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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Letting go of the script is the toughest part of getting over the addiction. No arguments here. All I can say is that doing it is necessary if you want to get your life back. And you can pull strength from the many people here who have cut off their doctors and flushed their stashes and are living so much better than they once did.
  2. You don't even need it to pay attention in meetings. I know where you are coming from, you should be taking it for instances where it can be beneficial, the psychology of this drug makes you think you need it for anything that is mildly important. But the truth is you can pay attention in a meeting or lecture or seminar without it. Just do what regular people do. They go to a meeting without adderall. They sit there and they listen. That's it.
  3. forget it. you don't need it. I would get off asap so you dont keep withering away your confidence of being able to perform without it. The process of that happening is more detrimental than any "perceived benefit" that adderall might give you. Lots of people are in your situation and they dont need anything. You were once able to get a lot of shit done without adderall. Before you ever took it. bring that person back. Deadlines are great motivation. The thought of taking adderall to do school work is so ridiculous to me now. No pill is worth destroying your confidence in yourself. You will get stuff done because you have to. Because things are due, and you can do it adderall free.
  4. It could be a lot of things, but I think its PAWS. Here's the thing. you don't really have any obligations right now. You don't start work for a little bit. Just allow yourself to rest and revitalize. And dont feel guilty about it. PAWS comes and goes. Whatever it is, itll pass. You have a major priority done with it. Everything else is not a big deal. If you can muster the strength, go ahead, eat healthy, go to the gym, etc etc. If you're not up to it, dont be hard on yourself. Recovering addicts shouldn't feel guilty about letting themselves rest. You got your job lined up, rest and let yourself continue to recover. youll be great!
  5. Hmmm...surviving the virus must have been a metaphor for surviving adderall. I definitely see the similarities between adderall and deadly virus.
  6. Crazy dream quit once! That should have been my dream since snorting was my thing. By the way, did the friend in your dream ever quit adderall in real life? You mentioned he stopped but wasn't sure if it was a permanent thing. By the way, I had a crazy dream last night. It was like a movie. I was in this strange town where there was a deadly virus outbreak. We were quarantined in homes and if we went outside we were tear gassed. Slowly people were dying, but before they died they would experience these horrible symptoms that were basically adderall induced PSYCHOSIS. They would basically lose their minds before dying. In the end I managed to survive even though I came down with the virus.
  7. Adderall basically turns us into robots just like your post title indicates. Glad you are transitioning back to 'human' again! Keep it up!! We're rooting for you.
  8. I ran three today just in case! So i guess ill count those towards next week's 12. proud of ya too.
  9. But on adderall we care way too much about things until we eventually have a meltdown. I think it's good to not care too much about stuff..
  10. That must be the origin of swan lake. I think the only one I'd heard of a a gaggle of geese..unless school of fish was also on there, cool list.
  11. wooohooooo!!!! wait, because you mentioned the week starts "saturday" right? (see a few posts above where i edited my post..) So that would mean i finished my twelve right? Or did you mean the week starts Sun? last sat- 3 miles sun - 3 miles mon - 3 miles fri - 3 miles. today (sat) - nothing
  12. Me too, im really glad! lol. There's no way i would have ran yesterday (and many other days) if if didnt think we were doing this together.
  13. You too Ashley, keep it up!! edit - oh wait youre 'week' started on saturday? I ran 3 miles last Saturday but 'reset' my week to begin on Sunday so i didnt count them. If I begin my 'week' on Saturday, then i can include the three miles i ran last Saturday and that brings me to 12!! Oh good, I am so sore today but i dont have to run!!
  14. How are you making out this week? i am at 9. If i do 3 miles tomorrow I think i will make it to 12. MFA, are you also aiming for 12 a week?
  15. Hmmm..maybe You could look at what companies interest you and look there. Some of my classmates were..lets see a couple were in sports management...a couple of them worked in sales...one was a graphics designer...another is in marketing and another works at a social media company...tons of areas for you to look into..really.
  16. Lil tex, you are going to make an awesome counselor for sure.
  17. I actually had a couple root canals after I quit adderall. I got prescribed Oxycotin for the pain, but there was really no pain and it wasn't necessary to take it. I took like one but I didn't even need to take that. And i didn't touch the rest of the pills. I think you'll be okay. you really don't need anything. You can ask them to prescribe you a non narcotic painkiller, which is like a slightly stronger than over the counter ibuprofin. I think its called prescription motrin.
  18. Good job MFA! I couldnt walk yesterday, I had calluses on my feet, but feet feel fine today. This 12 mile a day thing is serious intense..i am up to 6 miles for this week..
  19. We were talking about Running Apps in class today. So I told them all about NikePlus. (I used all the time now)... Someone mentioned a running app called ZOMBIE, RUN. Basically, when you start running, you listen to a story and you pick objects like treasures at different points in the story. And if you run too slow, you start to hear zombie moans like they are chasing you from behind. And so you have to speed up or you will die. I downloaded it today, lol.
  20. Now you're freed up to pursue something you really want to do. And not stuck in a job you don't like. You could go to grad school, you can break into a new industry...whatever you like now. (same advice 'sort of' applies to Cassie) When's your last day?
  21. yeah, I am digging the 'runners high' i get later in the day...!
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