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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. I really had no choice. Adderall was destroying me. What I wasn't prepared for was the long recovery process.
  2. sciencesucess, great post. The only piece of advice I have for you regarding your newsletter is to half ass it and get done. Then go take a nap. It doesn't need to be epic it just needs to be done.
  3. Quit-once, I agree the addy+cig relationship was a strong one. I had actually quit smoking for a year, was starting to get in good shape and had some pretty good life balance going on then I decided to try adderall. Within a month I was smoking again and the whole life balance thing was completely outta whack. That was 2 years ago. From what I remember quitting smoking was such a huge accomplishment for my health, self esteem, finances and overall my thinking was clearer. I've tried to quit a few times in the last 5 months , every time resulted in being in bed for 3 days straight and feeling really down. I will quit. I need to take a stand.
  4. Thanks for asking JustinW. I am doing great. The cat really helped me with my deep depression. I've keeping busy with freelance work. I'm coming on 5 months. Still smoking cigaretts i need to deal with that sooner than later. Buttttt I'm addy free and starting to see a real future.
  5. failure means u are trying... keep trying.
  6. err maybe i need to attend more than 3 meetings before I start posting about it. You are right Cassie And Jon and thanks for calling me on it. My apologies.
  7. Lol thats normal. Early in recovery your mind grapes are really fucked. Mental fog, anger, depression, similar to being bopolar
  8. Sobriety takes some getting use to, I'm starting to forget what it was like to be on adderall. That warm rush and the feeling I will finish everything today. But there are so many things I don't miss. Like exhaustion from binges, cold hand, clenched teeth, bad breath, numbness, anti-social activity etc etc. From my perspective 4.5 months clean it is totally worth it and I will never touch it again. Just prepare for your quit, make your first month as easy as possible. Sleep will be your best medicine for the first month so adjust your schedule accordingly.
  9. just my 2 cents but your boyfriend needs to help himself. Being supportive is great I wish my now ex-girlfriend was as understanding as you are, but he will need to do this himself. Recovering from addy's is a supersonic mind-fuck. Getting through the first couple months involves some inward reflection and rebuilding ones inner confidence. I believe I am getting mentally stronger because of this experience. Encourage him to have his own outlet that doesn't involve you somehow.
  10. Its really up to you. Something I learned in SMART is to ask yourself " Am I taking this to get high? Or am I taking this to aid my recovery? " Be careful do your research. WHen I started taking adderall I thought the withdrawal period would be about a month according to the data I read.
  11. Anger is normal. Anger at the pharmaceutical industry, anger at the time you've wasted, anger at your self and others. It will probably followed my depression/remorse/lethargy. His emotions will be very erratic (up/down) for the first 2-3 months. Adderall really fucks with your brain chemistry and it takes time to level off. Right now he needs rest. Sleeping a lot will be normal.
  12. Welcome back dude, I'm glad to hear the legend is still fighting the orange devils.
  13. Happy (Canadian) Thanks-Giving everyone. Just wanted to say thanks for : QuittingAddderall.com and all its supportive members who've helped me reach 4.4 months of sobriety. I'm also thankful for my new kitten mango, Monster Energy Drinks, my family, HBO, zombies, Netflix, comics and my condo.
  14. Interesting read. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1178151/Stephen-Kings-Real-Horror-Story-How-novelists-addiction-drink-drugs-nearly-killed-him.html "The idea that creative endeavor and mind-altering substances are entwined is one of the great pop-intellectual myths of our time. Substance abusing writers are just substance abusers -- common garden-variety drunks and druggies, in other words. - Steven King
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