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Posts posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. I just think I need something to motivate me.  I don't think this job is necessarily the thing that I need, but you never know until you try.  I had the interview and it went really well, but I was my usual outgoing, ADHD self (rambling, overly excited, etc).  I am not sure if I will get a call back, but it was nice to get dressed up and waste a day of sick leave...

  2. I wonder if it is like quitting cigarettes.  I have read that after you quit smoking  the first time your lungs heal themselves.  But, you do more damage to your lungs if you start smoking again.  Also, that damage is harder to recover from. 

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  3. Indecisive...I have a job interview tomorrow, but I am thinking of cancelling.  My current job is perfect and the only benefit to the new job would be money, and more responsibility.  Oh, and an additional 30 minutes to my commute.   When I type it out, it makes me really want to cancel.  Is this just my lack of motivation? 



  4. I just counted on my fingers and I am at 9 months and 1 week clean!   Wow...I didn't even notice the time ticking away.  Probably because I was too lazy to glance at a calendar...LOL!  I feel pretty much the same way that you described, but I have found that if it is something really important I can force myself to do it.  I almost ran out of gas because I just wanted to go home and didn't stop.  Stupid, but still better than Adderall addiction. 

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  5. So, I was overly sensitive on Adderall.  But, I was usually so busy doing some BS task that I didn't notice.   Unless someone interrupted my crazy cleaning spree, or organizing a drawer, then I didn't really care what went on around me.  Now, I am finding myself annoyed by people and the stupid shit that they do.  REALLY, people?!? 


    There...I feel a little better.  I just wish people would do their jobs and quit being so F*cking annoying!


    Have a nice day!  :)

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  6. You are going through exactly the same thing we have all experienced.  It SEEMS like a great idea...to go back to it...just for a day or two...maybe a few weeks to lose the weight...then I can't stop because of insert whatever crazy justification to stay addicted here.  Just don't give in to it.  It is a lie, and you know that it is.  Remember the bad times, the crazy feelings, and just hang in there.  It takes a lot longer than 2 months...sadly.  But, it does get better.  You can do it!!

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  7. I think that is why this forum is so helpful.   To go from feeling like you are all alone in the world, to realizing that there are so many who have exactly the same experience with this drug.  "Hmm, maybe it isn't me...maybe the drug is making me crazy."  It is nice to be able to change "shoes", even if they are the ones we have worn for so long.  It can be done!

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  8. Here is your push...JUST STOP!! 


    LOL, and tell everyone.  Including your doctor, your family, friends...everyone.  You can't be the only one who knows that you had a problem and quit.  Otherwise, you will be the only one who knows if you go back to the Adderall.  You can't deal with a problem if you don't admit (openly to everyone) that you have a problem.  You need to have some external accountability.  If we could stick to our guns and be accountable to ourselves to make good decisions, then none of us would have had trouble quitting Adderall.  Also, we would all be super fit!   


    Good luck and just do it!!

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