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Everything posted by Kyle_Chaos

  1. I find that even though I quit months ago, I still obsess and think about Adderall constantly. I'm sure many of you have had this same issue, I still hold myself to that high standard of thinking and everything that I experienced on Adderall.. It's ALL the time, when I'm at work..on dates, having sex (because sex is better on adderall) and especially when I take Jack3d and run a few miles. ahhh! I'm hoping that when I'm a year clean or so I won't think about it as often. I'm ready for this psychological addiction to end, any tips?
  2. Just stayed up to watch this, it was halfway decent.. and I love Robert Downey Jr. in anything
  3. Great response, yes.. as an INTJ..I think maybe INTJ/ISTJ are high ranking in the types more prone to abuse sustances. Yes, I can feel "me" coming back on a daily basis and it's fantastic!
  4. I'm starting to feel slightly more normal, I feel "out of it" a lot...but then again, I've always been lost in thought and out of it a lot period. Life is boring, why not be somewhere else mentally?
  5. Also the second one isn't exactly "healthy"..per-se.. I've been tanning a lot and I live in FL as well.. it does appear to have that stereotypical "healthy" look though.
  6. pretty much exactly who they were before adderall? I have a feeling during my recovery I'm not quite what I was before Adderall, though similar... maybe I just dwell on these things too much. Still an INTJ though
  7. I've been on Lexapro before, I might get on that for a little bit. it did make me feel stupid, but I found nearly everything hilarious and it was a nice break from being so serious and awkward all the time. I've tried wellbutrin before, and it honestly just made me feel REALLY strange (it could be because I didn't have a dopamine deficiency at the time and now I do..)
  8. I'm REALLY struggling with post-adderally depression the past few weeks, I'm really wondering when this black cloud is going to go away. I'm thinking of trying to get on an anti-depressant until some of this subsides, I don't want something that changes me completely, just something to help me out for a little bit until my dopamine gets back up and running. any suggestions?
  9. Around two months. I'm a believer that people nearly always return to normal (or the new "normal" isn't that much different from the old one)
  10. You've actually noticed it helping you focus? It seems like everything I've bought (with the exception of fish oils and B12 and what) have been complete wastes of money. I feel better overall when I don't take a multivitamin than when I do.
  11. Which picture I was on adderall in... I'm so much healthier now, I feel great!
  12. I don't know how it is for everyone, but I'm definitely starting to return to my old self.. Your personality is based on your influences and family, and everything around you..if that stays the same, then eventually you'll regain who you were. (at least I am) A little damage to the dopamine receptors isn't going to ruin you forever.
  13. You can do it. There is no point of no return, you can always come back. Exercise and vitamins. And yeah..that's pretty addicted. It's going to be definite for me because I'm military and they have it in the system that I cancelled it because I hated feeling robotic.
  14. I'm super proud of myself. I can tell I'm slowly returning to normal. Two months of no pills, and by cutting myself off.. I no longer even have the option. Horray me!
  15. I don't care why others don't stop, lol. I just know I have stopped and I have an appt with you doc next week to cancel my upcoming scrip (I'm in the air force, it works a little different). One thing that has helped me this week is finding out that someone I dislike from work is prescribed Adderall. I always wondered (at least recently, now that I'm sober) why he seems so zombified and peculiar.
  16. This is extremely inspiring.. Thank you
  17. I appreciate it, it's on the days where I don't sleep enough/don't exercise that I crave it really bad. I'm thinking I may get on Wellbutrin to help me out some, despite the mental cloudiness I may experience..hopefully it helps me out.
  18. I've been off the poison for about a month, and I still feel COMPLETELY bland mentally, I feel empty inside and like I don't know who I am period. It's like I don't have opinions on things anymore.. It's odd to go to work and see everyone lively and enthusiasm..and I'm just empty. How long can I expect to feel like this?'When will I return to normal? I'm in need of some encouragement, because it's rough.
  19. I run at least three miles a day (and in fact, the other day I ran 3 miles THREE times a day) .. Maybe it's a little obessive, but it's definitely helping me feel better..and if you can get yourself in a routine of running and become addicted to something healthy and productive, it'd benefit you. (I feel like I'm speaking something so blantantly obvious that it's no help at all)
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