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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. @kori I think i've seen both those documentaries 5 times . Check out the VICE magazine series Epicdly later'd there are some episodes here http://www.vice.com/en_ca/epicly-later-d more on you tube Lots of stories of recovery and redemption.
  2. Binging on your meds? This means you are hooked. We've all been there. I used to look forward to refill day like christmas. We are here for you. Jon makes a good point cutting off the supply is a good 1st step if you really want to quit. Its hell getting clean but its also hell using.
  3. Welcome to the board itsTime. Congrats on 2 days you are making those first crucial steps. Adderall is a colossal mind fuck the emotions you are feeling are a symptom of withdrawal. Sleep and Netflix should be your best friends for the next little while. Your brain needs sleep to repair. Remember you won't be thinking clearly for a little while. Your brain is starting to experience a shortage in dopamine. There are various stages to the withdrawal clearly defined in the articles on this site. Read the articles and read them again. As the sites tagline states "Surviving the painful but extremely rewarding transition back to your true self" Jon & Justin W is dropping all sorts of truth bombs. You need to do this for you. We are here to help. Just take it a day at a time for right now. Post regularly.
  4. @ashley@jonUgg I remember those moments staring at your self in the mirror and thinking "I am so fucked up right now" @ashely I couldn't say it better "The idea that creative endeavor and mind-altering substances are entwined is one of the great pop-intellectual myths of our time. Substance abusing writers are just substance abusers -- common garden-variety drunks and druggies, in other words." -Stephen King
  5. Sleepy cycle lasted about 2 months for me I was battling concerta,Adderall and severe depression. My last few months of Addy's I was in a severe binge cycle. So it took a long time to level off.
  6. Well your going through hell for a good cause. Friends and family may not understand you its important to post here. Maybe you can share some of the articles on this site so your friends/family can get a greater understanding. Sleep/Netflix is the best remedy right now. Your emotions are withdrawal. Its not easy to do but tell your brain to "Fuck off! its just the withdrawal talking" is a useful exercise. Praying for you.
  7. inspiring man. First snow of the year in my City today. I will start hitting the gym as my winter routine. I'm gonna post a before in after pic in six months. I've had alot of digestive issues since quitting. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't cause me issues is a broccoli and chicken stir fry. When i was on adderall I ate infrequently and binged every 4 days or so.
  8. I have ADHD and got addicted to stims. It really did help me focus at first so I thought it was helping. I completely spiralled outta control on it rather quickly. Early in my recovery I was really angry that a doctor and a shrink turned me into a junkie. The best way to deal with ADHD is diet and exercise and some techniques/habits . I think history will remember prescribing amphetamines for ADHD the way history remembers blood letting.
  9. You really are a great writer Jon. Expressing gratitude is such an important part of recovery. Also sounds like you are doing better mentally your writing is more positive.
  10. This is a big step. I know when I started telling friends and family it was a big step forward. My parents were really supportive when I was deeply depressed. Getting clean has brought me closer to my family.
  11. Art, long walks, playing with cat, cycling, movies. Lots of stuff.
  12. Welcome you're at the right place.
  13. well welcome back! I know I tried quitting a few times before this time almost 5 month. It's not easy but it so worth it. Read all the resources you can on this site attend a NA or SMART meeting. You are starting a brand new amazing life. Mediate on the person you want to be once you've completed this process.
  14. @RemindMyself - I haven't twitched since I used. @Jon 4 months!!!! Amazing! Congrats.
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