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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. There seems to to a theme on the board lately... the 16 month slump/plateau.
  2. Yah Blacklist... I just started watching the Westwing on Netflix.. I've never seen it before. Though Blacklist interests me.
  3. The 100 on the 7th episode and its still pretty good. I fully expected it to suck by now.
  4. Hey welcome to the board and thanks for posting. I think you should talk to a doctor or addiction specialist about getting clean. Rehab may be a good option for you. I am really not that familiar with what to do with the pain pills. Thanks for posting!
  5. sleep. You are in the early withdrawl period known as the crash. Sleep as much as possible.
  6. odd- the current russian/ukraine crisis has indirectly effected my business.
  7. 105/130 is pretty damn good justin
  8. I'm a seriously annoyed that a health care professional prescribed this crap after you told them you have a history of abusing stims.
  9. Silicon valley... they should've called that episode Adderall......
  10. Very well said HC/Cassie... I've gained about 25 pounds since adderall also weight loss was one of the reasons I started taking addys/concerta. When I wear a suit & tie strangers on the street or 7/11's stop me to say I look like Drew Carey "before he lost the weight". Which is pretty funny I guess and i know the weight thing is different with women. But I just read the wikipedia page on the drug http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phentermine . Its scarily similar to adderall side effects etc. IMHO I would toss those pills and forget the Japanese porn star diet. *I'm not a doctor. I'm not an expert. I'm just a dude with an opinion and elite google skillz
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