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Everything posted by Greg

  1. A totally useless fact that I just learned from my accounting reading that is only mildly interesting. ..pottery barn is owned by William Sonoma..
  2. Greg


    Hey Leo, welcome to the forums. I'm a little bit confused. You said you picked up a prescription.. But then you also said you don't know whether you should throw away 10mgs or it will lead to a downward spiral...could you clarify a little?
  3. Yeah tieing using pills to being in control is ridiculous things us addicts can do...when the pills have so much control over us
  4. I agree with Cassie. You can't control how you feel in recovery and the best thing is to get a good nights rest and hope for the best. But what's great is that in a totally different arena of your life when you quit you have regained control, knowing that your life's outcomes are back in your control, determined by your own hardwork, characteristics and decisions rather then at the control of adderall.
  5. recovering from a week of PAWS...got my exam back yesterday and I did maybe slightly above average so that gives me confidence that my brain works fine without adderall

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Greg


      Thanks Lil Tex!! Lately, Ive been getting slammed by PAWS. Yesterday I wrote a paper and then did a quiz and then some homework problems and by the end of the day I was experience adderall cravings that were as intense as when I just quit. Which is really mind boggling to me. I can take in stride though. But it just boggles my mind why this would happen. I think writing papers may be triggering something here.

    3. LILTEX41


      I can imagine! But how awesome is it that you did so freaking awesome on your own??? Just goes to show you that are smart and capable without adderall. :) How much longer do you have in school? Another positive thing to think about is that the longer you keep kicking ass without adderall...you'll be building more and more neural pathways that will associate writing papers drug free and then someday all cravings will be gone totally. You'll just feel like one bad mofo all on y...

    4. Greg


      Thanks lil tex for your encouragement. I have to remind myself that, you are so right about new connections being formed and new confidence being developed!!

  6. aghh.nooo! i have done that a lot. knocking off the sideview mirror. QO - I went through this phase where i was trying to "desensitize" myself to adderall. So I would go on and on staring at pictures of adderall and adderall XR...so that each time i looked at it, i would have less urges. i am not sure how it worked actually. I just know my PAWS got worse so I stopped doing it.
  7. you would think the conditions would be better. I mean they are stuck on a VACATION cruise for crying out loud... Sorry
  8. yeah, it's frustrating. i really don't think there is anything that a person can do about PAWS. but if anyone finds a way, please share...cuz i havent found it...and i have tried what i think is everything..and i am looking for an answer. Damn you PAWS!
  9. Happy Valentine's Day quittingadderall crew
  10. Until 1930, cocaine was an ingredient in Coca Cola's syrup...
  11. I could have sworn a black hole was when u got sucked into adderall addiction.
  12. interesting list...wow, starbucks coffee has a ton of caffeine. I am looking at the can of RockStar in front of me and it has 120mgs of caffeine.
  13. Cassie, is there a better time? It looks like you don't get back from work until 9:30 EST. Maybe we should do it at 10pmEST instead of 9EST?
  14. Occasional1, if you are starting to have these thoughts, stop mastering whatever material you are trying to master right now. You don't need to master any material!! Especially if it is going to spur this train of thought. Remember, during this phase its key to go easy on yourself and banish all of those 'work/achieve/drivenness' thoughts. Those thoughts are what adderall addicts are so susceptible too and can defeat us in our recovery.. That is why we always talk about how important it is to go easy on ourselves in early recovery. Also day 47 is really really early in the recovery process. You are in the midst of the danger zone of relapsing, with cravings and all that, and you got to pull strength from everywhere to keep yourself from doing so. Posting here is a smart move, and i commend you for that.
  15. I think we should say HI to them and make them feel welcome... I like the idea of making it "tips for recovery" etc...etc...we could try that next week and see how it works out??? great idea.. If it doesn't work out we could just go back to it being a hangout. By the way, perhaps we should change the time of our meeting. It seems like this one conflicted with Cassie's work schedule? Also, it was really helpful when you put up a reminder last week! If you do one next week, i hope the title of this post doesn't confuse anyone? maybe we should delete the title or something..
  16. Silver Linings was pretty good. I am a huge movie fan. I got something called moviepass (moviepass.com) where you can see unlimited movies in the theater for a fixed price a month. So i saw a lot. But now i am in school with no car, I never go to the movies anymore. I use tv-links.eu for tv shows and 1channel.ch for movies and tv..These sites somehow get all the oscar screener copies of movies, so there are a lot of movies in theaters that are crystal clear. They also have a lot of theater screen copies of movies that were filmed with a camcorder in the theaters and then all the dvd movies.. I never heard of tvlinks.cc. do u have to have a login to use that? I know a lot of people who use the torrent site usenet but i have never figured that out yet.
  17. MFA - When I am having a PAWS day, I totally can just tell because I get a very specific headache in the back of my head and a specific feeling inside me. I have found that it is really difficult to do anything to stop it, and believe me, I have tried every way. I agree with Falcon that you probably overexerted yourself mentally and ended up in PAWS. although, sometimes it can be nothing that triggers it. Yesterday and the day before I ended up in PAWS, after all the work I've been doing in school. I ended up just staying in bed all of yesterday (didn't have classes or work though)...PAWS is definitely going to be different for everyone. I think I unfortunately am one of the worse cases of PAWS (i thiink maybe because i snorted a lot of the meds or just am unlucky). but in the beginning, my PAWS always lasted for days, not for a single day but many days back to back. Also I still get PAWS now. Of course its gotten so much better over time, but its slightly frustrating that i can still get PAWS bad now. But im VERY VERY used to it now. Anyway, i think the length of PAWS is going to differ based on the individual. There are certainly things I can do that will "faciliate" a state of PAWS and that would be overexerting myself mentally, or not sleeping enough among the things. Anyway, my PAWS really follows the definition of PAWS stated at this link textbook-like http://www.addiction...-withdrawal.htm
  18. Good to know sky...and have a good trip U know I was also wondering about krax and Debbie. They both haven't posted in a while.
  19. had a great meeting in the quittingadderall chat room tonight. i think there were 8 of us.

  20. wait a sec, both events eventually happened. I got my bag of goodies to drop off to a neighbor and that was a GREAT meeting. thanks for putting up the reminder MFA... edit - where were you all??? QO, Cassie, Sky, Cat, Searching Soul, Occasional01, Heather and so many others...
  21. hey MFA, I came at 9 at i was the only one there. ah well. i guess a different time. You know everyone on the floor in my building is supposed to swap 'a bag of goodies' with someone else on the floor in a 'get to know a neighbor' thing. its supposed to be happening right now. ..but that doesnt seem to be working out either.
  22. Ashley, How do those work for ya?? MFA, That is an awesome accomplishment. That is a seriously tough round to pass. Awesome job!! really, that was a very stressful and tough position you were in and it should be a huge confidence booster and whenever you have doubt you should look back and realize you can do anything without adderall..
  23. searchingsoul...great proactive response to your quitting!!! flushing the pills and contacting your doc...but it seems like you have other potential sources out there?? one of the best things to read on here is "i would relapse but i can no longer get any pills, ive told my doc"...can you say you are in that situation yet?
  24. feeling sleep deprived

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