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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Welcome to the forum. Take some time to read some of resources and articles.
  2. Justin I think with work, school, family, church and a really big driveway you earned the right to be tired. Being an overachiever is what got us into to this mess. Take it easy on yourself.
  3. Well I'm honoured to know you. It seems like you are really starting to get together lately, one year is a big accomplishment. In addition to completing your pilots exam. You really are as skateboarders say do'in it.
  4. Reading about Philip Hoffman reminds of just how dangerous a relapse would be, I know there is a big difference between heroin and adderall. But I think when you fall off the wagon it is heluva hard to get back on.
  5. wtg dude. I've enjoyed sharing this Journey with you.
  6. Punch in face Monday. Who wants to go first.
  7. the sleep may be depression related. The depression and Anhedonia (inability to feel joy) are issues every single member of this site struggle with in their first year. I know for me the Depression was a motherfucker, so i went on Anti-D's. The anti-d's are not a magic bullet, and are part of a overall depression strategy. As well I adopted a kitten, which helped a lot . The supplements I take are Vitamin D and Ginko Biablo. **You should talk with your doctor about anti-d's.
  8. Welcome to this forum. It is very common to sleep a lot in the first year of recovery. I've been clean for 8 months, I haven't slept this much since I was toddler. Also the depression is common too, your brain chemistry is recalibrating. You may want to do some research on how dopamine works and strategies for dealing with depression. It sounds like you may be having a PAWS day (Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms) this is pretty common. My advice to you is to empower yourself with information and post here often. Welcome to the struggle!
  9. http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2013/01/09/the-science-of-productivity-animated/
  10. well said. In a way I'm grateful for this struggle. Because I am so much stronger now.
  11. Nice work occasional. I really have to get to gym more. Ice skates purchase mission, didn't work out as planned. I will try tomorrow.
  12. ice is really preventing from walking. I am going to Canadian Tire to get some ice skates. I haven't been skating since I was 12 years old wish me luck.
  13. I think in early recovery sleep, nutrition and netflix are all you should focus on. I don't think the charcoal will do you any good. As you said no easy way out.
  14. Thanks Jon. I really appreciate it. I know your a few weeks behind me. Its really great to celebrate these anniversaries with you. I am happy to share this journey with you.
  15. congrats on shovelling the drive way... we are having a blizzard today I haven't even left the apartment.
  16. 8 months. I think this has been the most challenging month n terms of temptation. My mind grapes feel better and I am really getting back to my old self.
  17. Lol just got an extension the client is really happy with the product and some what apologetic of one of his internal resources dropping the ball. After all my freaking out I may actually make the deadline.
  18. a profile of a good friend of mine made by her husband. Inspiring to see people doin'it.
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