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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. If you find a doctor who understands you please let us know!
  2. I think a new normal is what I've found. I'm a very different dude. Adderall forever changed me. In recovery I am forced to rebuild my life. I do feel like things are getting back to normal.
  3. i went through a similar experience with web development when I quit adderall. I started delegating pieces of projects that really helped when I was too tired to do it. It took me some time but I can really get into a project again and write some solid code. I've had to fix some of my old projects that I wrote on Adderall and there wasn't anything brilliant or elegant about it. Just a mess a big mess. My projects now are simpler, easier to scale and more focused on what the client wants. Opposed to trying to do something really difficult to have something to show off. I'm still delegating because I like working with people on a project makes the time go by faster and also can be a big boost on a deadline. Coding can be pretty dull and figuring out random css issues sucks sometimes. It ain't all sunshine and lolipops. At some point you just have to power through. I have more patience off Adderall so I can learn new concepts. It takes time but eventually you bounce back. Take on fewer clients if you need to. The depression is the hardest thing to deal with. It can suck your energy and destroy your motivation. I still listen to motivational type speakers, you-tube compilations while I work. Everytime I have a negative thought I say to myself "but your a LION" . Ovderall the best way to get through it is by getting through it. No secret formula. You built your business not adderall. Just keep fighting.
  4. ADD is a difference in cognition not a disorder. Your mind grapes just work different. Figure out what your good at , what works for you and build an empire. Play your strengths and hire a good accountant etc for all the other stuff you are not good at.
  5. self-esteem- you are not the fuck-up you think you are
  6. Can't hurt to look for a new opportunity, update your resume etc, fine tune your linked in etc etc. If you manage to get all that done you will know from the process if you want a new job.
  7. this thread describes many of the Adderall induced side effects http://forum.quittingadderall.com/topic/902-favorite-things-about-being-adderall-free/
  8. I think it would be key to explain the cycle of dependence. How one all nighter leads to a bigger dose to keep going and so on. Also the way your tolerance creeps up and suddenly you need 2 pills to accomplish what one did. One pill to feel normal 2 to feel good 3 to feel better and 4 is too many.
  9. What an inspiring post. It is amazing to see how far someone can come in 2 years. Last year around this time you were really struggling. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum. I can't imagine dealing with that with or without Adderall. The only way to get through it is to get through it and that sucks. I am starting to the think the same way about drinking too. Since I quit adderall &smoking it seems like drinking is my one outlet. And well I can get really carried away. The holidays are a little blurry, wasting time on hangovers etc sucks. Congrats enjoy your day you've deserved it. Thank-you for such an inspiring post.
  10. Welcome to the forum! Recovery time varies from person to person. Read the following article as a starting point http://quittingadderall.com/how-to-quit-adderall/. Some people use welbutrin, an anti-depressant, too help with the transition. Recalibrating brain chemistry takes a long time. The best strategy is to focus on self-care (eat well, sleepwell, fitness etc). Keep close to this site and educate yourself.
  11. Welcome to the forums! Thanks for sharing your story. You have built up quite a tolerance 400mg is a lot of adderall. You will likely sleep a ton for the 1st month at least. You should consider some medical supervision for tapering down or going cold turkey. Don't go it alone,and prepare to crash for while. Read the articles on this site attend a NA meeting or talk to a drug counselor. Post here often to let us know how you are doing.
  12. Welcome to the site! Congrats on 4 months! I am glad to hear you are doing so well and something I wrote helped you. The first year is challenging but very worthwhile. You will be amazed at what a different person you are at 12 months. Keep on Keep'n on!
  13. Great post! Congrats .
  14. O I wish Obama would turn off there internet. Like he did to North Korea.
  15. I've been good. Got really into work again the last little while. The time has just been zooming by. Lots of projects on the go.
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