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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. When I told my mom I had quit taking my Adderall, I also apologized to her for the way I have acted for the last several years.  She was so supportive and said that she was glad that I quit.  Everyone noticed, but no one wanted to mention it.  Facing my wrath was not worth it, I suppose.  I couldn't make eye contact either...funny how we are all so similar.

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  2. "I still do this amount, although I've been weaning myself down slowly" seems contradictory.  Are you still doing the same amount, or have you stepped down?  I am concerned that you will turn to illegal means to get more Adderall when the withdrawal hits you hard.  You need a strong support system to get through this.  You have to tell all of your family and friends what you have been doing and that you have decided to quit.  Accountability + lack of access = higher chance of success.  That is my opinion anyway...

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  3. It's best this way!  You don't have an option of going back.  That will be helpful.  You are going to be miserable.  It is not just the lazy, hungry times...it is the "I need to have it or I am going to lose everything!" that you have to deal with.  Just know that you CAN do this.  Give yourself some time.

  4. Welcome to the group! I wish I could give you advice on how not to gain weight, but since I am trying to lose the 40 pounds I've gained....I have nothing. It does get better. I did 1.5 miles on my treadmill last night and it felt great. Still...I have so much to do around the house today, but I am having a hard time getting motivated. I was reading a book and fell asleep. I am so grateful to be able to take it easy for a change. Good luck and keep communicating on this forum. It helps!

  5. Oh no, I was referring to my screen name. I chose that name in the hopes that I would always be awesome, but I found myself struggling to just get up in the morning. You can be awesome! I am awesome more and more every day.

  6. Mike,  you are doing the right thing by coming to this site.  Read the articles and posts, and take some stock.  The only way to quit is to quit.  I know that seems stupid, but if you don't get clean on day 1, then you can never look back on your first year clean.   While you are in the crash, you are going to be lazy and miserable.  If you can take some time off and recover, you may have better luck.  If not, welcome to the club...  It does get better, and you can't live like this forever.  Adderall eventually stops working.  So, stop it now.  It is inevitable that the same dose won't give the same effect.  There is hope, there is a life after Adderall.  You are awesome and talented.  Adderall can't make you an artist with a good eye.  It can only make you so jacked up that you are a crazy workaholic.  Burn the candle at both ends and it will soon be a puddle of wax...so it is with your body and mind.  Good luck and...



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  7. Well, I don't always feel awesome.  LOL!  I feel unmotivated a lot.  If it is not very, like super duper mega, important...I don't want to do it.  Today, I started writing some procedures which I have been putting off.  Once I got started, I was cooking right along and didn't want to stop to have lunch!  That is new.  I haven't felt like that in a couple of years.   Remember, Adderall starts to lose its effectiveness after a while.  I chose to quit rather than increase my dose.  The magical feeling of super powers doesn't last.  I am not craving it at all.  I can honestly say that.  I don't want to start it back.  I have recently started to eat better and exercise, so I am going to lose this weight! 


    A simple answer to your question:  I feel like a human again.  A fat, mostly lazy human.  A happy, peaceful human... Normal?  Getting there!

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  8. I absolutely love doing Zentangle and it has helped me when I am having a hard time with stress and being bored.  In the beginning, I could have been exercising but didn't have the motivation.  So, to have something to do besides eating ice cream while watching TV was helpful.  I think it is like yoga for artists...without sweat or strenuous activity. 


    I am just wondering if anyone else does it and if so, I would love to see some of your work!


  9. I can still do mathematics and my problem solving is more logical and easier to explain to others.  Adderall just made me want to do things more, and I don't have that motivation to do tedious things like I did.  I don't live for excel spreadsheets anymore, but I still do them for others.  I do think that at 8 months clean it is still too soon for me to consider going back to school for my masters degree...


    I really do not remember how it was before Adderall, but I know I was successful in college and in high school...without the drug.

    The feeling escapes me, though.  So, will I even know when I am my "old self" again?  Not sure if I will recognize it.  Still, I am content to be present again.  I was missing for so long...


    I hope my crazy rambling helps a bit.  I am a genuinely diagnosed ADHD girl after all.

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