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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. call a doctor if thats accurate, If just a stylized interpretation you are very talented. Gonna be a bumpy few weeks and months, get yourself some drawing paper and do that if you can. When you are over the worst of it, you might have a show.
  2. the A in MDMA is Amphetamine. They can be formulated more like a party drug. You can feel "high" on them.
  3. He is doing better. Still healing. Thanks
  4. welcome to the board. Take advantage of all the resources here to get you through your quit.
  5. forgive and forget. Let the past go.
  6. hope is a beggar ... faith is a catalyst.
  7. Adderall & cigarettes were like peas n' carrots for me. I do not miss the overflowing ashtrays and yellow fingers. I'm not sure what was more dangerous the chain smoking or the adderall.
  8. You may be the 1st Australian member we have ever had. Welcome to the board. We are all here to support and be supported. Getting off stims of any kind is very difficult as you know. Dexedrine, Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall etc are very similar as I understand it, and prescribed as ADHD stimulants and the recovery process is exactly same. Sleeping like a cat for 18 hours a day is pretty accurate description of my 1st few months off adderall etc.
  9. I like the marketing it looks like the future.
  10. I have this place for specific advice and some friends that helped me along the way. I attended a few NA meetings, you really have to find a meeting that works for you. Lots of people make it through this process largely alone but having some support network is wise.
  11. Thanks Occasional & Always, Adderall really does attract an overachiever type and I am that kind of person. I've always been motivated , adderall actually broke that motivation temporarily. I am hard on myself but not like I used to be. I can celebrate the small daily victories, and fall asleep with the knowledge I pushed the ball forward just a little that day I accomplished something. In year 2 I am trying to pump up the intensity slowly. I complain constantly about my weight. But if Grisham from CSI did a quick analysis of my car he would find, Doritos, Pizza Slices, Pop and Fast Food. This really has to stop if I am going to make progress.
  12. That went by really quickly. Seems like yesterday, you posted here for the first time. Very few make it past the first few months. Congrats congrats!
  13. It is so funny that it was in shutterstock.
  14. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-121940800/stock-vector-creative-medical-idea-vector.html?src=pp-same_artist-125130491-5&ws=1
  15. There is some pre-material that tell the stories of how each house got its start.
  16. I am so lost now that Mad Men is over.
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