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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I have heard good things about rectify. I need to check that out.
  2. I used to hear voices coming out of the fans. And the shower, and the air conditioner...and in the trees...and in my head. It was horrible. Adderall is horrific. I definitely still suffer from post withdrawal but my motivation has come back. Unless I'm exhausted and I want to collapse on the couch, of course I do not have motivation. I have motivation in how a normal person will have motivation.
  3. That has got to be one of my favorite posts...lol
  4. Zerokewl, I got fired from my dream job and that haunted me for years. I lost it because I went into psychosis. I also built such a huge work gap on my resume it was not even funny. But now I'm in a place that is three times as good as any job I've ever worked. So my advice is.,,to know that you have options and if you want to find a job similar to the one you loved...well jump back into the three resume a day club. Edit - I somehow missed a few of the preceding posts on this thread. But Zerokewl..it looks like you've found a new happiness being your own boss with your freelancing.
  5. Would it make 5:30am fun? I have no complaints about my job - I feel so grateful for it because less than four years ago I was hospitalized and severely addicted. I'm also grateful for the 3 resumes a day club because without Ashley also motivating me, I would never of had the ambition to apply for this. Also Ashley got two offers in three weeks and She put SO MUCH PRESSURE on me to also get an offer -- quickly..hahahah. So when I'm tired I just remind myself how grateful and lucky I am. But if this alarm clock can make 5;30am fun, I will look into getting one.
  6. 5;30am is a mean time of day to wake up. My goal is to be in bed by 9pm and asleep by 9:30pm
  7. When you end it with adderall, you'll never have to worry about running out of adderall again. One of the best things about quitting is that feeling of freedom from that problem.
  8. Quit once, all you said hit home. I had a general gradual cognitive deterioration until psychosis. I felt invincible but performed inefficiently and in a totally disorganized way. I think I spent three quarters of my day taking cigarette breaks on adderall. Also I got no sleep bc I was always popping pills past 7pm!!! I would sleep POORLY because I was pumped up with amphetamines, maybe sleep for four hours a night and then pop adderall to get me running during the day. What a weird cycle, how did I think that was sustainable?I was so self absorbed, and so into my ideas and so unapproachable because I was so absorbed into whatever I was doing. Adderall and work do not mix.
  9. Dead tired, treacherous commute but super grateful and hopeful.
  10. Game of thrones -- loved the final episode...now we have to wait another year for the next season.
  11. The thing we all have under our signatures...showing how much clean time we've earned. Check out tickerfactory.com to make one and paste it in your signature.
  12. Keep up that positive self talk just like you're doing. That really helped for me. Great job!
  13. My observation today. It's important at work to be able to switch focus quickly in an office. Like if someone walks by your desk either to say hi or with an urgent task and you are totally zoned in on your email or whatever thing you are working on, it is impossible to switch focus on adderall. Which is a pretty bad thing in an office. Off adderall, if I'm in the middle of something, I can pretty easily switch focus and talk to someone, and then go back to my task. On adderall it was so difficult to do that. I had no flexibility in my focus,
  14. My Goal - watch USA game and game of thrones finale before I go to bed!!
  15. Go USA!!!!,!! I'm getting into World Cup...this is the first year I'm really paying attention. USA up 2-1 with 4 min left!!!!!
  16. Yes, it is amazing how much can be done without code! I don't have a coding background but I was able to do so much on wordpress site through installing plugins.
  17. It's neat how wordpress can be so dynamic and have so much functionality if you learn how to use it and install all the plugins. I used to have a wordpress blog..it was fun but I didn't have the energy to keep it going when I went to school.
  18. That looks fun but surely exhausting
  19. What's wordpress camp? I know wordpress..
  20. Good news ..George rr Martin says he may extend the series to 8 books instead of the planned 7 books.
  21. Welcome back evie, keep in mind that When you are dependent on it you are not only using it's as a false performance enhance but chemically your brain begins to feels uncomfortable unless it has it. So you are entering into that territory. So good for you for flushing the pills and just keep remind yourself how bad it is.
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