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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. anxiety... just work it will come together
  2. Welcome to the suck. It gets better I promise. For now try to coast through life don't make any big plans. Durring this period I watched a lot of Netflix and slept. I really had to force my self to do anything. Motivation Follows Action. Essentially your brain is recalibrating for normal levels of dopamine. It's really the worst part of the withdrawl and the most confusing. This why alot of people relapse without support. When the darkness passes the first rays of light will be glorious.
  3. Tessa InRecovery is dropping truth bombs all over the place. Please seek help.
  4. stinkin thinkin -You really can't please everyone.. thats one of the reasons we got into this mess
  5. Go Riders - Grey Cup Champs! http://www.cbc.ca/sports-content/football/cfl/game/1315279/recap/
  6. My wake up calls included getting fired, geting dumped and spinning so out of control I woke up after a binger asking myself How did I get here? What the fuck happened to my life! I am still rebuilding and cleaning up my mess. I hit rock bottom particularily hard. The depression can be horrible. Manage it best you can. For me the thing that really helped was adopting a kitten.
  7. this thread is all about unfiltered ADHD madness impossible to hijack !
  8. You really do have a handle on what a mindfuck this thing is. It will take some time but you will get there
  9. LEARN MORE LESS STUDYING http://www.scotthyoung.com/lmslvidcourse/
  10. Also feel like a freight train trying to get started
  11. Minnesota shares a border with Alberta my province I imagine winter is pretty much the same for you. We've already got a ton of snow.
  12. wow seems like some pretty hardcore stuff.
  13. yah thats pretty much my plan is to just show up and do stuff for the next 2 months. I'll avoid the weights and just do push ups and stuff until i can do a couple orientations. I'll try some different gyms and stuff just to keep it different.
  14. Well three days later I made it to the gym for the first time since I took adderall. I've been walking and cycling and taking advantage of the weather...another blizard hit today. Winter is going to be a motherfucker this year. So I headed off to the gym /pool. I think I have to do it more than once every six months to feel any positive effect. Just trying to get into the routine then I can start crushing it and saying things like "bro do u even lift'
  15. maybe start doing some mental push ups by taking a free Coursea class just to get practice. What classes are you going to take?
  16. Hack ur Brain http://lifehacker.com/5747213/how-to-hack-your-brain
  17. Just a thread to post articles and jokes
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