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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Just wondering why you think the Wellburtin is what made you irritable? I'm on it also but my bad moods is from withdraw I don't think was caused by the Wellburtin itself the fact that I can't get my addy fix is why I get angry. I think Lexpro decreases your sex drive while Wellburtin does not so personally if I'm off the addy and have no drive for sex that would piss me off even more. Personally I'm angry at myself not able to get my ass in work mode. People on here say wait it out months maybe a year I'll try to overcome this but instead of getting easier seems to be getting harder everyday after a month plus.
  2. I think quit once had a good point you feel ashamed like your cheating compared to a steroid user in baseball. But you gotta also account just because someone loads up on steroids it won't make you Hit home runs like Mark McGwire but in the same wait it steroids enhanced his career adderall does do the same for you In whatever your doing in life. A note on addy and baseball last year I recall a couple players getting suspended for taking it even with a script I believe they were pitchers which defiantly would give them a advantage if you played outfield be to bored on addy just sit around chewing tobacco. I do not think it addy made me smarter my god I have poor grammar on or off the pills if you read my posts not hard to see. But it did take my abilities to be more creative and figure out complex problems better because I craved perfection. So do I shout from the hills yes this drug helped me do all I did when on them ? Not by a long shot but I'm not really ashamed either, I was only ashamed that before I stopped addy working was all I cared about but it was working on self indulged projects that may or may not pay themselves back in the future hard to tell. I kinda see from reading a lot two types of abusers are on here one the daily users that were prescribed high doses then people who just hit it rock star hard like people on the intervention shows. I can't say ones better or worse its a upper no matter how you look at it. I recall a site with history on amphetamines that in the 1950s ..." Still marketed to treat obesity, narcolepsy and sinus inflammation, "pep pills" or "bennies" are sold for non-medical purposes. Some truckers, homemakers, college students and athletes pop pills to stay awake or keep active." So if it makes you feel better your grandparents probably took them also so don't be ashamed. I feel real deep shame is reserved for doing others purposeful harm. But I have real anger and frustration that I can't snap out of this 1 month plus depression. This sites really my last resort before giving up and taking a pill so do keep on here people understand and try to help.
  3. I can't say its safe or I wouldn't want to quit but what I'm fairly sure if I was smoking crack for 7 years I wouldn't have a house, family, and buisness I don't think you can put it on the same playing field. I guess if yor taking 150mg or more a day yes but I'd never go that high but felt it was smart to stop since it does kinda steal your soul and all that which I believe is true takes your personality away but makes you one hell of a worker until you get immune to it and need to higher your dose but did not want to do that made me to edgy now just trying to weather the storm I guess but also kicked smoking just trying to be a better person but it's hard to be good in a world gone to hell.
  4. Well guess its hard since it's a drug that makes you have more self motivation rather than same drug that you end up loosing everything from your addiction like crack or whatever. I don't even drink coffee I was but it does nothing at all for me just seems like everything sucks. I got a foreclosed house I bought to flip did all the work on addy by working late into the night now it's up for sale and can't even go do simple shit to make it more welcoming to sell. I remolded my entire house on my meds and I mean everything kitchen bath built a two car garage turned my old garage into a tv room everything I accomplished seems more than ever due to the extra drive I gained from my meds now I'm sitting around all weekend watching tv maybe going out to eat. I have found working out helps but I pushed myself to hard on the weights can't even lift my arms above my head lol. This just sucks I thought the hard part was over but this has been the hardest time when I quit I had motivation to quit now that I'm off I have no motivation to do much of anything. Not trying to get someone to say hey take one but just trying to get things off my chest on here that people can relate too.
  5. Damn a year ... Maybe not ready for this commitment I was getting out of hand taking more than I should at the end but maybe just take half my prescribed dose hell I don't know this sucks.
  6. I've on depressants does not do a lot for happy moods but it has helped me quit smoking and keeps my appetite under control. Shit ever since I was a kid been depressed always looked to self medicate as a teenager pot usual stuff. When was 20 tried coke for the first time loved the feeling (who doesn't some very bad stuff just say no!) but was not one to get hooked knew the consequences but felt while doing it awake and happy for the first time a lot more than pot. When I was 20 my girlfriend had ADHD was on Ritalin took that for the first time omg that was it knew I needed this felt awake and happy for the first time. At college went to get evaluated for a prescription they said no. So fast forward 7 years (long after the coke parties ended) my son was diagnosed with ADHD his mom was the one on Ritalin she did have ADHD big time I'm no doc but she absolutely needed it. My son who I was raising on my own since 9 months was a wreck on it wondered what is the deal here obviously it was powerful so I tried one to see why he was a mess great idea right? Well for me it did the same a Ritalin did not keep my son on it he was a emotional wreck but I sought out to get a script of my own. I told the doc straight up I'm normally depressed and can't always focus both statements true, so got the script here iam 7 years later trying it stop. I guess my subconscious has always sought uppers in one way or another even as a very young kid 7 or 8 I sometimes went to the gas station by myself on a bike and bought Jolt cola because it made me feel alert and happier. My question to myself is if I've always sought stimulates since a young child is why? I feel that I must have always lacked something most people have naturally and these drugs caffeine , cocaine, and adderal just put me in a place I should be but I feel it's not really 100% a ADHD problem it's something else and not sure it can ever be resolved without meds. I don't know my brains just fried from a lifetime of recreational drugs and prescription meds like 2pac said , "I gotta head but ain't no screws in it."
  7. I can't stand to give myself a break it's been over a month and hate not accomplishing much of anything. How long does this take to heal? I see a couple months ok but years or maybe never..then what's the point live my life a bum being clean off the script I'd hate myself. If the damage is just done regardless then I feel getting back on is my only option rather die young of a heart tack then live my life hating who I've become off this pill.
  8. I can motivate myself to work but don't enjoy doing it. I was really tempted to use again today I have so much to do things I like to do but just don't want to. I guess after so many years the natural endorphins are gone unless something extreme happens but I'm sick of my house looking like shit sick of work not being done sick of overall lack of motivation but then again I recall the last couple months on high doses that was already setting in. I'm caught in limbo not recovered not on adderal thinking maybe I'm better being a addict at least I get shit done but now everything's pointless just want to die at times I look at all I accomplished on adderal now know I can't ever get that many things done with a total lack of happiness whatsoever performing task I used to like. I'm not talking about folding laundry mindless crap I'm mean building with my hands or fixing a complex problem now I just want to sit on my ass and do much of nothing and wondering when the fuck or if I ever I can have motivation or self satisfaction doing much of anything maybe someone can give me hope on here but all I see is the same after you quit it sucks and takes many years to get normal if that's the case screw it give me my pill. Obviously I don't want to give up or would not be on here but looking for some hope in the near future.
  9. I'd say if your going to try any drug that's not prescribed by a doctor to help the adderall addiction smoke pot. Not trying to promote smoking weed but it's a lot better to smoke pot than do pain pills pot is not addictive. Also I believe the law is a lot more harsh on non prescribed pain meds possession compared to say having a dime bag if you got pulled over, but don't quote me wouldn't want to be caught with either one myself.
  10. Agree with quit-once taking pain pills won't help the adderal recovery process instead for me it only delayed the true physiological effects of the withdraw. You got realize being sober just sucks majority of the time plain and simple but the natural highs you get are X2 when they happen including something like listing to a real good song, sex, and endorphine highs like taking a bb team to a championship game winning by 1 point in the final second.. Happened to me last weekend I was feeling like cloud 9 if I was on adderal would have been to focused on coaching the next game to even enjoy the moment. As a kid always wanted to be like a rock star GNR were my role models thought partying all the time is how I should live my life, but got older knew it wasn't meant to be and found adderal was a way to work and party but the party is over now must be sober, well I do still drink occasionally so at least I have that to enjoy conservatively. Quit the pain meds ASAP your just going to crash harder longer you take them I'd like to say life's perfect over a month off adderal week plus off pain meds and cigs but it sucks plain and simple during a work day. This site is great for me personally though, It's much easier to see people in the hard stages vs only dealing with my own also even if this is anonymous I cannot post a form then go back on my word just start using again just not my personality to lie to even strangers.
  11. Wanted to clarify I doubt after all that the herbal pills curved my appetite. Since stopping adderal I did up my dose of Bupropion SR from 150m once a day now taking it twice a day. Reading more closely tonight on the side effects many users do experience some appetite reduction from this prescription. So my thoughts of herbal pills being snake oils still hold true I doubt they do much. But this medication of Bupropoin is a very mild stimulate defiantly nothing close to adderal but believe it is worth noting it helps me personally for depression of with draw from adderal, reduces mildly appetite (which is good if your worried about getting fat off adderal) also helps with nicotine cravings so you might ask your doctor coming off adderall if this would be benificial for you not sure what qualifies you for this I'm by no means at all a health care consultant.
  12. Well I do have a bad heroine habit too... Lol just kidding. I never heard of kicking multiple habits at the same time is more successful but make sense though. I can't use chew and I had a long term goal for stopping cigs it was all a big mental trick of the mind. Here is the deal I used to love chew and hate cigs but I could not go cold turkey on chew and enjoyed them new ecigs but was not into smoking. So I stopped chewing and picked up smoking the part of smoking that is joyful is the time out of relaxation with deep breaths inhaling the smoke but hated the way it smelled and besides that look like a social outcast so after 1 year of smoking I started to combine the ecig and regular smokes. Now off the adderal my craving for real smokes dropped considerably and if I do crave one I'm pretty satisfied with a e cig puff I may or may not quit the Ecig and if i never do quit so what ? It's way better than real smokes and nicotine by itself is no more harmful than caffeine it's the way you get it in you from chewing or smoking real cigs with the 1000's of chemical additives. If you feel like really breaking down use a ecig nicotine free the urge to smoke chew etc will never go away from what see. What's really odd is my appetite is not what I thought it would be figured I'd crave a lot of food but it's really been average maybe even less than it was on all that crap. It may be I'm using a lot of herbal pills that does claim to help your metabolism. I never took those with that in mind but after not having a huge appetite I wondered why and read my herbal supplements more and it does state that helps metabolism to be honest I figured it was all crap but figured I try something while kicking this addictions to help me heal my body. So if anyone is worried about gaining weight off adderal try St.Johns Wart and Green tea and one other forgot the name but it must help because I'm not choosing to endulge myself in hamburgers pizza and ice cream like I though I would after stopping adderal.
  13. Well this has been a major boot camp for my brain overall myself will. I found the pain killers helped reduce the adderall cravings but stopped using them before it became a full blown addiction also (I do not recommend that method to quit) Now I found smoking cigarretts unfulfilling during my recovery it just made me tired plain and I just decided to quit plus I hate the smell of the smoke in my garage. I do smoke e cig which really kicks the nicotine cravings along with a bupropion script. Didn't think I'd post on this site much after I set my mind to not take this pill but it is such a strong withdraw roller coaster find it helps posting on here still not where I want to be mentally hate being lazy but know adderal won't help.
  14. I sometimes slap my face literally to get through a day not probably the best self healing tool but it gets me going. I get angry for being tired just discussed withmyself. It's so amazing the gov lets this strong narcotic easily available I mean any idiot can go to a local gov subsidized clinic and say "I can't focus" well here ya go kid take these. Yet anyone who is dying of cancer can't eat etc cannot get a script for a naturally grown plant marjuana in most states still. Obviously the gov wants busy working cracked out bees not laid back chilled stoners sort of a double standard here. I smoked weed for years stopped one day because I was just bored with it never had withdraws and occasionally lit up without a big relaps why?Because pot is not addictive this crap is very very addictive and makes you caple of doing amazing tasks but it also takes away your soul it's a harsh drawback not worth doing your entire life just understand you know when it's time to quit . The roller coaster has to end someday before it derails and if your on here that's your que to step off the ride and back into your real life. Along with this drug I've been taking pain pills just because it's available too me but now I've been off adderall for nearly a month and off pain meds for 2 days. Man it's some harsh shit to facing your bodies normal capability. I knew what I was doing all along was wrong but figured just one more day of this .. Well that day has ended time to face a new life narcotic free what a bummer but that's life if you want to keep living and personally I must change to be a better example for my family once your children become teenagers they start to ask and figure out if they have a pill popping father and I do not want to lead a piss poor example for them that's why I'm quitting.
  15. Never took Concerta but did the amphetamine 30mg 2x daily for 7 years. If your a pre-med that may be a advantage study up hard on what this drug is all about and realize your mind is still in control of your body and your body tells your mind it must have this drug to perform not the other way around. I've been off it for a couple of weeks and physically I do a hard days work I'm tired! But if I have my sons basketball practice to coach afterwords I know I can't go home be lazy I get to practice work out with the kids and forget I'm tired. It's all about getting yourself going and for myself the physically energy I miss but my brain function has doubled I can remember things I never could before I can talk to people before was too busy for small talk but if all you do is work never have a little joke or talk about a movie kids etc with someone what are you? Your a damn lifeless hard working robot who would be ideal for someone in the matrix feeding the machine but in life we have no machine we live a short life span and if you don't have any joy during a work day why work? Why make money what's the point! I think the motivation for me to stop was my kids, but what got me over the hurdle was watching the new movie Lone Survivor just watch it if you haven't. Also watch the Adam Sandler movie "click" the remote is amphetamines plain and simple. Good luck
  16. I probably won't post again but may check in here time to time to maybe give advice to newbie posts for help. I can tell you after 6 years of daily use in two weeks off here how my life has improved: I. Enjoy eating 2. Have dreams again I can't recall having detailed dreams on adderall. 2. More energy ? That ones a hard to believe even for me even but I think it has to do with eating again,, on adderall I had a bagel in the am then could go,until 6pm without the urge to eat and was part of the downfall for mental focus had no fuel 3. Focused myself back on my business got a $7000 bid won last week.. If I was on adderall I probably would have been too focused on my non money making side projects to even go do the bid. 4. Became a better parent can have way more patience. 5. Been able to enjoy some down time without always stressing out. I could make a list of probably 50 more positives at this time but u get the picture I think. Ok so here is what I really miss from being on adderall after two weeks... Not a damn thing! I will tell you quitting nicotine is 100x worse than stoping adderall, nicotine is always calling you even after a months! . Adderall thank god does not. It was a really was temptation for 1-4 days but after that the chemical dependency wears off, mentally you just got to kick your ass make yourself productive quit feeling sorry for yourself. This site has great resources follow the steps go easy on yourself the first 2 -3 days be a lazy ass don't push yourself you will know when the time is right to get things going to normal speed. Keep in mind if you can quit smoking this is going to be a breeze Im still not nicotine free but did cut smoking in half off adderall but not gonna stop using nicotine yet a major battle has been won for me I gotta plan ahead for a even bigger battle for the stop smoking. Thanks to people who posted to me the first couple of days it really helped me out!
  17. My finances family is involved in aa I think it's not helpful for quitting adderal. I'm not down with Jesus is the only way to sobriety and that's what aa is all about. My thoughts are what if you grew up in Iran then Muhammad is the only way out? It's all a smoke screen the will power is yourself! I'm not claiming I'm atheist but I'm a realist and if Jesus comes down to earth tomorrow and says "hey worship me and my father or you'll burn in hell" bet your ass I'd be on my knees quicker then a prostitute at a sailor convention. But we are going off books that have been translated way too many times and rewritten to enrich the leaders of the times so I'm not taking the writings all in without question ( grew up catholic just FYI ) But if you want free coffee and just a way talk to some good hearted people about your problems it's a good place to go nothing wrong with it or u can just join fight club lol. I'm really happy off this junk can't recall being actually happy for a long long time.
  18. It's been now one week since my beloved pink super red bull pills. I was feeling lazy and tired until Saturday night. Went and watched the new movie 'last man standing' I realized what a cry baby I was being off my meds. Now after that anytime I feel tired or lazy I do push ups sit ups whatever to get myself going motion= energy = power forget those stupid pills. I will miss the all night marathons of rewiring old pinball machines but now I'm planning my hobby time and focusing back on my buisness. I can't say I regret ever doing adderal to start with but it was my time to stop I don't have a big belief in the almighty hopefully we are destin for something after death but all I know is my life has a sort of pre determined path and all goes well when I go with what feels right at the time, my advise after 2-3 days coming off these pills go and see this movie! I swear you'll be back to who you were before with no problems unless before adderal you had no drive or focus at all then actually they may be meds you need not a mental super boost like it does for most of us quitting.
  19. Went and watch last man standing tonight done being a whining little lazy bitch without my pills, movie reminded me what all of us posses and what I used to have without a pill -will power! I urge anyone feeling sorry for themselves quitting to go watch it.
  20. Day 5 kinda upset with my lack motivation not giving up but not happy with laying my ass around most of the day watching tv like a bum.
  21. Day 4 Friday so far this has been the only day that I've been really tempted to pop a pill. I got a shop full of stuff to sort for eBay (went through a house being sold electronics hoarder used to live their) I also have a pin game that I'm just dying to start in on for restoration but worked today now I'm tired and this is where that magic pill comes in so damn handy. But I'm not going to and feel like a lazy ass bum not getting these things done but maybe just need extra rest since I've pushed myself so hard for so long but my view even before adderall was I can sleep once I'm dead the pill just really amplified that notion to the extreme. I know its odd but I feel like the machines I do bring back to life is a calling like it is a meant to be the people who built these games 50 years ago are looking over my shoulder helping me along back then people did it all by hand with pride something lost with today's world I hope it's all worth it and hope I can pace myself to enjoy family, work, and hobbies without this drug. It's not a option to go back since it's affected my earnings overall negatively and want to be back on track. I recall now (never stopped before to see) I started adderall in 2007 so I had already been successful in business without it for 3 years which makes me feel good knowing it was not the pill that got me going on my own and did fine without it.
  22. Day. 3 going better still kind of lazy not getting a lot done but then again the last month on adderall I was not getting anything of real meaning done because I could only focus on one project to get a big ( good job!) once fished like it matters nobody is paying me realistically for them. Appetite coming back some self pitty is starting to grow less of a issue compared to yesterday. I recall now when I started using this junk only did it when I had a huge physical job to do and was getting paid for it then slowly I could not even get the will power to jump out of bed without taking a pill first. Now it's odd I feel like my energy is better in the morning and only been. 3 days hopefully I continue seeing progress, also smoking less maybe 3 cigarettes a day vs a half pack or more,( I do use a vapor cig also that helps me a lot)
  23. Did want to say tonight felt better a I went to a social event for my kids school and was not itching to leave could actually hold a conversation without being preoccupied with something I need to hurry up and get done!
  24. I will look it up if I'm challenged with others my help me overcome some obstacles I see how much this drug has made me numb to both the good and the bad. I guess like being on any drug only difference this one makes you very functional but after many years I've seen great loss from it. My family & friends all know I'm busy so never ask me to do much with them they don't know I'm hooked on a powerful upper while doing it just my fiancé knows that, what's ironic is she was on it for awhile too and are relationship got so bad from us both on edge I told her to leave or quit adderall so she did quit but I kept having her get scripts for me to have extra if I ran out before I could refill o the irony pretty f',*ed up!
  25. I think now failure is not a option I think my big issue is I've never been a big planner but I could always focus on what's important paying bills, family etc. But lately I'm so focused on staying busy on a project I can't focus on the little things that need to be done. I should just say it since this is all anonymous but my hobby turned into obsession is restoring vintage pinball and arcade games 1950-1974 I have 14 full restoration in two years. I'm talking tedious work both inside and out I joked that I'm addicted to them in reality I'm addicted to the drug which makes me forget everything else and get them up and working 100% . Most people as a hobby I'd say do 1-3 a year. Problem is I don't enjoy them once done or even take the time to try and sell them rather start on another one. In return my business has lost focused which is not restoration but when you can stay up push off work that you'd rather not do and have no boss to tell you otherwise a hobby can get out of hand especially with a drug that makes time unimportant ,sleep and eating those are just things I do because I have to once in awhile to function . I defiantly have no urge to relax and have fun in my mind why would I want to do that ? ... work is fun and rest is for the dead but I fear if I don't quit dead is what I'll be much younger age than I should.
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