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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. happy - Something occurred to me the other day walking home from the library yesterday. I'm Happy. My new life , post Adderall, post advertising exec. Is a happy new life.
  2. Thanks for posting. I was fired from a career due to my Adderall addiction and if the double doctoring, multi pharmacies and buying the illegally caught up with me I suspect I would be in some kind of legal trouble. Thankfully I didn't get caught. Chasing script caused me to make some dumb decisions. Your not alone.
  3. ADHD is a difference is cognition not a disorder.
  4. Adderall free benefit. Not being freezing cold all winter. Just got back from a walk in -13 C | 9 F I kind of enjoyed it.
  5. Lol when I was using I thought this site was developed by drug companies to study the effects of quitting or part of someone's phd thesis paper. If you want to get paranoid start reading up on Big Pharma, that's the real conspiracy. Welcome aboard thanks for posting.
  6. fear of failure is irrational. Because by being afraid to try you've failed. Adderall addiction is a mind fuck. The first few days of withdrawl are pretty sleepy. One of the suggestions in the literature on this site (which I strongly recommend you read), is to take a pill holiday for just one day and see how that goes. Anyways welcome aboard.
  7. Huge step really. I have to walk by old pharmacy everyday and I'm still kind a freaked out by it. Facing it head on is an amazing achievement.
  8. California Dreamin... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foLzP3qQoSY&list=RDUDX2A0gxMjM
  9. Cutting off the supply is a big step! It will take some time but this transition is so worth it. Congrats!!!
  10. Let me start by saying , the way you've described your friend I think he may need medical help. Please consult with a doctor as he sounds very unstable. Addiction to Adderall may be only one of his issues. Search around the forum you will find lots of posts from people improving in there daily lives after quitting. Good luck.
  11. just keep plodding. I can tell in the tone of you posts you are getting better. We are climbing a mountain we don't need to see the top just keep heading up. We will get there.
  12. I think its the same weather system we are experiencing. its 3 kinds of nasty out there. I'm so glad I work from home today.
  13. That's a huge step. Breaking up with Adderall officially. Go for it I say. Congrats on 7 days reward yourself with a nap and netflix
  14. @quit once I will get the tattoo eventually. As far as reflections go I don't have much to say. I landed a major contract for web development it will be my first Adderall free project from start to finish. It is big time career making client it can mean big things for me. The due date is Jan 31st after being so fucked up all summer unable to function in any capacity. I just want to work now and get back to life. Its been horrible but the worst has past. 2013 was terrible but 2014 will be amazing I'm just setting up for success now. Thank you for your support I would be lost without this place. I don't think I fully understood the severity of my addiction before I found this place. 6 months is still early days but I am feeling good and more confident then ever. Today isn't a really an epic victory just a mile marker on a journey that isn't over. I still have much to do.
  15. keep fighting the good fight. Lunax is right try not to pay any attention to what your brain is telling you. Your Brain is essentially in withdrawal and is sending some crazy signals out. Sleep is your friend right now.
  16. So I'm almost at the 1/2 year mark. I want to get a small tattoo on my wrist, as a reminder to not make this mistake again. I want something small like a star maybe an * just so I never forget how dearly I've paid for my sobriety.
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