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Everything posted by Greg

  1. how many of us can relate to the fact he was going through his pills in 14 days... i think what his parents were most frustrated about were that they told his prescribing psychiatrist about his adderall addiction, psychosis and still, the next month, she raised his adderall dosage... i dont know how this doc could have raised his dosage after his parents went to her with the information that he was addicted to it...he must have been quite a storyteller or that doc was completely idiotic. probably both. edit - hold up. to be fair, i was able to successfully convince my doctor that my mother was lying about my adderall addiction. he believed me and It was still recommended that i stay on adderall or switch to vyvanese. so i guess i know the answer to richard's parents' question. he was VERY convincing. i am just really happy that whole painful period of my life (and family) is over. I hope you --the ones still struggling -- have the strength to put this into your past as well.
  2. Interview with parents of Richard Fee, from this past Saturdays NY Times article. http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50730110#50730110
  3. Dang it. Caffeine and energy drinks no longer keep me awake in lecture!!

  4. I survived the day, but now I am in PAWS...

    1. Greg


      time to relax and do nothing until tomorrow

  5. absolutely. I heard they are thinking of different ways of using these things, even making these into delivery things. Where you can send a package to someone via your personal drone. There are a lot of cheaper ones. Some even under $200. they are slightly cheaper here...but the one i linked to has outstanding reviews. http://rc-drones.com/dji-phantom.php it also has GPS and a return to base feature if you lose it.or lose its signal.and gives real time point of view...
  6. yeah. its really cool. here is what it looks like itself http://vine.co/v/b1d5Fpi6zEz and here are some shots of it in action... !
  7. You can buy your own personal drone on amazon http://www.amazon.com/DJI-Phantom-Aerial-Drone-Quadcopter/dp/B00AGOSQI8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360286655&sr=8-2&keywords=drone+camera
  8. I use this site to keep me organized. http://www.vitalist.com/ also its free
  9. speaking of food. hmmm... http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/cleanplatecharlie/2013/01/chicken_wing_cupcakes.php
  10. I guess the adderall is what tells we are good. Thats probably how we get hooked.
  11. today's schedule: 8a-1pm work, 2-8pm classes..bleh

  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/05/opinion/a-tale-of-adderall-abuse-and-suicide.html
  13. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-02-01/shire-agrees-to-settle-adhd-drug-inquiry
  14. Definitely. I now make great coq au vin.. And I'm famous for my mashed potatoes...and brownies.. i gave you all my brownie recipe in another post.
  15. I recently got into iron chef..and also I watched a season of hells kitchen. Cooking is a hobby I picked up after quitting adderall... edit -would love to get cooking advice from searchingsoul.
  16. A typical consumer is exposed to 2500 advertising messages a day but only notices 11 to 20 of them.
  17. Yes..in the light of the research the federal government instituted a 10 percent tax hike on indoor tanning sessions.
  18. Also here... http://www.addictionsandrecovery.org/post-acute-withdrawal.htm
  19. Lol...Flush your PAWS! Stash ...and ' cut off your doc ' are other quitting adderall terms..
  20. Lol. Something interesting I learned...there is a company that sells surprises. Surprises include kayaking, firing ranges, kayaking, pottery making and walking on stilts...they range from 25 bucks to thousands. http://surpriseindustries.com/mini-surprises/
  21. Rev&rush...there are three adderall addiction terms u will get to know really well on this site in no time...PAWS...psychosis and dopamine.
  22. Research shows that use of tanning beds dramatically increases risk of skin cancer.
  23. tired...finishing up exam, reading due..two quizzes...3 tests and a 7 page paper...

  24. I know what you are saying... I just procrastinated for the last three hours. I watched a movie. I need to get into the mindset that by procrastinating, I am only delaying the misery. It just means staying up later, or waking up earlier and facing more stress as the deadlines approach. edit - sigh. and now it is 1am. what was i thinking watching a movie? now i might just call it a night and wake up early...
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