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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Thanks ZeroKewl. Each time I achieve something off of adderall it fills me with confidence. A confidence that seemed to have disappeared in the time and months after I quit but comes back with each victory. The 4.0 was a victory.. I was shocked by the sheer number of tweakers i came across.Everytime i was around a group of people I would casually bring up adderall, or maybe someone would just mention it. Heres how an example of one conversation went. One guy sitting across from me mentioned he was dusting his eyes with cocaine to help study for finals...another girl, who id never met, told me she just took like 4 vyvance to prepare for exam. I asked them what the difference was between adderall and cocaine and they said they make you feel exactly the same. Another guy at the table told me he popped adderall (I tried to convince him that ADD was not a real thing and he did agree with me on that even though he is diagnosed with it.). 10 mintues later. I went to class to take a final and girl told me she was offered adderall so many times it was not even funny, but that she never took. These are kind of how my adderall conversations have been going. And Ive had a quite a few. Now... I am wondering how many people I talked that were taking adderall but just didn't want to mention it to me . I really wasnt expecting it to be so many people. Im thinking. These are just some people Ive talked to, and if they represent the larger population at the University then 'damn, a LOT of people are on adderall" And if this one University is representative of all the Universities around the country, then "damn, that is a lot of people tweaking on adderall" And out of all those people Im sure a lot are needing help. But thanks for the congratz. I am really excited about how I did. . I just dont see people feel they need to take it. I understand it, but having all this time away from it now, taking adderall or vyvance seems ridiculous and to me I know it takes away from their beliefs in their own abilities which is really detrimental thing to them in the long run. And people who cant stop should really understand that they need to learn how to do shit on their own and not with pill.
  2. Wow, Occasional - you got SUPER FIT. all u would need to do is work on the situps and you are fit to join the army! that is awesome!!! You got those 8 miles tomorrow!! edit - im kind of confused with the chart.. are their two minimums? u mentioned 17.1 and 20:30. and what's the maximum mean? edit 2- wait i think i get it now. ...It goes with a point system. So for me to get the minimum amout of points Id have to run at least a mile at 8 minutes and 30 seconds per mile for 2 miles ...to get the minimum number of points. Id have to run at 6 minutes and 39 seconds per mile. I can do the minimum. Maybe a goal for me should be to get to the maximum.
  3. Finals is over and I got my grades back!! An adderall-free 4.0. I honestly can't believe i at one time thought I couldnt study or absorb material without adderall and was 100% convinced my good grades were a direct result of adderall and that I had ADD and really needed it to get through school on academic level to pull allnighters and study nonstop for hours. Ive been doing a lot of investigation about how prevalent and rampant adderall is on campus --by talking to lots of people about it--- and the results are "woah". I cant believe the number of people I talked to who pop adderall and vyvance. But hey, that was me at one time. ill probably write more about some of my discussions later but what I can say is that my perspective on adderall and adderall addiction has changed - for one, it made the epidemic seem more real to me. it feels more like a really large scale problem and less of a group of people who happened to get addicted and are posting on this forum if that makes sense. I am not surprised in the slightest that according to Mike, thousands of people visit this site every week and that the issue continues to be on the front page of NY TImes. There was another front page story in the past week or so. ANYWAY - to the people who have just found this site - Anyone taking adderall because they think they need it to study -- You DONT. It is a belief system you have created in your head because adderall makes you feel speedy and sharp. Based on my observations now, if you are on this site and reading stories about adderall addiction then chances are (im going throw out the number 98% chance) you have a developed a problem with adderall..If you are reading this on behalf someone you care about, they probably DO have problem with it and its something that needs to be taken care of and dealt with and not ignored....
  4. that is a great idea zerokewl and thanks for the reminder. I just donated through paypal, was easy to do. Here is the direct link http://quittingadderall.com/donate/
  5. (gasp...breath) OK, I only had an hour to run in the gym (it closed at 7pm) so I like SPRINTED 4 miles. I realized I can run faster now than ever before!! It took about a year to get to this point, lol! writing down all that crap I ate has been surprisingly motivating at the gym when im tired but begin to think about it. OK, im off to See Gravity in 3D..
  6. Check in Sunday tomorrow guys. Hope you are are all running!
  7. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea how deprived of ice cream I would feel... must. put. stop. to. this. Edit _ I forgot to mention an entire bag of milkways...an XL ghiradelli white chocolate bar and going out to eat three times. Writing this all out is making me feel super excited to get to the gym today!!
  8. I just got in another 8 miles. And I am at 16 for the week but I HAVE to run much much more than 16 this week. I am home for break and for some reason I have been SERIOUSLY craving foods that Im not getting enough at school. 1) Ice cream!! 2) Cheese - (not slices of cheese but real cheese) 3) pizza! not dining hall pizza. Binge eating when quitting adderall is different from binge eating when you have been off adderall for a while. After quitting adderall, I remember i was just starving all the time. My recent binge eating has just been not caring about eating better because i want to indulge. Ice cream - Alright in the past WEEK (one week), I have gone to Cold Stone Creamery, Haagan Daas, and then I had three scoops of ice cream at The Trump Tower Ice Cream Parlor in NYC. THEN I ate TWO of these. One I finished in less than 1 day Cheese - OK, then i got a triple cream wedge brie and ate the whole thing in a day and finished the entire box of crackers.And I have almost finished a block of cracker barrel vermont sharp cheddar and almost finished another box of crackers. Then I finished a package of sliced swiss cheese I found in the fridge and polished off the crackers. Pizza - I ate entire 1 and 3 quarters thin crust pizzas from dominoes. Misc - And then food on top of my cravings.... I ate an ENTIRE box of Lindt chocolates my brother in law brought back from Switzerland, and also a giant size godiva chocolate bar I got at the movie theater. I have also eaten out three times since I have gotten home. I will try and run more tomorrow. Im going to shoot for at least 24 miles by Sunday But i think i need to run more than that! haha
  9. That is so AWESOME!! Congratulations. What a huge milestone and accomplishment. You got your degree!!! woohoo! I know how much you wanted it, how hard you worked for this and how tough it was for you to get here. I am so very PROUD Of you. EXCELLENT JOB!!!
  10. Alright. Got a two week guest pass, hit the gym and knocked out 8 miles, ending my three weeks of 0 miles.
  11. Oh boy...it is easy to fall out of it...I took a two week break and then the third week..I didn't run. GOT to get back into it. Still have time this week to make it to 12!! Edit- Ashley, wait, are u done with school? Did u get your degree?
  12. Greg

    Two years

    Congratulations Cassie! This is a great milestone. Here's to many more milestones to come!!
  13. 0 miles this week again. Do we really get rollover miles?? I have been using my running time to stare at flash cards. I have my last two finals today! After this i should hopefully get back on track.
  14. Good Job Occasional! uh...0 for me this week! Im in the midst of finals.
  15. Excellent job Jon! This is a cause for celebration!!!! Go do something fun. you deserve it!!
  16. Listen, this stuff totally destroyed my life. I cannot emphasize how dangerous this thing youre playing with is. There is a reason it Schedule II and such a heavily controlled substance (in the same class as cocaine). You will rely more and more on it for everything in your life. You've become addicted to feeling charged up and you feel like you can do anything, and youre losing the part of yourself that can be invincible on your own. You dont need this short cut. Wisen up and realize you need to learn how to live without feel charged up. You have a choice right now to say, this is enough. Its over. Read these forums, the next step is to cut off your supply, go through withdrawal....and start to live again as yourself.
  17. I remember when i first joined this club i couldnt do more than a mile. After several months in the 12 mile running club, Behold - Saturday - 20 miles on the treadmill Sunday - 20 miles on the treadmill. You guys need to try this!! The key for me to running long distances is to have plenty of radio programs to listen to so i dont get bored. And then it feels like im just listening to radio programs and i really dont even paying attention to the fact that i am running. And before long, a lot of miles have passed. My new goal is 26.2 miles on the treadmill...then maybe start thinking about marathons? CHECK IN SUNDAY GUYS!
  18. Ashley I would first check out the runners world shoe finder and see what they recommend http://www.runnersworld.com/shoeadvisor
  19. Glad to hear you are well and clean! Yes, new running shoes are key. The asics nimbus 15 were totally life changing for me. I have another pair waiting in the wings if my knees start to hurt again. Because after my last pair of shoes I understand the havoc it can cause on your knees if you don't switch them for a new pair. Glad your cat is well, that u are still running and that you are surviving grad school.
  20. I have some friends training to get into the Air Force and Itheyve told me about all the fitness frequirements. I definitely get where you are in training and I have no doubt you'll be running soon. I used to lift a lot but I really want to do more cutting first before bulking so once I drop 10 more pounds I a, going to start working on building muscle and getting on a regimen of creatine and lifting to supplement my running. Going to the gym 7 times a week is awesome commitment and I commend you for that.
  21. Where in Europe are u from? I have family in Zurich and visit there a lot. They moved to Zurich from Geneva. Welcome to the forums. We had a member from the UK who hasn't been active for a while. But like they said, it doesn't matter where u r from. You are totally welcome here.
  22. For me it was because I couldn't handle the discomfort of the physical withdrawal after three months not to mention the depression. In hindisight, I should have been stronger, if I just pushed a couple more months and was more patient I could have kicked the first time. Instead I relapsed and had to do it all over again.nsecond time with success. Thank goodness.
  23. Yeah I enjoy running way more now than before when I didn't have as much endurance and could barely manage to tuna mile. It's kind of like an escape for me. But it's also more like a habit because of this club I feel like I HAVE to do it. You should join are club!
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