of the following Notify me when someone quotes my posts (and I'm not already following) Notify me when someone 'likes' my post The result is something like below. When you sign into the website, you will see an alert in the notifications box and every time you login you can check in and see which posts people "liked" of yours and who "quoted you" and responded. A new feature for the community. what do you all think? I did this last night and this morning i got the following notifications. occasional01 liked a post you made in Feel completely alone. Today, 11:10 AM Motivation_Follows_Action liked a post you made in Request for advice Today, 11:00 AM sky quoted a post you made Today, 02:12 AM So when you click on "post you made" or "quoted" it will take you directly to the specific post within the thread that was "liked" or "quoted" Even when it hurts like hell, hold fast, the pain is the arrow c o
  5. The Nike Plus App has been really motivating. ran 1.7 miles yesterday and 1.1 miles today. which is more than i ran all of last year. This is the link to the app KyleChaos recommended if anyone is interested http://nikeplus.nike.com/plus/products/gps_app/
  6. but make sure they are gluten free.
  7. First, Sign In then - 1. Click on notifications at top right of screen (to left of your screen name) 2. Click on options at the top right 3. Check off the box to the right of the following Notify me when someone quotes my posts (and I'm not already following) Notify me when someone 'likes' my post The result is something like below. When you sign into the website, you will see an alert in the notifications box and every time you login you can check in and see which posts people "liked" of yours and who "quoted you" and responded. A new feature for the community. what do you all think? I did this last night and this morning i got the following notifications. occasional01 liked a post you made in Feel completely alone. Today, 11:10 AM Motivation_Follows_Action liked a post you made in Request for advice Today, 11:00 AM sky quoted a post you made Today, 02:12 AM So when you click on "post you made" or "quoted" it will take you directly to the specific post within the thread that was "liked" or "quoted" edit - thread moved over to announcements section
  8. Krax, I totally understand what you are going through. You want to lay down but cant really lay down, you want to kind of stand or move because of that anxiety. And you also are feeling depressed, like hollow inside. did i get that right? You have to hang in there and it will get better. But not at 2.5 months, unfortunately, if you were anything like me. I have a guess that Ritalin withdrawal takes longer but the whole principle is the same as with quitting adderall. You have fight as hard as you can through that misery and it will payoff so much. I was on a lot of Ritalin and perhaps your recovery timetable is shorter. I jave no idea how much you were taking. And you seem to be doing really well in your recovery. You probably feel awful because your brain is unhappy without it but you are already getting better. Did you say the Wellbutrin is helping though??? Because I never tried that after I quit Ritalin.
  9. Krax, 2.5 months is still early. At 2.5 months the cravings were KILLING me. and im not sure if you know but when i tried to quit ritalin i relapsed at the 3 month mark because the withdrawal was intolerable for me. and concluded I needed to be on stimulants in prder to handle mynew job. Unfortunately our addiction is the hold it has over our pleasure circuits and it takes time to forget that. You read my deleted post that still I was getting flashes through my head of how I felt it would be easier to get through tired, boring moments with adderall. Adderall recovery takes a long time and you just have expect that this is what's going to happen but have faith that this will get a heck of a lot better. Edit- Also, I remember trying to quit Ritalin really well. Do u find yourself antsy and find it difficult to like sit down and relax in withdrawal? Kind of like feeling depressed but also anxious? Nervous energy.
  10. Occasional1 that is some great insight. Thank you. I was definitely feeling the whole panicking and then panicking about panicking thing. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the academic advising office and try to get a counselor. I only have 4 Xanax left and I don't think I want to get a refill...but tonight it really helped.
  11. I'm crossing my fingers for you. But remember it is a crapshoot. I'm sure you are both amazing candidates and they can pick only one and they might as well just flip a coon. And if you don't get, there are so many factors that may have decided it that had no bearing on your performance in the interview. Maybe the other candidate has a strong connection inside the company. Maybe their resume experience is skewed more to the position than yours. maybe your interviewer was in a bad mood. You made it to then end, you were vetted, you got through two rounds and that is an awesome achievement in itself. You now know there is no reason you should not be able to get interviews that are similar and at similar companies and that you have a great shot at getting to the end for those.. And there a ton of banks on Wall Street really. But good luck!!
  12. That is such a great idea. Ok that is my plan. I will stop by the academic advising office tomorrow that deals with this and maybe gets some counseling or other services. I love it! Edit - and yes, that makes sense I just need some time to get to know people like during classes and stuff..maybe the anxiety will begin to go away?
  13. Hmmmmm,,,,and I hear paperbags are also inexpensive which is a bonus. Really, I should give this a shot.
  14. I think a doctor would put me on kolopin or xanax. What do u all think? I'm not sure...the Xanax is really helping now.
  15. Lol. Should I email the address where you can send them too?
  16. Thanks guys ... I think I am breathing normal again. I just hope this panic attack is not the beginning of something new.. Edit- Falcon you are right. I need to keep a watchful eye on Xanax. But this time it really came in handy. And I am beginning something new so that scary too MFA - yes, I have no friends here, except acquaintances and people i talk to for like 3 seconds in the elevator, and this is a new environment and am feeling like a total fish out of water. Thanks for your story of moving and not knowing anyone. That made me feel better. I got to know other grad students in boot camp and also they are organizing a social hour in Thursday but I will have to miss it because i have class scheduled. Sky - I'm sure the coffee and running had something to do with it. I think I might try to distract/unwind with an episode of walking dead or breaking bad. Some daydreamer - yeah I think I need to go lighter on the coffee. I had it before I ran, after I ran and some more later...and I think it had something to do with it. I will have to look into those supplements and teas.
  17. Oh just delete the stuff u wrote in the post and then replace it all with the word DELETE.
  18. I just randomly and suddenly had a huge panic attack in my room as i was unpacking some shirts, but it started before that. i get nervous i think when i leave my room because there are suddenly so many people around. I felt like throwing up and I broke into a sweat and breathing was short. I just kept saying to myself what the hell am I doing here? It lasted for a while and continuing to last. I've been totally isolated in my adderall recovery and now there are just so many people around. Maybe it was because I was running earlier. And i drank a lot of coffee. I started analyzing all these random things and just...and one thought led to another and woah... I haven't experienced anything like this since the days I was on adderall...I would get paranoid start to think of all these random things that would never occur to me if I was calm. I took Xanax which I think is helping to calm me down. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the professor I'm working for and my first class. I hope this is not a sign of what's to come. Any advice would be appreciated...I feel better for typing that out. Edit - I had a list of things I was supposed to do today but only did like three of them.
  19. Kudos sky!!!!! Being lazy is good for you...congrats on an awesome milestone.
  20. Maybe you could say that 'I've grown a little too fond of my adderall pills and I think I have a problem and I think I need help. You are making the smartest decision of your life and as neversaynever mentioned, I'm sure he will appreciate your honesty with him. I'm sure you are not the first time he has encountered this. I'm sure this is like a routine problem for him, he's seen it before and it's really no big deal. Don't be afraid.
  21. Just ran 1.7 miles!! Who knew? I CAN run without adderall!!!

    1. LILTEX41


      Great job! I ran 3.3 today. :) Are you gonna try and do it again tomorrow?

    2. Greg


      Thanks lil tex! Since your comment I've ran a couple times..worked my way up to 2.27 miles yesterday..

  22. I really like this app. I ran 1.7 miles today using this app. I like how you can pause it when you slow down and and start it back up when you run. And it will just keep track of the distance that you have run. My goal is to try to use this everyday. I like how on this forum there are lots of things people recommend that are really great. quitting adderall group activities? perhaps tonight ill watch Happy. And everyone who hasnt should read On Speed. And download this Nike Plus app.
  23. Yeah, and we may have been awesome before but once we are OWNED by a prescription we are no longer awesome. We are far from awesome. no one should kid themselves. And I read all these stories from us addicts and we look back with so much pride at that time...of course myself included...but really that period is over and done and it's the mess we are are now in that we need to think about. But I dont think anyone who is now stuck in addiction should be holding onto pride from the days they were in an adderall honeymoon. Because this is the god awful result.
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