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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Cool, it looks like my chat function is back up!
  2. Greg

    Dr. Oz

    I really liked this opinion article I read in the huffington post...he likens adderall abuse to an ice age that is beginning to melt with the media attention, especially with the NY times..one can only hope... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-diller/richard-fee-adderall_b_2612410.html He also touches on the role of drug companies and marketing ADHD which I find very interesting. I googled it and there is a ton of info..
  3. Aw man. Chat is not working for me anymore either!
  4. I totally forgot too and was wondering the same thing as you guys!!
  5. hey hey, congratulations Lea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. yeah...come to think of it..I used to get twitching eye all the time during adderall abuse...ever since i stopped though it hasn't been an issue. Perhaps give it some time and itll go away.
  7. Since this article, it kind of seems like adderall abuse underwent a huge publicity campaign these past couple weeks, on radio, daytime talk, morning talk shows, magazines etc etc.. Here is a kind of sidebar piece to the Times article that Forbes did http://www.forbes.com/sites/toddessig/2013/02/10/when-study-drugs-kill-part-1-how-ambition-becomes-adderall-addiction/
  8. Greg

    Dr. Oz

    glad to know you are feeling better. just don't exert yourself too much, don't want you to start getting worse!!!
  9. Greg

    Dr. Oz

    this is really interesting. i am watching this right now. i recommend you all watch it because it kind of goes beyond the scope of what you normally see on a tv segment on adderall abuse. Dr. Oz does a diagram of what happens to your brain when you take adderall and normal dopamine production is "arrested" One of the guests said if heroin and oxycontin are a 10 on the addictive scale, ritalin and adderall are a 7 or 8...
  10. Greg

    Dr. Oz

    oh, ok. i found it. Part 1 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/adderall-and-abuse-dangerous-trend-pt-1 Part 2 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/adderall-and-abuse-dangerous-trend-pt-2 Part 3 http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/adderall-and-abuse-dangerous-trend-pt-3
  11. Greg

    Dr. Oz

    Thanks Ashley for the link..i hope you're sleep lot and drinking chicken soup to treat your flu!! I know how you feel ugh. Thanks for the heads up on this. I want to see it but missed it...havent come across any videos online of it yet, only the teaser http://www.doctoroz....-adderall-abuse
  12. The average person swallows eight spiders per year in their sleep...(I learned this after watching The Simpsons then googled..)
  13. Greg

    The 180

    No, I never took it before adderall. But I just got out of class and I is seeming to me like a very adderall-centric trait, i think. We learned that I's are the type that can lock themselves in a room for three hours straight with no breaks. (sound familiar?) I's are what our professor said 'stimulated from within' and focused on 'inner world of thoughts and reflections' (sound familiar)... I'm not saying it is a fact, but It is now occurring to me more how adderall could potentially turn E's into I's. We had a ton of I's in the MBTI post and I'm wondering if some them are actually Es...?????? Oh, and yeah. the free test was not far off at all...
  14. Hey James and welcome to the forums. I congratulate you on being clean the first five days but want to remind you that you are in the danger zone of relapsing. We see a lot of people here who have a few days clean and then can't take it anymore and go back to it. Now is the time you have to do everything in your power to keep your motivation to stay off this shit as high as possible. Write down your reasons why adderall has harmed your life and read that list over and over...stay on this board and post if you feel a desire to relapse. Understand chemically what's going on in your brain when you become dependent on adderall and be repulsed by it..understand how you are becoming psychologically dependent on adderall when it gains control over you and you are afraid to even go to class or study without it.(you used to be able to do this stuff before you knew what adderall was) Getting addicted to adderall is as serious as getting addicted to any other drug. Just because adderall is legally prescribed for ADHD doesn't make it any safer. When you are taking it at the dosages you have been 100 mgs, the honeymoon is over and you have crossed over into addiction. Now is the time to be proactive, that means cutting off your doctor from prescribing you ever again and realizing you have a support group here that is facing life without adderall and depending on what stage we are in is just as scared as you are with the same concerns too. You can do this, but you have to be stronger than you ever have been before, especially if you are going to do this without rehab. You have to break your physical and psychological dependence to this drug and that means staying off of it and severing your ability to get back on it. You have to believe in yourself and know that you can study and do things without it, and your fear of doing those things without adderall will eventually go away, and of course it's going to be difficult at first but if you do what you know is right for you in your gut you can beat this and live better and more happily then you ever have before.
  15. Greg

    The 180

    I thought this was an interesting article about emotional intelligence --- the other assessment test i referred to --- and recovery.. http://alcoholrehab.com/alcohol-rehab/10-ways-to-develop-emotional-intelligence/ Here is a link to emotional intelligence as defined in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence
  16. Greg

    The 180

    yeah MFA was saying something on an earlier post that perhaps adderall (and especially addiction) turns Es into Is...and it makes a whole lot of sense if you think about it...
  17. Interesting how this sites tagline is... getting back to your true self. I thought this was interesting. I took the Meyers Brigg test shortly after I quit when i still didn't know who i was off adderall yet, still feeling 'lost' about everything, and I was an ISFP....just now I took the $100 plus version for class and I am an ESTJ...(a few weeks ago I took the free test and was an EFTJ) Correct me if I'm wrong. That is 180 drastic change. What I found interesting is that INFP and ESTJ are polar opposites. I was an ISFP which sounds pretty close to INFP. I'm figuring that my personality type when I was ISFP was much closer to my adderall addicted personality type then the current one ESTJ. I recommend the comprehensive test if you are willing to pay the money and want a report with a more in depth explanation of your personality type. There are probably more questions on the comprehensive test and you can get maybe a more accurate MBTI result. I also took something called the emotional iq test. I read that addicts score very low on emotional iq tests compared to the average. So when we quit, our emotional iq goes up. What i'm trying to get at, i think, is that we as addicts are a lot different than we are off adderall and true drug free personalities come forward. Mike had written a lot about this. I guess my data is just one more example to back up what he's been saying.
  18. Yeah, the unbearable anxiety on top of the depression is a very rough combination...but it won't be like that forever. Just hang in there.
  19. Yeah, I had that too..you have to wait for it to pass. I think unfortunately that is one of the things that comes with quitting. How bad was it? For me it was THE hardest thing about quitting. I wasn't working so I tried to distract myself from it by getting absorbed in tv shows...I watched a lot of tv..
  20. Yeah, somebody on this site who was a doctor too recommended b12 injections. That was the first time I heard anything about them.
  21. I absolutely agree about coffee and energy drinks not helping a whole lot...especially after a while..
  22. Interesting. I was going to say sleep even MORE the night before. That helps for me. I have to think more on this topic as well. For me it has been coffee and energy drinks.
  23. With that great attitude I am sure you will beat this. This IS the number one priority in your life and if you keep reminding yourself that every day...you will do awesome no matter how hard things get. It's tough staying motivated, espececially during moments of self doubt but you definitely have the right attitude. Hang in there and keep posting and keep being strong! I really like what you said, that everything will work out somehow because it will. It may not always seem like it in the coming weeks, but everything will work out and for the better. And keep trusting your dead on instinct that you are doing the right thing.
  24. I was reading about pavlov dogs and how they would drool every time the bell rang...Sensitization..That got me thinking of adderall addiction, lol. Then I read about desensitization and I was wondering if that could be applied to adderall addiction took read somewhere they were doing some kind of desensitization with heroin addicts, exposing them to needles and stuff that triggered them. . Maybe it worked because I can look at the stuff and it doesn't really bother me much. At least Not like before. For example, that post with lil texs link to the article with the photo of adderall didn't bother me at all,.
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