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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Honestly I wish I'd quit sooner I feel great. I've been going to a forum site like this for support. It's had much different vibe than here lots of cat gifs and rah rah rah. But the articles and stuff are well done quitsmokingmessageboard.com.
  2. Can't lose it either a billion dollar idea or you get points for creativity. Given this presentation will never be seen by a client gamification has the most lipstick like appeal. Work in proximity beacons and you will be full time in notime
  3. Anyone pitching a gamification strategy if so go with them.
  4. For me adderall and cigarettes went together like peas and carrots. I'm on day 24 and it's definitely getting easier, I've been pretty sleepy lately. I'm happy with my progress.
  5. We'll I'm on week 3 as a non smoker. I've happily got ton the 1st few weeks done and over with. I have a horrible chest cold apparently half the city has the same cough. Quitting smoking is a big adjustment for the body. So far so good though. I don't want to smoke I just want to stop wanting to smoke. The cravings are weaker now, I'm sure when this head cold clears I will feel the full benefit of my decision.
  6. Thanks Ashley it's worth the effort. Check out http://www.quitsmokingmessageboard.com they are great group of people totally different vibe then quitting adderall.com. I have never seen so may cat gifs in my life. I'm zerokewl there too.
  7. this great Mike looks like the start of a book .
  8. http://quittingadderall.com/donate/
  9. Wtg mad hatter. This is a major accomplishment very few people join this site and join the60 day club. You are battling hard for a good cause.
  10. Don't forget the swamp mouth bad breath and freezing cold hands. Great way to make a first impression
  11. Rain and freshly minted oxygen rising from the soaking earth.
  12. I watched the first season in very early recovery. For some reason it really spoke to me.
  13. Rectify season 2 . It's filmed in Georgia , I think I'd like to visit Georgia one day it looks like beautiful country. Also I like the sound of the accents.
  14. Always , thats actually a pretty common side effect. I also heard things like fans etc. things I usually could block out we're really loud and annoying.
  15. Hey awesome, just wanted to welcome you to the site. Your story is like so many of ours getting off the pills is a big transition. You'll likely need some crash time. Tapering down is a good way to start a quit and sounds like you've been doing that. Take some time to read through the articles on this site. We are all here on the same journey. Reach out with any questions you may have.
  16. I think anyone 3-6 months. Can see the silver lining in all of this. I 'm better than ever the process of getting cleanses changed me for the better in all areas of my life. I've met some pretty interesting people along the way.
  17. True Justin but I like to think I am a cautionary tale of what can go seriously wrong. I took adderall because of my job , I lost my job because of adderall. Life gave me a break I needed a break, over the last year I've built a nice freelance business I am turning it around. I just can't help wondering what would happen if I hadn't taken that first pill. I guess in a few years I'll look back and say that had to happen for this to happen perspective is everything. Today is really the only thing that matters anyhow.
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