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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. My fancy smancy Logitech Internet radio alarm clock makes morning time fun time.
  2. In recovery & Quit Once your descriptions of work life on Adderall were very similar to my own. I eventually got fired from a career job that I loved and invested most of my life in. I still miss my old job , time heals all things but I wish I could've avoided this life lesson.
  3. Been doing. The boot camps 3 times a week and keeping active in between. I'm almost 3 weeks off smokes and more active then ever problem is I'm gaining weight like crazy. Nice wok SweetC, Inrecovery, & Ashley6.
  4. Cold and rainy ... Finally saw the doctor about my stomach issues. I'm pretty sure they are adderall related
  5. Listening to dubstep and eating only jolly ranchers all day while twitching and perfecting your columns in excel. Probably bad
  6. Cutting off your supply by contacting your doctor is a very committed step. Take some time to read the articles on this site you need to wrap your head around the fact that adderall does not make you smarter or more productive.
  7. Its cold and raining here. Hopefully we don't get floods again.
  8. Welcome Matt, Thanks for taking the time to tell your story. It is super important to talk to your doctor before quitting adderall. The crash period can be very dramatic. good luck post here often.
  9. Breath deep inhales high on fresh oxygen I could see the beauty in the world but only for a minute. Poison craving escaping my body. Back to reality back to my struggles recharged
  10. Wordpress is changing and evolving so rapidly. I'm really impressed with how much I can do without writing any code.
  11. I worked the pro bono lounge so I was solving other peoples problems was exhausting.
  12. http://central.wordcamp.org/ so tired
  13. volunteer at wordpress camp. so sleepy
  14. Jump off the cliff build your wings on the way down. Thats the way it is done. Stay close to this community for at least the next few weeks. Read and educate your self as much as possible.
  15. Day 14 no smokes... physical withdrawal is pretty much over but mental withdrawl is still very strong gonna be another difficult week. As well I am gaining weight rapidly. I need to find some reasonable diet plan and stick to it. Gonna get through today. Tomorow is wordpress camp day.
  16. Exercise even light has been the only thing I've found effective in treating depression/anxiety. If anything it provides a temporary real ease/relief. It is worth the investment.
  17. It was an awesome episode tons of action looking forward to the finale. actually not really I want every Sunday to be Game of Thrones. I think I will probably watch season 4 over again after the finale. The story is so dense I feel like if I blink I'm missing something.
  18. Day 13 no smokes. I don't want a smoke I want to stop wanting smokes. looking forward to more focused days this is hard
  19. Welcome back. are you really more productive on adderall. I found after much contemplation and time that I only thought I was more productive on adderall. I spent hours on excel spreadsheets that did not matter and even more time doing useless busy work. Work hard not smart is my new mantra.
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