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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. You are an inspiration. Completing a semester without Adderall is an amazing the achievement. Completing the semester surrounded by a bunch of tweakers even more amazing.
  2. I felt the same way when I found this site. I had no idea how to get clean before I came here. Mid twenties is a great time to be figuring out who you are. This shit aint easy, but I think you realize life on Adderall isn't possible either. The choice is yours, we are here to help each other. Reach out as often as you need.
  3. Yah I totally know what you mean. Non- Adderall people don't get it, to be honest I thought I would be much better now. I am way better than when I was using. The Tony Robbins stuff helps because we are building new lives. I've found more faith in this process reading from the article section the last few weeks check out Dr. Jekyl's hangover. Just keep moving forward momentum is everything.
  4. You described me about this time last year being exhausted and not being able to sleep, or running out of pills and being a puddle on the couch. It is such a crazy train of ups and downs and needing more and more pills to just function. Ending the vicious cycle isn't easy. But continuing as an addy-junkie is a different kind of hell. Read up in the article section on what to expect in first few months. You will need to plan your quit, when you crash you will have no energy for a month or two. You may want to take a few less classes next semester. I know this all sounds scary but once you get free of this stuff your mind will open up and some remarkable things will begin to happen. I'm almost seven months along for me the first 4 months were brutal. Without the great people on this site to guide me through the early days I wouldn't have made it. Post here often and let us know how you are doing. The best thing you can do know is read up on everything you can and prepare to quit. Welcome aboard!
  5. What you've described is something I experience every so often. I'm really trying to make exercise, supplements and proper self care a priority but my energy can still be pretty low some days. I'm almost 7 months clean. The last few weeks I've been craving that energy bump. I've "self identified" as an addict so I literally would have to drive to another province to get a prescription. Lately to combat it I've been: 1) listening to Tony Robbins You-tube videos. I know it sounds lame and I would never admit to it anywhere but here but it helps. 2) Also larger doses of Vitamin D 5000mgs during the darker months are helpful. 3) Ginko Biablo 4) Monster Energy Drinks Call of Duty edition Let me know what your tricks are I could use a few more in my arsenal.
  6. Congrats. You are through the worst.
  7. Hello and welcome to the board. Check out the articles section, there is lots of information on finding your energy and motivation again. Please post regularly and let us know your progress. We are here to help please fell free to lean on us.
  8. diving board- forgot how much fun that was
  9. Hey with only a few till Christmas. I think it would be nice to donate a few bucks to the ongoing maintenance of the site. I'm sure Mike the founder of the site would appreciate a little assistance and holiday cheer. You can Donate to the site using the donate button . or here http://quittingadderall.com/donate/
  10. Lol I've been listening to Tony Robbins type stuff today. I'm a little amped up. I may earn my self a "warning point" lol
  11. Fuck this analogy. We've all paid and paid. If Adderall is a loan shark cap his ass gangster. I'm the loan shark now I want my life back. Where's my money and the interest. Take it back don't let a loan shark run your life.
  12. Best - My best work is not yet done. I do not need Adderall to do good work. I am not my past. I have not "peaked". I've only just begun. HTFU
  13. I too wish I haven't squandered so much time in recovery. Especially in the earlier days I was basically a lump that breathed and ate the occasional breakfast slam at Denny's. Almost seven months a long I still have days spent crashed out on the couch. I feel so much better than I did 6 months ago and so much better than when I was using. Everyday things improve and all those small changes add up. Lately I've been going to gym 4 days a week though I put the minimum effort in. A fit member blesbro advised me to just get in the habit of going to the gym. I swim 20-30 min and sit in the steam room. I'm turning up the intensity and frequency slowly. Gawd damn this is so hard some days... rebuilding your motivation and confidence from zilch. I struggle.
  14. Gawd I needed to read this today. Thank-you.
  15. Amazing! Congrats on 2 years.
  16. Ashley gives some solid advice here. You are a true friend. You may want to point her towards this site when she ready to quit.
  17. reading- and re-reading the article section on this site is very helpful
  18. Congrats! Welcome! I would recommend you read some of the articles on the site that have to do with developing healthy work habits. Also this a great time to start going to the gym or some form of exercise. You may want to participate in the 30 day challenge thread. I'm almost seven months sober and while difficult at times this process is worth while. Please post often and let us know how you are doing.
  19. Sounds like you are having a hard time of things. My heart goes out to you. Sounds like the pills are making you crazy. But also like life is a motherfucker right now. Welcome to the board a place filled with people who get it. Adderall addiction is a tough place to be in. If you would like to quit I recommend going through the article section of this site and reading some old posts. You will need to prepare for the crash that follows. Good luck please post often and let us know how you are doing.
  20. permission - to live my life again and move on.
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