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Posts posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. Hang in there.  It does get better.  I think when your mind is altered for a long time, you forget who you are.  So do the people around you.  The "you" on Adderall becomes who everyone sees, so it is the norm to them.  Some people don't notice the bad until the Adderall is gone and then they notice it is better.  Don't go back, you can do this!  Make it hard for you to get back on it.  Do you have a prescription?  Or are you getting it from another source?  Either way, you have to cut off the "pusher".  Tell your doctor you are quitting, or cut off contact with your supplier.  Delete phone numbers from your phone.  If you are like me, you won't remember the number once it is out of your contacts list.  I could Google my doctor's number, but I won't do it. 

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  2. I am only 8 months clean, not yet a year, but I would like to share my advice. 


    Cut off your supply (supplier) and tell people in your life that you have a problem and are quitting.  I found that a lot of people in my life didn't think I had a problem because it was a prescription which I did not abuse.  It was hard to convince some people...but, my family was like "yeah, we knew something was wrong".  They didn't want to say anything because I was so unpredictable.  My mood could change drastically and I didn't make a lot of sense when I was angry. 


    Being very involved on this site has helped me immensely!  Reading peoples posts lets you know you are not alone.  We are all so similar.  Kindred Spirits! 


    Welcome to the site and good luck. 

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  3. I think some people with personalities like ours have a higher probability of becoming addicted.  Does it matter which drug was the  "gateway", I don't think so.  So, to answer your question, I do not believe Adderall is anymore a gateway drug than any other.  The gateway is what you were taking when you slipped down the slope...it didn't cause the slip. Does that make any sense to anyone but me?  I am still a crazy rambler...that wasn't caused by Adderall.LOL

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  4. :D  You can do it!  I completely agree with Quit Once that you have to admit your addiction to others and cut off your supply.  Telling others is a great way to keep yourself accountable.  If you can sneak back to the Adderall and no one else knows, then it is harder to stay clean. 

  5. Tell everyone.  Anyone you can.  Get it out there.  If you are able to go back on it, unaccountable to anyone except yourself...it makes it more difficult.  I am so glad that you decided to post!  I know that it has been a huge help in my recovery. 



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  6. Don't expect to do things (your job, school, writing, exercising) at the same crazy high level you did on adderall. That was a drug induced state. A sober human is not naturally that freaking motivated or excited to be working or cleaning all the time.

    I love this !! How sad is it that we can't tell the difference anymore? What is normal anyway? Not being jacked up on adderall, that's for sure.
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  7. I am almost 8 months clean, and I am finally feeling like I can do this.  I don't think about it or need it everyday...and that is HUGE.  You have damaged your brain and you have to give it time to recover.  Welcome to the site.  It has been hugely important for my recovery. 

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  8. My kids are so much happier now that I am clean.  I don't ride their asses about cleaning.  I don't constantly clean around them.  I don't nag them about stupid stuff.  I love to sit on the couch and watch cartoons sometimes...I love Teen Titans Go and Adventure Time. :D  I would never do these things before...too busy focusing on minutia.  I remember the kids saying that I never played with them.  They don't care about a slightly messy house (have you ever seen Hoarders?).  They want a mom who is present. 

    My husband appreciates that when I ask him to do a chore I don't immediately get pissed because he hasn't done it yet.  I no longer freak out and just do the chore myself when he didn't even have a chance to get to it.  Now, it is difficult to stay up later at night for "mommy-daddy time" ;), but some late evening caffeine does the trick!


    Stop beating yourselves up, ladies.  As long as your husband has sex and a sandwich every now and then, and your kids have your attention regularly, then you have made them all happy.  I promise.  The rest is just details...

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