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Posts posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Have you been on Adderall the whole time you were married?  It may be worth a shot to quit before making any crazy changes.  If that is possible. My "heart" was not functioning properly while I was on Adderall.  Some of the cruel, heartless things that I did/said make me cringe, now that I am clear headed.     

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  2. Why are you feeling hopeless?  You will never feel normal again unless you quit the pills.  At least if you quit, you will eventually feel like yourself again!  I was like you, it was the "Matrix" red pill or blue pill moment.  Get a higher dose prescription, or quit.  I chose to quit over 10 months ago.  I feel great!  I am still tired sometimes and I drink WAY too much caffeine (I love MONSTER!!!), but I am myself again.  Emotionally, I felt back to normal within the first month or so.  It is the physical part that is so hard.  I spent almost 6 years jacked up on speed and my metabolism is shot.  It is getting better, and I have lost 10 pounds and kept it off for the last month or so.  I still have 30 pounds hanging on, but I am having a hard time being consistent with my exercising.  I am getting more active every week.  I planted some flowers on Saturday with the kids...and you know what...it doesn't have to be perfect. 


    Join us and find yourself again.  You don't need that crap to get through the day. 

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  3. You really aren't a slave, btw.  You can leave it.  You are making yourself an indentured servant.  Let it go...it is possible.


    It is hard and you will be junk for a while.  But you will find yourself again, I promise.  Tell everyone you know that you have a problem and you are going to quit.  Get rid of the pills and the source...It is so liberating to not wonder what you are going to do when the prescription runs out!  Because the prescription is not there anymore.  It is not an option.  Get plenty of snacks and fluff your pillow.  Rest and let your body recover.  Take walks, if you feel like it, or take naps (more likely).  You can do this.  Come back to this site as many times a day you feel like you need encouragement.   

  4. I have tried to get several higher level positions lately.  I can't imagine why I haven't gotten any call backs.  Unless...I ruined quite a few working relationships and references may be a problem.  Not because of my work history, but because of how vindictive and cruel people can be when pissed off.  I am just going to assume that God is at work and I need to be in this boring ass job right now.  It is not for me to question, it is only for me to do...

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  5. Frustrated (with the resigned)


    In the USA, we are a bunch of frogs in a pot...they are slowly boiling us alive and most people don't want to jump out of the pot.  Those of us who are pointing out that the water is getting hot are called extremists and domestic terrorists...Maybe Canada isn't so bad.  At least they have had many years to get their system's bugs worked out. 

  6. We all have similar stories.  Read some of the posts and articles.  You are in good company!  So, to answer your question...No, I didn't feel like I could exercise without my Adderall.  I have recently (after almost 10 months clean) started exercising again.  I really believe your body has to heal and rest from the hell you have put it through with the Adderall.  It is sooooo unhealthy!  If you care at all about your body and mind, then you have to quit the pills and find yourself again.  It becomes such a fantastic crutch, but it doesn't work forever.  Eventually, you have to face the things that made you turn to it in the first place.  Why not now?  Let it go...


    Welcome to the forum!  I hope that you find what you are looking for.

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