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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Always hope dude and at your age you will bounce back quick. early stages of recovery are somewhat shitty. But it gets better and as that unique and authentic person buried deep inside emerges you will wonder why you needed the pills in the first place. a full 180 is possible with a little work , some faith and time.
  2. procrastinate. I'll elaborate later
  3. Time heals all things. I really hated it when people told me that in early recovery. But it's true. Just need to ride out the first bit. It gets better so much better and the bad days become less intense an less frequent until you don't really have them anymore.
  4. Ugg weight gain is one of the unfortunate side effects of getting clean,. Between quitting smoking and adderall I'm up about 40 pounds. I've been exercising eating better and watching portions I haven't seem the results yet but it takes time to change your metabolism and body. I'm committed to my course of action I should see results soon.
  5. It is what it is. Kind of an annoying statement but in early recovery your mind grapes are re-calibrating and it just takes time. Focusing on diet,exercise and overall health is really all you can do to get through it. I'm going to write you a prescription for Netflix documentaries and HBO.
  6. Nice work Occasional thats a pretty intense dance party. I don't see myslef posting any hours for dancing anytime soon. Girls just wanna have fun I guess. I did 2 bootcamps,cycled, walked went the gym. I had a pawsish day yesterday. I've really got too much going on to be fully sucked into PAWS. I had 2 beers on Saturday which may have set it off. I dunno things a really picking up with my freelance so maybe avoiding alcohol for the near future may be a good idea.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Just gets through those 1st few weeks however you can.
  8. Pyjamas would be a more appropriate clothing option for early withdrawl
  9. It's pretty normal to feel lazy, sluggish and depressed at 3weeks. Eating better and exercising will help but in early recovery don't fight the urge to get caught up on sleep it's your brains way of closing down for maintenance and repairs. Welcome to the forum
  10. Congrats on not being a sociopath lol. I think you have to been on Adderall to get that. Mindset is everything. Also welcome to the site Andreas
  11. I wouldn't say that motivation, focus and confidence are back 100% but it's a lot better and I can see improvement. It's a lot easier when you are not depressed. I've been buying bags of fresh sprouts at the farmers markets which I swear really help. I think sometimes we forget to post here when we are feeling good.
  12. I know I tried and failed a few times before I was able to quit for good. Even though I've identified myself as an Adderall addict to my doctor I think if I really wanted some pills I could get them. At the end of the day I choose stay clean because its the right decision for me.
  13. No anti-d's , I take fish oil, a multi vitamins and a d supplement. I've been getting a lot of exercise outside. I've been eating a lot of greens lately too. quitting smoking has really made a difference in my mood. It's a huge weight off my shoulder getting that out of the way.
  14. Hey welcome to the board. Early recovery is tough, all you can really do is make life easy as possible. Cassie's advice is spot on. Recovery can be sort of non- linear too some days are better than others. The supplements can be helpful but sleep is probably the best thing you can do for your brain right now. Welcome aboard please feel free to ask questions and post here as often as you like.
  15. So I've been working hard exercising , I quit smoking 2 months ago and at 14 months adderall free I feel amazing. The lengthy & difficult depression I've been struggling with is gone, a sad distant memory. I have lots of energy and for the first time I feel motivated and have some confidence in my abilities. I'm still having some issues focusing for longer periods and I'm somewhat disorganized. I really want to focus on getting organized and caught up on some bookkeeping by fall. At this stage in my recovery any advice for someone really begining to emerge from the funk would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I miss u too Ashley. I also mis Lil Tex,Robin, Jon, MFA and a few others. It makes me happy that life just takes over and adderall is a distant memory but where are these people!
  17. What was the deal with adderall and excel. I still use excel but I don't care what my columns etc look like.
  18. Good luck. Welcome to the board. I pray you find the peace you so desperately need.
  19. We are all one pill or cigarette from total relapse. I guess this is true with any addiction but super scaryy when you spend the morning driving with that one pill or cigarette that could start a chain of events that could ruin us or worse kill us.
  20. OMG thats so similar to my experience this morning. My buddy and I were cruising around last night he left a pack of smokes in my car. I drove too the gym and back with a pack of my brand Export A Gold's on the passengers seat. I was tempted for a second but, I just drove and forgot all about them. I am almost at the 2 month mark, honestly I feel fucking great.
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