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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Just a type of loose green tea. Its expensive but really tasty and very easy to prepare if you are new to loose tea. Green tea is like red wine lots of variety,regions, seasons etc.
  2. green tea can give me a boost though its still caffeine its unprocessed like coffee so its a different buzz. Basically less crash. If you got lots of cash pick up some dragon pearls. They are super tasty. A big mistake green tea novices make are preparing it at too high of temperature. 80C/176F is the correct temperature for green tea, boiling water 'burns' the tea.
  3. procrastination is more work than actually just doing it.
  4. i keep thinking about this poem thanku
  5. This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of recovery. Overcoming the Adderall mindset is probably the most difficult thing. It is just a mindset you think you were more productive,organised, smarter on adderall, When I start looking at the brilliant projects I did on Adderall 9 months later they are less brilliant. I really wasn't that productive or brilliant. Also I made catastrophic strategic errors. Your early in your recovery so take it easy try to focus on one thing at a time. It takes time and practice to get things done. Look at completing tasks without adderall as the work you have to do. Focus on the process you are relearning how to focus again and it can be difficult at times. Baby steps, baby steps. You may want to consider anti-depressants. The ability to feel joy, happiness does return. It takes some time adderall really does fuck with your brain chemistry and it takes some time to level off. Your job the work you are doing right now is recovering and its an important task.
  6. Yah its a lot of work watching it. I had to watch episode 5 twice.
  7. good to hear from you Liltex! Winter blues are something I've been battling too. I dunno what I would do without the steamroom and pool near my house.
  8. True Detective is a really dark atmospheric series
  9. i agree with all of your statements. I think in terms of supplements for dopa-mine receptor repair or any supplement that aids a long term healing process don't expect instant results. Really anything in really high doses is toxic, lower doses consistently is the best method for supplements. Especially L-thryosine which I've read should be taken with protein. Pill popping logic doesn't apply here. You won't feel the effects instantly its more of a slow gain. That is a little harder to measure in the short term.
  10. I think the misunderstanding with supplements is you have to take them daily for weeks before you see any noticeable benefits. Also the benefits are incremental. Its hard to feel the positive effect that has built over time. Having a good regimen of supplements and taking them consistently is the key. But taking large doses is a waste of money because your body just gets rid of the excess (notice bright yellow urine).
  11. Depression is the number one occupational hazard of programmer creative types like me, Going on off the anti-d's is not good for my equilibrium. I'm not on a huge dose. Winter blues is pretty common so I've been taking vit-d a lot. I'm somewhat amazed a pill i took nine months ago is still wreaking havok on my equilibrium. Though depression was something I never dealt with pre-adderall. Its positive that I'm recognizing it and dealing with it. I've never done that before hopefully I can shorten the cycles. The last shit week I had was early January.I'm going to clean my apartment tonight and see if that change of state helps.
  12. butt cold here too. Still shitty today doling my best to pull out of the spin. I stopped taking anti-d's a few weeks ago. I think this was a bad idea. I started again today, I had a really long stretch most of February without PAWS symptoms. I pushed myself really hard to get some projects done. Which likely resulted in my crash. The adderall all-nighter mindset, I need to think marthon not sprint. Today is 9 months,
  13. i went a good stretch without one. So I think thats good. I've been making a regular thing of going to the gym. Whether I make an effort at the gym or not I still go.
  14. Bad diet, poor sleep, stress,cigarettes =PAWS day.
  15. I can relate to what you are saying. ADHD means having a race car brain with no brakes. I never "meet" people for coffee sitting still is pure torture. If people want to go for coffee I recommend getting coffee and going for a walk. Sometimes when i get excited and talk to quick people assume I am back on speed. When I mediate I try to focus on finding a middle speed for my work. That perfect steady slot, completing tasks consistently not fast or slow. I've read a number of books on ADHD coping mechanisms diet, exercise, routine and balance are sort of corner stones of managing ADHD. The books also recommend getting medicated so just ignore that chapter. But accepting and harnessing your high energy and making it work for you is key. Finding a job that is fast paced where being a fast paced multitasker is an asset not a liability.
  16. Welcome to the forum. My best advice to you is to read the articles on this site study up on ADHD coping skills. Think of the next six months as Research & Development.
  17. Gym 3 days. Short break from the cold I got a walk in. Been on some crazy deadlines and my routine is fucked.
  18. Occasional, I could of written your post its almost exactly how I feel most days. If it wasn't for hard deadlines I would never get anything done. I sort of abandoned the podormo technique too, tho I find it useful on days when I just can't get going. I think this is where the rubber meets the road in terms of Adderall recovery. I have this written on my bathroom mirror to remind me to keep struggling "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle
  19. So I've been flirting with this cute punk barista at the coffee shop I frequent for a while now. She's been a constant during my almost 9 months of recovery. Though her hair colour changes I can always count on her for a Americano and some intelligent conversation. I've got a bit of a crush on her though I'm likely 10 years her senior and no where near punk enough. I probably should ask her out but I'm chicken shit and really like the coffee there. It got me thinking though, about punk. In a world where it seems like everybody is on some form of psychoactive medication adderall or otherwise. Being sober and not taking anything is counter culture. We are against the grain. Throwing up a giant middle finger to the pharmaceutical industry and being real people again. Freeing our mind grapes. We embody the philosophy that is punk or counter culture. I've given up trying to fit in to the corporate world I once thrived in. I no longer think about most the pointless material shit that kept me up at night a mere 9 months ago. I really don't give a fuck what people think and their endless stream of gossip. I really don't want a new Lexus anymore. Emerging anew from a very painful depression and redefining myself post adderall. I'd like to think of myself as punk, at least on the inside. Anyways a strange rant but I'm in a good mood and inspired by pining all day over a girl who gave me free cookies and discount Americano today. A girl who will never know how much she inspires me and my resolve to stay sober. The below Playlist is inspired by her T-shirts. http://youtu.be/xie6zBYIv9E
  20. pretty spectacular spin out in my car this morning so glad I'm ok and my car is ok. adrenaline!
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