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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Confirmed tyrant is an awesome show at least the 1st 2,episodes are
  2. Canada day , bikes, fireworks and beer.
  3. question my Canadian pride on Canada day! Why I'm going to give you the most disapproving nod you have ever seen.
  4. I totally agree clearly people are going to do drugs legal or not the only people who benefit by criminalization and prohibition are gangs, cartels Etc. I'm not really a pot smoker or a drug user I really did enjoy speed for awhile but it made my life so shitty I had to make decision.
  5. at the doctors apparently I can get a weed prescription in Canada now. it's weird to see a big pot leaf sign in the lobby. I think the legalization of weed is a good thing because it puts organized crime out of bizness.
  6. Good luck ... Make the best of a tough situation.
  7. Metric beer measurement never mad any sense to me.
  8. Sounds like a good lesson in group dynamics. It's tough when there are different factions at work.
  9. objects in motion tend to stay in motion
  10. I don't think we are at all closed to the idea of NA or SMART. Many of our members participate in NA & Smart meetings. No one understands an Addrall addict like another Adderall fiend. Our group discusses the very specific issues facing adderall addicts in recovery. I think the larger concepts of NA work there way into the general theme of the group. Early on I attended a NA meeting and a few SMART meetings. I found them helpful but QA will always be my home base for Recovery.
  11. All I can recommend is Netflix and a long nap. Day 1 is hard but easy enough to get over lean on your NA group as much as possible.
  12. I think this is what she meant thanks
  13. Netflix and Perrier..putting the ass in class
  14. Watching World Cup soccer drinking Guinness in a proper pub.
  15. When an American calls the self a Yankee what do they mean?
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