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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. I'm working on it. Diet is part of the issue. Quitting smoking has fucked with my metabolism. I figure that will level off and things will go back to normal soon. Since quitting i've been much more active so I think this is just a correction i need to ride out.
  2. I ran, did b camps, cycled, walked didn't track miles at all but i was really active. I'm probably at my heaviest weight wise 290lbs and really need to figure out what the issue is
  3. I read the comics. Im on issue 116 its pretty crazy
  4. well joined a gym. Going to really get this weighht issue under control this summer.
  5. Good post Occasional I think I need to do some adding.
  6. Welcome to the forum. Adderall has a funny way of taking over your life and isolating you from everyone and everything. Take some time and read the articles on the site. Ask questions we are here to support and be supported.
  7. Next time try carrot juice or prune juice shots. I always do breakfast shots of those it's a hilarious use for my other wise forgotten glass ware
  8. Welcome to the site. While I can't really comment on your heart issues , everyone here will agree adderall is not good for your overall cardiovascular health. At any rate it sounds like you want to quit for lots of other reasons. If you've been stalking the site for months you've probably invested some time into reading the articles etc. understanding what a mindfuck adderall is a good first step to getting it out of your life.
  9. I've been buying small containers of locally made organic ice cream problem is I eat them like they are Dixie cups. New fight club rule if we eat ice cream we gotta get a cone from an ice cream parlour or chase down a ice cream truck like men. Second rule of fight club we can't eat anything handed to us out of a window (drive thru is killing me)
  10. 2 months is awesome. It takes time for your brain to recalibrate. Read some of the articles here about motivation to understand what motivates you todo your best. The confidence you miss was a false confidence. The drug is a liar once you understand how the lie works you won't miss the euphoric hit. It gets easier over time your brain forgets.
  11. I am pleased with my progress as a non smoker. I need to find some balance with the diet thing. Obviously I need to cut the junk, eat healthier I think that's a good first step. According to the quit counter I've saved $527.21 after not smoking for about 5 weeks so I should reinvest those saving insome health stuff.
  12. I've been keeping fairly active boot camps, cycling etc. Since I quit smoking my diet has been like a 12 year old on a sleepover. I need to stop eating fuzzy peaches, chips, ice cream drumsticks, liquorice and mcflurries. If I continue to eat this way, I will be on a TLC special where morbidly obese people leave their bedroom for the first time in decade. They will need a forklift, a crane, and gigantic lever to finally free me from my food prision. I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow.
  13. You can't get the quick release adderall (blue ones) in Canada just the XR which I used to crush to get the effect of quick release. Vyasene, concerta, Ritalin are available in Canada. Not sure what else is available. Doctors seem to prescribe all of it like crazy, a friend of mine is prescribed 30mgs x 3 daily. My first exposure to stims was when a trusted family doctor prescribed Ritalin when I was 17-18. Ritalin / concerta got me through college and beyond. It never effected me the way Adderall did. Canada uses the same GSM that USA does the same book that once stated being gay was mental disorder. The city I live in is very corporate and very competitive lots of eager young professionals trying to get an edge. So imagine the use is quite rampant. Meth seems to be a big deal in my city. I overheard a dealer selling it at a light rail train station the other day.
  14. http://instagram.com/p/qBDdfCvg-U/
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