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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. I have to agree with Cassie though I've tried to fight it I've slept alot this year. I'm 10 months out and I feel less tired for longer periods. But I sleep 10 + hours a day. I think its just the body re calibrating to life without adderall etc. Sleep heals your mind grapes so embrace it and try to make life as easy as possible for right now.
  2. depression- im done being your bitch.
  3. I'm still taking pharacetucial drugs post adderall. Advil, zoloft, and the occasional acid reducer. I'm certainly not afraid of pharmaceuticals. What I'm afraid of is doctors who prescribe drugs with little care for their patients. I'm afraid of poorly researched drugs that cause wild side effects.
  4. Congrats Ashley. . Your struggle is being rewarded. Amazing what a difference two years make. Thank-you for your contributions to this site
  5. Good to see you Krax. I agree I avoided anti-D's for the 1st 3-4 months. I had the attitude that I was done with pills etc. Out oif desperation I started taking the Anti d's. I under estimated the depression that follows the withdrawl, I still struggle with it but it is less crippling with the Anti Ds, exercise, nutrition.
  6. I think I knew I needed to stop for quite a long time before I did. I was trapped in a cycle and became very dependent on them. I realized I had a problem when I binging hard on them and I missed a job interview because I crashed. I remember thinking when this script is done thats it. I quit for about a month before I found this community where I was able to understand my brain fog, sleepiness, depression etc. I didn't really think what I was experiencing was withdrawal because adderall is supposed to be legal and stuff. I probably would have had my script(s) refilled if I hadn't found this site one day.
  7. it doesn't come back all at once. You'll sort of slowly but surely gain more energy and endurance. I definitely have more energy than I did 9 months ago. I have way more good days than bad days. But I'm still very lazy and really need to work on motivation. Don't push yourself too hard (this usually reults in a crash) but push yourself a little more daily.
  8. double double (canadian for 2 cream 2 sugar)
  9. Welcome to the board and thank-you for sharing your story. Take some time and read the articles on the site and review old posts. The first few months can be a little rocky so prepare for some crash time. Getting off these things is difficult but extremely rewarding. Quitting after school is done is a solid plan. Keep posting here we have all been through it and few understand the subtle nature of this trap the way we do. Talk to your doctor before going cold turkey.
  10. I would probably on the refill roller coaster. Scoring pills from my buddy to fill the gap. Heading further into psychosis,crazy anger and more and more isolated. The side effects would be worse and I would be upping my dosages. I would be stuck in a dangerous cycle.
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