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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. My buddy left a package of my Export A Gold cigarettes (the brand I smoked) in my car by accident last night. I drove to and from my house with them and matches in the car. Proud of my willpower it would have been easy to have just one.
  2. Sleep & Netflix are my only suggestions for early withdrawal. Thats how I got thru it, I did experience some vision blurriness but usually the morning after an epic bender.
  3. Haha. Something I've noticed making a comeback are my comedic skills. Adderall and the subsequent depression/ anhedonia took that away from me. I've been feeling really good lately. Good things are happening.
  4. going to zero on a high dose. Prepare the following, pyjamas, blankets and pillows. She will be sleepy.
  5. Good work Ashley and Occasional! I've been going to bootcamps and the gym. I watched forks over Knives a documentary on Netflix. Going to dramaticaly change my diet to more plant based in August.
  6. Truth in this statement. Maybe its time for a new doctor or a different approach to your quit,
  7. When I quit adderall I spent a long time patching/repairing holes I had punched/ kicked in the walls of my condo. Probably more alarming was my habit of biting my hands in anger and frustration. I would bite my index finger so much it would become raw and infected. During the winter my hands would dry out and the combination of biting and smoking, would cause my hands to be so painful that I couldn't even make a fist and my daily regimen involved applying liquid bandaid. Why I did Adderall as long as I did is a fucking mystery to me.
  8. Good to hear from you AmyQ. It took me a long time to finally make up my mind to quit. I was committing fraud getting multiple scripts from different doctors. Chasing scripts, going to doctor appointments and pharmacy. Its a lot less stress keepin all those lies straight in my head. Anyways keep talking to your doctor maybe he has some insight.
  9. vivid smoking dreams... I quit smoking but my subconscious still smokes a pack a day.
  10. focus on the process, inspiration will come. I totally know where you are coming from on Adderall it was like Angels sang everytime I opened excel. Life is just different now it takes some time to readjust.
  11. Breakfast with old roomates and childhood friends. BEST MORNING EVER!
  12. going to a folk festival with my friend of 23 years!
  13. Addiction makes you do some crazy things. Maybe the addiction is the route of the problem. When I quit adderall I got my crazy temper under control for the most part. Its hard to say Adderall really is a mindfuck so it can really amplify everything. I have no experience with co-dependancy, I barely understand what is so I just won't comment. But if you are using Adderall as a cure for co-dependancy well that just silly.
  14. You are the Rocky to my Road InRecovery
  15. Honestly co-dependance and adderall are separate issues. I would deal with them separately.
  16. ARGGH ... must finish boring ass project
  17. Welcome new user, You are in the right place. There are more than a few PHD students lurking here, Adderall is a very academia thing. Sleep is the brains way of doing repairs etc. When I was in early recovery I slept a lot. Take some time to read the articles on this site and fell free to ask questions we are all here to support and be supported.
  18. really good lots of energy. I still miss "something" but I'm working through it. Overall I wish I'd done it sooner.
  19. Guide to Canadians. http://www.buzzfeed.com/tanyachen/canadians-invented-basketball-ha-ha
  20. just don't post when you are really tweaked I pretty much ignore the 3 page no paragraph posts now lol
  21. I abused the stuff pretty hard. So when I quit I was almost in a coma. I slept a lot, thankfully life had given me a timeout and i could just chill for awhile. Sleep is when the brain does repairs . Watch the sugar is my only advice. Read the articles on what to expect.
  22. No problem at all. You don't have to have quit to post here. I probably shouldn't comment on your relationships, I am not an expert. I'm actually a bit of a fuck-up when it comes to relationships. I know a little about the Adderall trap. If you are thinking about quitting read the articles on this site and plan for a period of recalibration. Quit because you want to, quitting is hard work and you gotta want it. Getting clean is a selfish act.
  23. computer power supply failure.Power supply replaced back in business 2 hours later.
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