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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Been walking a lot and running on the treadmill. I have no idea how many miles I've logged but its more than 12.
  2. It is a really brutal addiction. I know early on I was really angry at the pharmaceutical industry. Eventually you get over the anger.
  3. The depression that follows recovery is really difficult you may want to consider talking to your doctor about anti-d's. I wouldn't beat yourself up over the relapse. It happens, you probably now have some strategies for the next quit. Sounds to me like you hit the depression wall. Adderall fucks with your brain chemistry and when you get clean your brain chemistry takes a while to recalibrate. I'm seven months out and really starting feel like depression is now manageable. I was on anti-d's for a while and I may go back on them. I'm not thrilled about being on more pills but the depression was horrible and I couldn't function.
  4. Mike its great to hear from you. As almost 7 month guy still battling. I love hearing success stories! I like the ebook idea. A practical guide as to what to expect especially in the later months/years. Also a definitive nutrition supplement guide would be helpful. There are a lot of varying opinions, I really do think the supplement approach needs more study. Just out of curiosity what does it cost to keep this site up and running? I will do my best to do a few more funding drives a few times a year. All the smart meetings I've gone to ask for donations I don't know why this place should be different. I would hate to see advertising on this site. Also Sebastian the one thing I did to combat depression that really helped was adopting a cat.
  5. Motivation U-Toobes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV9uM3TLWag Motivational peaches <http://www.youtube.com/embed/PQrV80Z6zw4
  6. With 4 days left in 2014 I'm taking some time to set some goals and visualize where I want to be a year from now. 2013 has been a motherfucker, withdrawal, recovery, job loss and a breakup. I have not slept and cried so much since I was a toddler. Buttttt I am moving forward. We have to move forward, momentum is everything. Keep pushing and fighting for every inch. A full recovery is possible in fact you are making a full recovery right now. Every day, every minute synapses are happening, your brain is rebooting coming online. We will overcome this. 2013 redefined us, the civil war in our mind has defined us. Adderall took everything from me, and everyday i'm taking it back by force. Decide what you want and lets make 2014 comeback story of or lives. 2014 HTFU
  7. This article may help http://quittingadderall.com/dr-jekylls-hangover/
  8. It's history stems from England servants, maids etc would get a box from there employer and get the day off. Because they worked xmas day doing servant things. In modern times its a little like Black Friday in US, good deals on TVs and the occasional mall trampling. Crowds and shopping are not my thing so its just another day off.
  9. I've spoken with him on email once or twice in regard to moderating the site. It would be nice to hear a post from him, I've read some of his old posts which are brilliant. I believe he's 5 years + sober so I think he's living proof that we get over it eventually and don't need the support. Proof that a full recovery is possible. Most NA/SMART meetings pass the hat once and while to cover costs. This site costs $500-$1000 yearly to operate so contributing $5-$20 isn't too much to ask. The site is advertisement free and a life line for people seeking help and understanding their addiction to Adderall and the lengthy recovery process.
  10. well to be fair my friend admits that he was a bully when he wasn't sober. He has changed and meeting with me was part of making amends. It has been one of the bright spots in 2013, being somewhat of a loner in high school I have no friends from high school. People and not things top the list of things I am thankful for in my Post Adderall life .
  11. Congrats on one year! I'm 7 months along. The only advice I can give you is to try Melatonin and a good sleepy time tea for better sleep. Thank-you for posting a positive story. I'm amazed you still have the pills on your desk. I would have totally relapsed but I was more of a fiend user than you. At any rate toss the pills they've expired any how.
  12. I'm happy to report that "The Bully" has been a really good friend to me over the last few months. He has really acted like a sponsor for me. Reconnecting with him has been great comfort to me. He wants to get back into RC car racing I am looking forward to this new hobby.
  13. Christmas eve... going to the pub ... fuck it.
  14. Thanks I plan on sticking with it. I too had a breakup early on and know depression all to well. The last few months I've been able to crawl out it. Adderall destroyed everything in my life,so I am building a new life now. Though I struggle I am grateful for this opportunity to start again. Stories like yours give me a immense amount of hope.
  15. Wow your 2 years ago described me 7 months ago. Except I was a psycho boyfriend. Tho I still struggle with motivation and have the occasional PAWS day. I'm feel way better and I'm a much more chilled out dude than when I was on Adderall.
  16. Thank- you so much for posting. It is so good to hear a success story. There have been a lot of day one posts lately, likely because school is done for xmas. Congratulations!
  17. Welcome aboard. Sounds like you are really struggling with your addiction. I would recommend reading all the materials on this on this site. You may want to check out an NA or SMART recovery meeting. Everybody get clean differently. Arm your self with information, the more you understand why you "love" Adderall and how it effects your mind. You'll begin to understand how to get clean. The process of getting clean isn't easy...but its a lot easier than the hell you live in now. Post here often and let us know how you are doing. We are all here to support each other.
  18. I did about 8miles on a treadmill this week. Too damn cold to go outside
  19. ADD is not a disorder it is a difference in cognitive abilities.
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