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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Welcome Gimpy. Sounds like you found one of the many useless doctors willing to prescribe whatever. If you are looking to get clean this is a good place to start. Take some time to read some of the articles and stories on this site.
  2. Adderall is a pretty terrible diet plan. Focus on eating smart /excising/good self care. The weight will take care of it self. Weightloss is just one of the many lies Adderall tells.
  3. Congrats man! Have a great Christmas!
  4. Welcome to the board! Your symptoms after 6 month of quitting sound like depression. Which i pretty common in the first year. Check out the articles on this site. Welcome you've found a good group of people to help you sort this out.
  5. QuittingAdderall.com operates at a cost of roughly $1000 yearly and is funded entirely by members like you and me. Please donate to help Quitting Adderall help others. To donate please use the below link to be redirected to a paypal page. http://quittingadderall.com/donate/
  6. Looks like we got hit pretty hard. I've been deleting and banning for about an hour. This clearly a bot or some sort of organized effort of spamming. Please report the spammer. Admins delete and ban these fuckers.
  7. I agree it is frustrating. Every book on ADHD/ADD recommends getting medicated ASAP. Something the books talk about are making lifestyle modifications that support your ADD. Marry the right person and have the right job are 2 of the biggest decisions an ADDer can make. It take time to readjust to life off medication. 2.5 months is still relatively early .
  8. This is pretty normal. You eventually forget, it just happens I can't tell you when it happened for me exactly somewhere around 10-12 months i think. Just do the things you need to do eat right and exercise things will be fine.
  9. if someone buys you 2 for 1 champagne you should probably drink it. Though I wonder if this was real champagne? I went to the pub for dinner and ended up getting pretty wobbly last night.
  10. eventually your subconscious will let go tho it is a powerful obsession. In time you just let it go. Focus on your recovery eating well/ sleeping/ exercising etc and the time will just fly by.
  11. i've done some exercisey stuff this week walking, biking even went to the gym. My diet is still completly out of control.
  12. While you are off adderall find a paper or email you wrote while on Adderall. Re-read them and ask yourself if it was really that brilliant?
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