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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. congrats! you are an inspiration to all of us. Thank-you for continuing to post here.
  2. seriously need to give yourself more credit man. You are doing awesome. Almost as good as me ....almost
  3. Adderall Brain: "Not nearly enough. You sleep like 8 hours a day, exercise and spend time with friends" Post Adderall Brain: "Productivity is improving daily. Mind grapes still a little mushy but returing to normal. Remmeber you aren't superman... you never were"
  4. Remembrance Day - thinking about my friends who died for my freedom in Afghanistan
  5. Welcome back. 200mgs sounds like a lot BE CAREFUL! We are here to support you. Post often.
  6. Wow this is pretty much why I got dumped by my ex. I was a pretty self centered bastard on Adderall. Angry about stupid shit and well focused on weird shit. I was always ditching my ex to "work" untill she eventually just grew tired of being alone all the time. I wasn't mean to her, I just ignored her. I sent her letter in August explaining explaining my fucked up behavior. Of all my Adderall regrets this one stings the most. I hope she can forgive me one day and I hope I can forgive myself in time. From my point of view getting dumped was a wake up call. Adderall fucks with your brain chemistry, on behalf of all adderall addicts we are sorry for being mean.
  7. err sorry I didn't realise this post was about healthcare in the US. My apologies for derailling this post
  8. I think this forum and others like it are proof that the pharmaceutical psychiatry model has some flaws. We are guinea pig generation. We are starting to see evidence that all these pills are really fucking people up. I've seen some documentaries linking school shooting to psychotropic drugs. As members of this forum, we have all seen the ugly side of the pharmaceutical industry. From what I can tell someone is getting rich on this epidemic. I want to believe technology will set us free. Drugs will improve etc. But I think that is just my wide eyed, boy meets world enthusiasm. I'm a young soul. Naive and too trusting, I don't want to believe that other people mean others harm or want to profit from misery. Recovery has required me events to question the medical institution. From my experience with quitting Adderall I've noticed some fundamental flaws with the caring professions. 1) Shrink advised me to go on Adderall, even tho I told her I had an issue with Ritalin in the 90's 2) My doctor didnt notice my crazy tweaked out behavior. I can remember filling scripts after multiple all-nighters. 3) Doctor did not tell me Adderall is addictive. 4) My Doctor doesn't believe I am struggling in Recovery. I offered him the URL for this website, he didn't give a shit. 5) Pharmacists (I was double doctoring) let me refill early no problemo. I even got a loyalty points card. These 5 things point to some massive failure and the makings for an epidemic. I can't blame everything on the medical community. I fucked up, I did this. It was a choice I made. Like the choice I made to get clean. To answer your question. Pharmaceuticals are like any technology. We live in era of exponential innovation. My iphone would've blown my mind 10 years ago. As a species we are innovating at a faster and faster rate. Drugs are like any technology in this era of rapid innovation. I've heard of all sorts of new street drugs in the last few years Crocodile tears, Bath Salts, Meth, E,Special K to name a few that didn't exist when I was I teen (I'm from a small town maybe they did exist). Someone will continue to get rich selling increasingly more advanced pharmaceuticals, to be consumed by people just like us seeking a competitive edge, a way to cope or on doctors orders. Einstein said technology is not inherently good or evil. Positive innovations do come from big pharma. The eradication of polio to name one. Keep posting we are the resistance. This site gives me hope for humanity daily. We exist on this forum without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias. We are a diverse group of people telling the ugly truth about adderall and providing tools and advice for recovery that doctors, pill makers don't.
  9. The brain is a muscle. Do mental push ups. Chess, read, learn new things.
  10. outta memory... laptop issues maybe its the SSD drive I installed tweaked out... meh.
  11. A few years ago I lost about 60 pounds working with a personal trainer. I went from scary obese to chubby, people still stop me at gas stations to tell me I look like Drew Carey. I developed some healthy eating habits. The 2 biggest rule I live by now is 'Thou shall not eat anything that comes out of a window' , no drive through anything.
  12. Welcome! We are here for you. If you decide to quit, prepare a game plan. Its difficult but not impossible and very worth while!
  13. Sounds like you are doing great. I don't have as much time as you but I know how you feel. I dont think if we've permanently damaged our mind grapes. I just think we are recovering from an injury and it will take time to repair. It really sucks that there is very little science on recovering from this epidemic. I'm always up for a game of online chess if you want to do some rehabilitation.
  14. ADHD is real. The science for treating it is bad. It should not be classified as a disorder but as a difference in cognitive ability. The current pharmaceutical model that so many psychologists and doctors follow is FUCKED. Imagine the world if Woody Allen (ADHD for sure) had been prescribed adderall. Rise up and smash your pill bottles and free your mind grapes. Fidget, scribble and wiggle sitting still is for suckers. * please consult a doctor. advice presented by zerokewl may not be right for everyone.
  15. Stopping Adderall could be life changing in the most amazing way. Imagine....
  16. My hope will never die. http://youtu.be/rtgjjGQDf-c
  17. well said. I have to believe that "it" returns stronger than ever before. Once we rearrange our mind grapes.
  18. changes -When the fear of "things staying the same" exceeds the fear of "failure," stuff happens.
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