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Everything posted by Greg

  1. its sad because this guy will never know what his life could have been like had he been able to quit and recover. he could have lived a really fulfilling life.
  2. i remember my mom going through a similar fight as his parents did (my dad passed away years ago)...fighting with doctors and with me..Its so hard for the families. I went to dinner with my sister before i left for school and somehow we started talking about the whole adderall thing, and i tried to explain to her what i was going through in my psychosis and she burst into tears at the restaurant table remembering the whole thing...its so difficult for our families..I feel awful for putting them through that. i was a totally different person, completely irrational.
  3. i dont know what to say...its almost like he couldnt or wouldnt accept a life without adderall. at the end of my addiction i was like, this is too exhausting for me. it's over. it has to be. and then i sort of felt free. scared as hell but free. I did have suicidal thoughts like for a couple days but they stopped very soon.
  4. I read the whole thing. that was so powerful. the writer really captured the whole experience of adderall addiction. 40 adhd experts were consulted on it. I have so many things to say about it..so many times i was reading that and was like that is MY story too... what a tragedy. And the ending with the parents at the Shire sponsored meeting.. i couldn't believe how the doctors kept giving him prescription despite everything the parents did. just wow.
  5. I also have to take the FIRO-B and the TKI (and write papers on those as well)...Ill let you know. I believe one of them measures something called emotional intelligence. Here are the links to the FIRO-B and the TKI .
  6. i am two pages into the the article. wow. A front page ny times article about adderall addiction will bring some much needed attention to the dangers of adhd meds abuse. mfa, thanks for posting.
  7. I WILL get my stats take home exam done tomorrow..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Greg


      99.9% done. Just need to check it over one last time!

    3. Greg


      I did it...woo hooo. its done. done. done.

    4. Greg


      Well everyone was talking about the exam after we handed it in, and i think bombed it. I definitely missed some major concepts that everyone else got..

  8. It's funny because about a week ago I was obsessed with it...and I took one of the free ones and I got ESFJ but now that I have to write an analysis paper on it, my enthusiasm for it has changed. I am curious though if the lengthier version will yield different results from the free one. By the way, there are two other assessments you might want to check out. The first is called the FIRO-B and the second is called the TKI.
  9. I think a lot of people like to believe they have ADD because it gives them an answer to their overwhelming feeling lives and whoever markets ADD drugs figured that out and is doing a fine job marketing that to those people. If you read On Speed, ADD drugs have run the gamut of marketing campaigns. It used to be marketed for depression, then weight loss then something called MBD until recent years it was heavily marketed to ADD. I could be wrong, but that's my opinion. Melody, you CAN read and write and participate in class without adderall. That stupid drug hurts us psychologically and takes away our ability to believe we can think independently of it. You have to remember and realize you CAN do all those things yourself without that drug...I truly hope you find freedom from it...and that you don't allow it to continue to strip away your belief in yourself and take credit for things in your life.
  10. I actually have to take the lengthy version of this for my management class. Its costing us over a hundred bucks. and then we have to write a paper on it. Then we get a huge print out of the analysis. our professor says that it normally costs several hundred dollars and this a bargain..uh.. Anyway, Ill post any info i get from it if i can.
  11. that last shot of him sprinting is awesome!! very inspiring. thx for posting this.
  12. something feels really wrong about being too stimulated from other stuff!!! but Sometimes im like i really need lots of coffee if im going to stay awake through this lecture. And i just go ahead and indulge myself...
  13. I am contemplating ordering a box of 24 hour energy. i dont know if there is a dollar tree around. I drank another RockStar today (woah) and I'm drinking a lot of caffeine. I havent drank any 5 hour energy since i quit adderall. I used to drink them all the time when i was on adderall.
  14. MFA, unfortunately, we do have a high turnover rate here. people post once and then vanish. As you probably noticed. I dont know what percentage of newbies stick with us. I don't know if its better than what i hear is the generally accepted statistic of 1 of 35 addicts cleans up for good. It would be great to see more. I know how INCREDIBLY desperate they are to quit when they come here with their first post, but then they're poof - gone. QO, Ashley, Cassie,kylechaos, lil tex and all you others...what do you all think about this? then there are the people who post a lot and THEN disappear, and i really wonder how they are doing...
  15. Except for a three month stretch, I have been posting on this site every day for a year and half. Having been a longtime member here and seeing a lot of people come and go over the past year and half, here is what I observe. If you post on this site every you WILL succeed in quitting Adderall. Everyone who has been posting on this site every day for the last 10 months or more are still clean from Adderall. Its kind of the same principle as in AA and NA where you have to call your sponsor every day. Only this time you are posting on the site every day. Im sure if research was done, you would find a strong correlation between 1) posting on this site and 2) Beating Adderall addiction.
  16. ..also RockStar drinks. They sell it in the vending machines for two bucks each. Its REALLY strong shit. I got a burst of energy and then a crash. Then I got another one to keep the energy. Im going to avoid these because they remind me too much of adderall. ive also heard these drinks are terrible for a persons health..i do admit though, i rely a lot on caffeine to get me through the day.
  17. GREAT. Alright - you flushed your pills and cut off the doc. You faced some of your hardest challenges this week. How about your primary doc?
  18. 2 years, 2 months, 15 days!
  19. what a story. so glad you are back to health and sanity!!
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