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Everything posted by Kyle_Chaos

  1. It is, I joke around like that..but anyone who genuinely feels that way can't have an IQ higher than their shoe size..
  2. one eye itself droops more, it's never as open as my left eye.
  3. My vision is also a lot better now, the medication combined with two days not sleeping made everything so blurry on certain occassions that I could barely read. I'm probably just being a hypochondriac and the lazy eye is nothing to be concerned about.
  4. Stroke Spectrum? I know with a stroke you have extreme weakness on one side of your face and you basically have to re-learn how to talk and process information and whatnot..
  5. I don't believe it changes anyone permanently, with enough time.. everyone's brain chemistry balances out and you return to how you were... the only difference is now you have experienced a different reality. I agree with you.. it's sickening to see people polluted with speed at such a young age.
  6. Ever since I started using Adderall, I've had a lazy eye from it..I know I didn't stroke because my symptoms would have been more severe. Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. I was an ISTJ when I was on Adderall..and before Adderall I was an "INTJ" and now that I've been off a while, I'm still an "INTJ." I've taken the test a million times, the majority of the time, I get "INTJ"..It seems to suit me better than being an ISTJ, most ISTJ's I know are completely predictable and they're all "rule abiding, good citizen" type people. That isn't me in the slightest.
  8. Does he go in depth about what happens to your brain during recovery? I doubt he does, but it would be amazing if he did.
  9. I cannot wait to get off of work and watch this!
  10. I am hoping someone else gets bold enough to spend a bit of cash on some and let me know what they think.
  11. It's possible.. 20 different superfruits. TWENTY!
  12. Sleeping too much can cause you to be just as tired as not sleeping enough. I've found that saying on a set sleeping cycle helps with fighting fatigue as well.
  13. They don't, you have to order it off of Ebay or join "Genesis Pure"
  14. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CDQQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.suu.edu%2Ffaculty%2Fbarney%2FPSY%25204320%2FInteresting%2520Articles%2FADHD%2520Drugs%2520Affect%2520the%2520Brain.pdf&ei=_coaUbaDCqqzyQH0_YCwDg&usg=AFQjCNEPSXPxZFTHhtXTPkhw58GzBDI_iw
  15. http://www.suu.edu/faculty/barney/PSY%25204320/Interesting%2520Articles/ADHD%2520Drugs%2520Affect%2520the%2520Brain.pdf
  16. I'm trying to get the courage to delete mine, is there anyone on here that's awesome enough not to have a social networking profile? The whole site just pisses me off now and I feel like a slave to it.
  17. I bought some of that about 6 months ago, I took it for a few days and it honestly felt like I had MORE of a "mental fog" type effect when I took it.
  18. Shit, that's a little humiliating. Thanks.. I will find that one and delete this one later.
  19. So it's been two months for me since I last had the poison, I'm noticing a slight mental improvement. My last use was in such a quantity that it set me back quite a bit, or maybe I just find myself constantly dwelling on when the day will come that I'm completely back to normal. At what month in your recovery did you notice the most significant mental improvement? I need something to look forward to.
  20. The song playing during the commercial break is Boards of Canada- Dayvan Cowboy..amazing song.
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