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Everything posted by Kyle_Chaos

  1. Seeking it out, times have been tough lately (a recent breakup and financial troubles.) I use focusing in on pointless tasks while high as an escape.. I have come a long way, it should be a shame to go on another long binge after accomplishing so much.
  2. This past weekend I took about 20+ 20 xr Adderall. I pretty much sent myself into amphetamine psychosis, I'm not sure how far I set myself back.. The strangest thing about the experience was when I came off the drug and slept, when I woke up I had a huge bruise on my left arm, anyone experienced anything like this? Have any of you relapsed and went on a binge of this magnitude?
  3. Yes indeed, it's obvious to everyone around how miserable and sick you look. I remember my complexion being green for a good year... Now I'm tan and I live in Florida, there's really no excuse for any sort of drug use when you live 300 feet from the ocean!
  4. I've had a few of them, though I don't remember the specifics. I'm still early in recovery and the drug is still on my mind on a daily basis..I'm hoping this will subside over time.
  5. It looks like no one is in the Florida area, how depressing lol
  6. I'm sure you're enjoying the game..tis' one of the best games I've ever played.
  7. Agreed, ambition is important..but not being a complete freak of nature with bloodshot eyes and having a social life at work is equally important in how you're going to be viewed and your chances for advancement and whatnot.
  8. I can't tell a difference at all with Tyrosine, but maybe a little with Omega 3's..
  9. Happy Holidays to you, too.
  10. Yes indeed, I could just tell that people genuinely didn't like me when I was on it. I was no fun, no one want's to be around someone that overpowering and arrogant. I had no friends at Eglin AFB when I was on it..now that I've been off a while I get along with tons of people and am well liked, it's amazing how much a little pill can make you an entirely different being all together, and a little frightening...
  11. Does anyone else track their running with this application? I'd like to add some people and get some competition going, but it seems like I can't find anyone else that uses it If you do use it, post your username so I can add ya!
  12. I haven't, but I will (when I get some extra cash)
  13. I'm doing the same, the more I recover the more I learn about myself as a working individual. I know I'm not constantly staring at the ground now that I'm not on adderall, I would avoid eye contact and over analyze everything, just waiting to get in that perfect "witty" comment.. Now I just laugh and joke around with co-workers, it's great not to have that over-stimulated sense of entitlement to my job, and it's also great to have my sense of humor back (or coming back, that is..)
  14. I wouldn't worry about getting hooked on coffee, it's..coffee..not a big deal at all. I take Jack3d on a daily basis almost (to run 3 or 4 miles) and I don't feel guilty about that. I don't even think getting hooked on something mildly stimulating like coffee or energy drinks is that big of a deal, whatever keeps you off meth.
  15. If I do it again, I will personally give you my address in Florida and you can come beat the dogshit out of me.
  16. I don't have a stash, it was a friend's back home. Appreciate it. *gets back on horse*
  17. I recently got WAY too drunk while I was at home visiting friends, and I relapsed on Concerta. After I got back to Florida, I also took 7 phenthermine (at once, talk about self destructive). I only did this because I was still feeling the Concerta and didn't want to let go of the feeling. It's funny, it truly shows how much worse Adderall is than everything else, because I already feel almost back to normal, and I know if I had taken the same amount of Adderall that I would still be feeling drained. I hope I didn't set myself back too much
  18. God I hate the way my voice sounds on film, eeek!
  19. http://smg.beta.photobucket.com/user/KyleChaos/media/IMG_0719.mp4.html
  20. Yeah, my mistake.. I was going through a rough time and decided to vent in my own way on the forum
  21. It is, some of the time..but you'll never see that beauty on adderall. I met with a psychologist today and he actually offered for me to get back on it, I declined. Slowly but surely I'm returning to myself, functioning better cognitively and everything. Life is good!
  22. We should have a thread for that, "Post pictures of yourself tweaked out of your mind!"
  23. It seems that actual meth users do a lot more damage than we do, I remember hearing this in the documentary. "Meth users most likely will never experience pleasure ever again." Eeeeek! Anyways, it's an interesting documentary on Netflix and I recommend it!
  24. It is, I'm providing support in the form of advice. You're right, I've always been a bully
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