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Everything posted by Kyle_Chaos

  1. Hmm.. well maybe someone will know. I know I'm starting to feel like my old self..
  2. I was wondering if anyone knows if using Wellbutrin will interfere with the dopamine receptor repair process of quitting Adderall.. I don't want to be on something that's going to prevent me from getting better in the long run.
  3. It was recommended for me, and it's already helping quite a bit.. I don't think it has much abuse potential, abusing Wellbutrin isn't even a temptation for me..
  4. For anyone who's also used this medication, does the mental fog fade a bit once your body gets used to the medication?
  5. I enjoyed that, ha. I already feel a few negative side effects, but I'm going to stick it out and see how this affects me after a few weeks.
  6. I got prescribed Wellbutrin today, even after one dose..I feel a little more calmer and more focused. I have high hopes, anyone had a positive experience with Wellbutrin SR?
  7. They put me on Wellbutrin SR. Wish me luck!
  8. I'm bummed out that no regular members from this forum are in the Florida area.
  9. I like the name, it makes me think of a robot prototype, or maybe a boss in a ps3 game...or something..
  10. I've heard that it's expensive.. I have Tricare prime, so hopefully that'll cover it. Appreciate it.
  11. I would take fish oil daily, but I've heard that you start smelling like it.. I don't want to have a fishy odor when people are around me
  12. If you're looking for a boost for exercising, honestly..try it. I've run 8 miles today so far, and I could easily run more.
  13. I'm with you, cold turkey is the way to do it. We're a society of complete pussies, if we can't adjust our behavior by will power, there's always a pill that "fixes" us. I know I've got my problems, but that's who I am..and hopefully I can stay off the shit and continue to actually work on me, and my problems ..without needing the assistance of a pill.
  14. You will return to normal. It's almost a blessing, most people take their normalcy for granted..when you start to get it back after being on speed, you really appreciate the simple things.
  15. has anyone tried it? I'm about to try and get on it tomorrow, it honestly sounds like a wonder drug for depression.
  16. and thought to myself, "none of this would have happened if I was still hooked on Adderall." Anytime I do anything social, laugh with friends, go on dates, have any genuine interest in anything, or any REAL moment..I'm grateful I don't take the stuff on a daily basis.
  17. I know for a fact I'm ADHD and I do think It's real. I just believe I'm one of the rare real cases and that it's overdiagnosed.
  18. I'm taking it because my counselor at Eglin AFB that I talk to suggested I take it. I told him how I'd rather not be on Adderall at all and he said this might be a helpful alternative. I've seen that book at the base library before, I may have to check it out..
  19. Has anyone attended any classes for ADHD? I'm signed up for one (and one good thing is that I'm in the military and it's free) but I just have this feeling that it's going to be complete bullshit and a complete waste of my time.
  20. I'm actually not angered, I feel that with enough time..anyone can get back to normal. It's a learning experience.
  21. I appreciate it more than you know, "Inrecovery."
  22. Valid point, but I think Lexapro does start to work quicker than most anti depressants.
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