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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Yah, understandable. I know I felt that way some days, my post Adderall breakup certainly didn't help. Laying in bed all day doesn't help either you need to get up walk, run or do something mildly physical to clear your head. Might help change your perspective. I really can't give relationship advice because I have limited experience in that department. Tho a change of scene, may be good for your mind grapes. Either way do what makes you the most happy.
  2. Kori, My heart goes out to you I know where you are at. Adderall fucks with your brain chemistry. You are still in the throws of withdrawal. You will level off soon it will feel better. I felt suicidal for a month or two. You may wanna talk to your doctor about anti-D's some vitamin D may help. Your brain chemistry is doing some flip flops. I know its hard but a refill won't solve this Adderall caused this. It gets better it really does. Clean your room because motivation follows action.
  3. good list.. I'd add - poor circulation cold hands and feet - bad breath
  4. experience - a combination of success and failure
  5. I really am as about as ADD as you get. A shrink once told me I was on the higher side of the spectrum. Truly it gives me some amazing abilities. The stimulant approach helped me with some things my paperwork was better when I was on it. But I made so many strategic errors and really fell to pieces when it came to my job Advertising Executive after f'n up a 3 million dollar account I was fired. I am ADD and I did get a buzz off Adderall.
  6. water in my ears - really enjoying my evening swims.
  7. ADHD is not a disorder just a difference in cognitive ability.
  8. Easy does it ! Welcome to the board. We've all been there and are happy to help you through things. Read the articles on the site and post often.
  9. I'm six months Adderall free, early in my recovery I was determined to never take another mood altering pill ever again. However about the 3 month mark my depression was so severe I went to see a Doctor. I was prescribed Zoloft. Its not a cure all, but after about 2 weeks I didn't seem to have such a deep depression. Depression is tricky and anti-ds are just part of the solution. I also adopted a kitten which really helped too.
  10. Calling your doctor and admitting you have an issue is a huge first step. Congrats! Asking you Mom to hide your pills from you is a sure sign your an addict. Withdrawal and recovery are difficult but a whole lot easier than living in the special hell that is Adderall addiction. You can read more what to expect in the early stages of sobriety in the article section of this site. Post often and let us know how you are doing.
  11. HTFU - harden the fuck up... getting shit done today
  12. Welcome to this site. You've found a group of people who totally understand what you are going through. I would encourage you to read through the articles on this site and old forum posts. Prepare to quit. Keep posting. As for your father if he is not ready to quit you can not help him . He really needs to get this place on his own. looking forward to hearing more from you.
  13. re reading http://quittingadderall.com/10-adderall-work-habits-break/
  14. I really can't go back. I was such on colossal fuck up on Adderall. I lost so much so fast, doing Adderall was very costly to me. I was dependent /not addicted to Concerta and didn't abuse it until I started taking Adderall usually when I was out of Adderall. I really have no desire for both. It felt like I broke my brain using Adderall the first few months of early recovery were confusing, sad and very unpleasant. I don't know if I could survive a relapse. Staying on task and managing a small business is what I struggle with now. I want to be able to slip into hyperfocus more regularly is what I crave. Web development is frustrating because there are so many elements so many variables,libraries, multiple contractors. Launching a website is better than sex because 3 months of frustration comes together. In a old post Mike made reference to need to practice doing things over in over again, I guess homework websites are no different from building muscle. Reps and more reps. These are things I struggled with prior to Adderall. Probably why I did it in the 1st place. Plodding forward,work hard,sleep well, exercise, laugh, meditate, hydrate, eat well,green tea and repeat.
  15. - 26 F | -32 this evening. No excuses to go anywhere.
  16. Thanks blesbro. I've been struggling lately with my new project. Just getting started seems to be impossible. I know once I get going things will come into play its just getting going. I've been thinking about Adderall and Concerta a lot lately. But I am more than capable of doing this project. This project is a blessing and can open many doors for me. I need to bring it HTFU .
  17. Never heard that one either. We are experiencing the same weather pattern here in Alberta and my butt is cold. So it makes sense.
  18. One Year! Congrats! Thank you for checking in with us.
  19. just killed a few more. Keep reporting
  20. i'll try that next time still a little new to admin controls
  21. Lol u must really like aluminum casting.
  22. deleted dunno what the deal is with aluminum casting. Please don't click the links it doesn't go anywhere and just encourages them
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