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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2382298/ I've got a soft spot for stories of hope starring a chubby newspaperman.
  2. Congrats on one year. Your struggles will be rewarded you've chosen a better path.
  3. I really have no idea. Take a break from Adderall see it helps, I doubt you've ruined anything forever. Get some sleep, some food etc and tackle the issue when you have a clear head.
  4. You are not your past. Keep moving forward. Write this letter and burn it, you don't need to feel guilty. Congrats!
  5. Welcome to the forum. Take some time and read the articles on this site. I'm a bachelor, so I won't give advice on what you should do with your wife. But I hear communication is cornerstone of any marriage. Recovery and getting off Adderall is a DIY project , tailor your recovery to your life. You may want to consider some kind of Anti-D for the depression. Its is very common to be sleepy for the first months.
  6. new environment is good lots of new things to discover and try. Probably a good way to ward off depression.
  7. Europe cheap fun stay in hostels meet cool people have fun with them. WIth the difference in the US dollar Canada is fairly affordable. Lots to do tho mostly camping, outdoor type activities.
  8. This is precisely why quitting adderall is so difficult. At this stage you have the difficult task of developing some work habits. You will not hear angels sing when you open word to write. Great writers have phenomenal discipline. Many books have been written about productivity for writers . You will find inspiration and motivation in a good routine but it will be work.
  9. upon great reflection. I have decided I will never see the big picture. All I can do is hustle everyday and move my goals a little or a lot everyday. Year 2 go!
  10. take it one day at a time. Slow and steady wins this race.
  11. ADD or ADHD is a difference in cognitive ability not a disorder. I have ADHD became addicted and abused the pills. I felt it was helping at 1st, but later needed more and more of it to feel normal. Other stimulant based meds did not have the same effect on me.
  12. Welcome to the board. Read everything you can and learn how Adderall tricks your mind. I had serious intestinal issues when I first quit adderall and also when I quit smoking. Eat right and it should take care of itself.
  13. the scary thing is that graphic misses a bunch of side effects like dry mouth, bad odour, bad breath. The list is so long!
  14. Still early days. Congrats. Your brain is recalibrating to life without adderall. This is perhaps the most difficult and hardest thing to describe. This is a good time to start exercising regularly. Any activity is good for the mindgrapes and depression. I know you won't feel like it initially but try to do something, anything really. Sleeping is normal at this stage.
  15. For me I was always chasing scripts. Going to multiple doctors, multi pharmacies, and navigating my health plan paperwork etc. I was always in constant fear of getting busted, by the doctor,pharmacy, my workplace health plan. As an adderall crazed advertising executive crashes weren't really an option. I was on always on, chewing pills before meetings, oh well not going to sleep anyways might as well take some. Off days meant concerta and booze to help me come down. Chain smoking and completely out of control. Looking back on it I have so many deep regrets. Life is too short to be in the constant pursuit of more,more,more. Crazed it all came crashing down. Once you are in that spiral, you need more and more and more. Just to feel normal or clean the bathroom. The psychosis is so strong the years just whiz by in this cycle. Getting off adderall you have to sort of relearn how to get projects done, by breaking them up into smaller tasks. Lots of great articles on this site about how to do this. It takes some practice. But in the end you come back stronger.
  16. Most can't. I couldn't control it. If I had pills I took em untill they were gone, then I would crash eat an entire pizza and crash some more. Any pizza can be a personal sized pizza if you just believe in yourself.
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