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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Check out this thread agm on side effects http://forum.quittingadderall.com/topic/1764-has-adderall-affected-your-physical-health/ how many do you have?
  2. Robin my heart goes out to u. Every time I have a set back I watch skaeboard videos ... skaters now how to fall and get up and keep trying.
  3. It gets better I promise. Just focus on the important things for now. Since quitting adderall my sock drawer is in complete dis array. I manage to find socks that match everyday tho. The sleepiness subsides in time. Just focus on the high priority items on your to do list for now.
  4. Hi Robin.. one pill doesn't mean a relapse. You can stop now. Your not a square one you are having a lapse no big thing.
  5. I find the hbo episode guides useful to http://viewers-guide.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/season-4/episode-1/map
  6. Welcome to the board. Day 1 sucks it gets a lot better. It is going to take time, prayer, nutrition,meditation and sleep. I would recommend reading the articles on this site and taking it easy for at least the first few months. It is not uncommon to be sleepy in the first stages of recovery. Dont fight it make things as easy as possible for the first little while. You've found a great community of people who are in various stages of getting free so ask questions. We are all on this journey together.
  7. "It's like living in a soft rain of post-it notes." http://www.tickld.com/x/if-your-friends-ever-say-they-have-adhd-just-show-them-this
  8. Thanks Ashley, I think its a positive step. I have been struggling with depression, she pointed out i've never been diagnosed with depression. Sort of a failing of the Canadian medical system. I received my diagnosis from a walk in clinic. So we are going to work on that. I've been in a period of deep introspection for some time now, having an impartial observer on everything will help. Also I believe it will be useful to get a perspective other than this groups (no offense). In the session I talked about 30 things all at once and I mentioned finally I wanted to work on my ADHD... she smiled wryly and knowingly and said "umm yah". So maybe she's a fit I booked another appointment.
  9. I've seen raw lions mane at the oriental market a few times I think I might try making a stirfry with them sometime.
  10. It went ok. The therapist seemed nice enough. I talked about the Adderall a little bit, she seemed to have the opinion that adderall is over prescribed though she didn't say too much about it. She is going to review my profile with a psychologist. Still very early she needs to get to know me. I'm happy I made the decision to go.
  11. Thanks all I don't really know what to expect but i will go with an open mind. Its not very expensive (medicare in Canada has its advantages) so I figure it can't hurt. I will let you know how it goes.
  12. So I've got an appointment to meet with a therapist this Wednesday. I've never really done this before. I need to work on some issues that I used adderall to cover up. Any advice for me going to a therapist for the first time sober?
  13. Welcome dmedici, Adderall is a liar. You are not perfect on Adderall, this mindset is the hardest thing to overcome. You are still early in recovery I'd advise you to read the articles on this site, read some old post and really try to understand what changes are happening in your brain. The focus returns but it takes time and practice.
  14. So true what QUit Once and LilTex said. Recovery is different for everyone for a lot of reasons. I think adderall masks other issues like depression, OCD etc. So when you do get clean those issues come raging back. Listen to your body and do the self care things like sleep hygiene, exercise, nutrition and meditation or some form of spirituality.
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