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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Stay on course. Might as well try to finish the semester, learning to work,think again is part of the recovery process.
  2. Gooble Gooble- Happy Canadian Thanks-Giving
  3. Take it easy. You've messed with your brain chemistry and its just levelling off. This is the hardest part about recovery is that your emotions are so crazy. 36 days is still early days eventually the ups and downs will be less intense. It just takes time. Try to stay sane. I'm working on month 5 and feeling a lot better. Get plenty of rest, exercise and good food. Post often and let us know how you are doing.
  4. Way to go! Quitting is a big adjustment. Blankets and netflix will be your pal for a few more weeks. Sleep is the best cure right now adjust your schedule accordingly.
  5. Its definitely reversible time heals all things. It will be a major adjustment. There are lots of great materials on this site that will describe the quitting process. Early days are tough but eventually you will return to normal. InRecovery gives some very solid advice "Blankets, Netflix and sleep" You may want to add Xbox.
  6. kitty - picked up a cat yesterday a 3 month old kitten
  7. This is from Seth Godin's book " The Dip" . I think provides a good visual to what you are describing.
  8. ugg 4 months still early days. God this was only supposed to take 6 weeks tops. Well I am moving forward and I think I'm now dealing with issues (self confidence, social anxiety, depression and anger) that we're what lead to my speedy decline. I really do believe I am going to better than ever when this period of my life is done. It is a longer haul than I expected. Thank-you for the book suggestion and summary. I've always been jealous of you literary types, i just don't have a long attention span for books. I do read, just in shorter bites (comics, magazines, web content). Here is my summary of book I've been reading on the topic. "The Little Engine That Could" . http://www.printmag.com/obsessions/watty-pipers-1930-the-little-engine-that-could/ It has some useful coping strategies, like using cognitive behavioural techniques and positive affirmations. The protagonist and his friends overcome an insurmountable obstacle by simply believing in themselves and one another. Peace!
  9. I wish I'd worked more of this plan in September. However I will not give up.
  10. the more I think about it. I was depressed before, after,during and after adderall. Hmm well I'm dealing now.
  11. I'm doing this too! The messages are funny and kinda strange.
  12. Well as a white guy from a small town, I don't think I can give you any advice on rhythm. LOL. 2 months is early days for recovery reviewing some of my old posts I was still very very out of whack. You may want to start with the basics and work up to something more complicated. Early in my recovery I really enjoyed Kayne's latest album and Eminem's Recovery.
  13. <3 <3 Recovery may seem hard , but a life of cold hands, grinding teeth, dehydration and confusion is harder. Start planning a quit. You will need cushions for the crash. There are lots of great articles describing what to expect. We are here.
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