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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. You are in the early stages of withdrawal. You will feel kinda low. You can look into ways to boost your testosterone. But in all reality you will have to ride out the withdrawal. You have become chemically dependent on Adderall and that takes time to undo. Confidence will come back slowly at 1st. Don't push it to much just yet. I don't want to scare you but you are dependent on a scary drug and it will take a while to feel normal again.
  2. I know for me working from home seriously sucked. I've been going to a cowork space for at least part of the day. Being downtown and part of the land of living has really helped. Its pretty inexpensive and better than going to Starbucks to work. I totally know where you are coming from it is just nice to get out of your head for a while some how some way. Working from home can be very isolated . The co-work space I go to is International so they may have an office in your city. http://www.regus.com/
  3. Kinda like comparing beer, wine, shooter to an alcoholic. Stimulants are stimulants.
  4. So honest! I've been thinking the same thing. Concerta never really fucked up my life the way Adderall did. I didn't even really consider myself addicticted to Concerta. Until I started taking it in combination with adderall, I didn't abuse Concerta until Adderall. It never really helped me lose weight the way Adderall did. You are right Concerta would just be a gateway to adderall and on the road to god knows what. I don't know what the answer is to your weight issues. I'm a pretty big guy about 280 pounds. I'm trying to get control of my eating habits etc. Going back on speed is not the answer, just read some of the recent relapse threads. At almost 4 years you've probably forgotten all about the crushing depression that followed getting clean. There just has to be a better way to get our eating undercontrol.
  5. I had a slip and smoked 2 cigarettes. I can relate a small slip turned into a pretty major ordeal. I think depression is the worst part about Adderall withdrawal.
  6. Hey, Hey sorry to hear about all this. Relapses are horrible. It is not the end of the world. Just do a few things right now. -drink a smootie (Booster Juice whatever) you need food. -get some sleep might be a good day to call in sick -take a large dose of vitamin C kills the high is something I heard once. - drink water lots you are dehydrated. Prepare to crash for a few days. You will be fine, just gonna need to ride this out.
  7. I have a lot of respect for a shrink reading this forum. I would like to know more of your thoughts on our group.
  8. pretty much the only thing I listened to on Adderall was dubstep or shitty trance I would use it to create excel spreadsheets and shit.
  9. Welcome to the forum. I felt pretty much the same at 4 months it gradually gets better ... much better I promise. You may want to consider an anti-D like welbutrin as Krax recommended. Because essentially your adderall use has messed up the part of your brain that makes happy (Dopamine re-uptake inhibitor). Your brain chemistry will re-calibrate as time goes on it is a bit of a process. But little by little you just notice like hey that sunrise made me feel inspired etc. I actually laughed out loud at that episode etc. Little things. It just takes time to re calibrate you mind grapes. At 14 months I feel like I am 80-90% there. Your brain is healing and it needs sleep to perform maintenance tasks. Sleep, watch Netflix, make life easy as possible. Take some time and poke around this site read the articles. Its going to take some time and some work before you start to feel back to your old self. Like the sites slogan says "Surviving the painful but extremely rewarding transition back to your true self" Keep posting here we totally understand.
  10. Take it easy for the 1st little while Netflix is your friend now. Just make life as easy as possible.
  11. I got really into rearranging/installing/removing icons on my phone was something that took hours.
  12. sending prayer and positive things your way.
  13. Welcome to the forum. You are definitely in the right place. After you get some much needed sleep, probably a month or so take some time to read the articles on this site.
  14. Hi welcome to the board. Man you described my experience on Adderall about a year ago. I feel so much better now and you can too! I have some advice about your situation. - your liver pain etc is probably dehydration. But you should probably talk to your doc - Sleep . Get some sleep. The anxiety/paranoia will be more bearable with some zzz - Be careful 220mgs is a hell of a lot. You are moving to OD territory... - the brain damage you referred to is totally reversible, once you get off this stuff the blank feeling will subside. - read the articles on this site. - drink a smoothie. You probably haven't eaten in days. You are fine. You are a good person who has just got wrapped up in dangerous and stupid drug.
  15. I received my ADD diagnosis in 90's before they called it ADHD. I was prescribed Ritalin in my first year of University. I was on and off Ritalin for most of my college days. After 7 years off all stimulants I went back on after some career pressure. I started using Concerta which I used as prescribed for many years. Until I changed up my meds to Adderall, which kinda made me crazy. ADHD is a real thing. I've developed a number of coping skills over the years most of which I forgot while I was on Adderall and I kind of feel like I am relearning them. I have a lot of trouble focusing when I need to and my environment my office is a crazy mess. Somehow I get things done (I run a freelance web development/advertising service). I am sorta successful. I don't take anything other than a multivitamin. But I think if I was back in a corporate environment I might try Straterra. Hard to say my adderall experience was a pretty dramatic one and I'm just giving the 100% Organic Mind Grapes thing a go for the time being. I stopped anti-ds 3 months ago. Honestly I think ADHD isnt a disorder it is a difference in cognitive ability. Just figure out what you are really good at and focus on that delegate the rest. Just my two cents and I should follow my own advice sometime.
  16. When on Adderall I spent my life at the office. Basically doing admin work, stuff I should of passed off to my assistant, who was useless. In order to keep my sales numbers up i had to do everything. I was doing lots of cool stuff in my field but I was obsessed with volume . I need to have big wins every month. The design team hated me because I was a slave driver constantly pitching innovation in a production oriented environment. When I got fired it was because of a lot of drama I created and I was always undermining my boss.
  17. Excel spreadsheets. Formatting them with special fonts etc.
  18. or at least not question your interactions with people.
  19. During my Adderall Honeymoon. I created some truly brilliant disasters, I have never in my life been so dedicated and focused on fucking everything up. There are many examples, but mostly it involved deploying new filing systems, complex strategies for clients that should have been simple. I was a focused machine the first month I was on adderall I broke sales records etc. The problem came when I was expected to repeat my performance the buzz simply wasn't sustainable. Adderall did help me focus for a time I many strategic errors. I'm relearning focus again without the pills i believe without the pills I am more of a dynamic thinker.
  20. congrats! Thank you for you contributions here.
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